

huh this place has more Grim than the last time I was here.... Well time to decrease there number a bit" I said as my mouth had as red glow before I released a massive beam that covered a large area of land killing every Grim in it path

I flew around for a few minutes killing everything I sight before three wyverns with four people, two seemed similar to the grim

"WORTHLESS CREATURE HAVE COME TO DIE" I shouted exhaling a massive fireball before the three wyverns tried to counter by firing there own but mine was stronger, so it blasted through there flames forcing the humans to jump of as my blasted encinarted one of the wyverns and took a piece from the other

"weak creatures" I said as I crossed my arms as I felt some movement from the two wyverns as I began to fuse together, creating a creature that was the same size as me

It open its mouth releasing a massive roar before it charges at me as I stayed still and waited as it got closer I sighed and raised my clawer and made it into a fist as I watched the wyvern launch its attack as it turned to bite me but before it could I lowered my fist into it head before I flicked it as it flew straight down and impacted the ground with enough force to created a large earthquake as I immediately shot a beam of silver removing it from the world

"that was annoying" I said as I landed on my back legs

'to why did Tannin walks like this, it's uncomfortable' I thought as I saw a river of black water

'huh' I thought as I got there I coated my hand in silver before I plunged my hand into it

'I see, darkness left a core deep underground, must be why these things keep on spawning, still that wyvern I just killed had abilities I've never seen before and the fusion thing throw me off, it seems this Selam has started with her experiment... I'll need to create something that can destroy them before they become a problem.... Did I just repeat myself ' I thought as I took my hand out as I felt an irritation as I looked down to see the psychopath scorpion

'you caused my uncle some pain in the OG world' I thought as I raised my foot as he quickly jumped away,

"hahaha you slow motherf-" he couldn't finish as I caught him as I sent my darkness into his body before crushed him before throwing him away like the trash he is as I began to shrink down a bit

"ohhh what are you supposed to be, insects, you must be" I said as I laughed at my inside joke, as one of the man, one I had not seen in the show stepped up

"do not speak to my queen like that verm-" he couldn't finish as his body was ripped into pieces

"what a weak creature unable to handle such a weak attack" I said as I turned to the grim queen and her spawn

"you've entered my domain, killed my children and dare to speak to-" she couldn't finish as I slammed my hand down on her crushed her, then I did it a few more times like one would do when stepping on a cockroach that refuses to die

"MOTHER" the spawn shouted as he rushed forward activating his semblance and attacking me from all directions

"huh so it is true you cannot die, but what if.." I said as I lifted my hand as it turned black and silver as I slammed it down again as I charged my darkness and silver

"AAAAAAHHHHHHH" a loud scream of agony as I withdraw as I looked at the half destroyed Salem

"I am the strongest monster created by the God's, if it was my mission I would end you as I did you weaklings, but that was given to someone else, sleep well knowing that you are not worth my time" I said before I disappeared

"ohh Ruby nice of you to drop by" light said as I transformed back into my normal form

"yes its always a pleasure to see you two, so what seems to be the problem" I asked as I crossed my arms

"oh and why do you think there's a problem"

"you only call if you need something done, or to explain"


"it seems that we've found a few interesting things in the ruby network" darkness came in with a note pad

'Ruby network?'

"excuse me" I asked

"yes I thought it would be an easier way to track our worlds and make sure everything is running well" darkness said as I just stood there

"yep millions of years of negotiations really fucked up our system" light add

"anyhow I found a five worlds that shit goddess had a hand in, three are at pieces but these two are not, one is the grimm verse the other is like yours exactly like yours, only differences.... you"

"since we don't want more of yous, we locked you in a way, well other than dxd you, but she's a clone"

"I see, so there are only two of me in the know multi-verse"

"yes, but this world followed yours, very closely, and... "

"the me of this world stayed kind hearted, she was then abused, neglected and isolated never making friends always being blamed, that type of shit" I said as I sighed

"wow, you got that in one go how did" light said as I sighed a second time

"I've always noticed the difference in the OG story and mine, even before me, Tia wasn't so loving as a real father would be, a few other things like school and the general attitude that people had when it came to me and I had a top notch sweat innocent girl mask"


"but if that happened then other me should have snapped on the first day of school, a Ruby's true power comes out once they snap for some reason"

'yep its like a trigger in our heads well mine, but I've noticed that in the show... Ruby held back way back, even make some stupid mistakes that she would never make if fighting grimm, but I snapped when snake bitch kicked the shit out of me'

"sorry about that"

".... nuh it good so what the problem with this one" I asked

"huh that you'll have to find out, I'll need you to give her the pushes she needs" darkness said as I looked at him

"huh I'll get on it" I said as Light and darkness smiled before I was teleported into a dungeon and in front of me was a broken Ruby

'no no no' I said as she was missing bother her legs had scars and open wounds, and one eye missing

'this... what happened to you' I asked as I went to touch her but my hand passed through her

'I'm a ghost here... Doesn't matter'

"it seems that you can see me" I said as I noticed her eye moving following me and the fear coming off her

"to be honest seeing a me in such a state pisses me off" I said as the walls began to crack

"it really really does, so I decided to give you a helping hand, all you have to do is to let hate consume you, only then will you be free" I said to her

"m... M.... My..... S.... S... S-s-sister.... Team will s.... Sa.... Save... M-m-me" she said as I sighed as I went up too her and placed my hand over her forehead sending a bit of my aura into her as I read through her memories

'so she got caught when they met the psychopath scorpion, the team did not broken up so they did it together, they couldn't beat him so Ruby was secrificed as they ran..... There's an Onyx in this world' I thought as I began to get angry the dove in

'Beacon is still standing and.... Damn it she went through so so much, her life is almost on Guts... No two, three tiers below, but even after all she been through... She still has hope and her innocents... Let's replace with hate'

"it seems you forgotten, no you are physical suppressing the memories" I said as she looked at me

"theirs no longer a point to hold all that Ruby, I'll remove that little lock in your little vault" I said as I connected her to the Rose Force as I sent my aura into her mind as her memories began to fluid in

"call for me, once you've accepted the gift" I said as I went into her, it was mainly to stop her mind from shattering, but since I was in her I also had to relive her memories

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Yeah read something along these lines and decided why not

And there where a few ruby fanfiction that had a Ruby capture and most of the Ruby's snapped and could somehow kill everything