
I'm reborn as Harry Potter

Not quite Harry, in a not quite standard situation. The magical world has long since written Potter off as dead, but he's the boy who survived, so there's no getting rid of him that easily. Advanced Chapters: pat reon.com/FanFictionPremium

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46 Chs


This story is almost finished.


Enjoy reading.


- This is even better than I expected! - Veselur was enthusiastically showing off his new office, describing exactly what he was now working with. - Lucius was nowhere near as bad as I expected from what you told me.

It's a good thing Lucius didn't hear it himself. After talking to Amelia, I made arrangements with her for Malfoy's return, who in turn promised to express her support and give her the help she needed. Including financially. Another request I made of Lucius was a job for Veselur. Fortunately, as soon as he learnt that I had a goblin who needed a job, he immediately arranged for him to be the chief accountant in his firm without any questions asked.

Now everyone was happy - Lucius was free of all charges and making a steady profit, Amelia was able to make the right contacts and fill the Ministry's coffers, Veselur was working with the finances again without having to report to other goblins, and I was finally getting some rest.

Fleur and I had just returned from a two-month trip, during which we had visited over a dozen countries, enjoying the beauty of nature, architecture, and each other. After spending so much time with Veela, I realised that I had fallen even more in love, if that was even possible. She only laughed at my statement, but confirmed that she felt similar emotions.

Luckily, Gringotts was able to find me a new solicitor and set up accounts, which allowed me to afford such a trip. On top of that, we've also started building our house, which should be our nest for years to come. Spending time with Fleur and planning my own future life allowed me to let go of all the negativity that had been building up in me over the years and I felt like I was breathing.

I hadn't met up with my former friends and acquaintances, but I was going to meet up with Sirius soon. We'd see what would come of it. Perhaps he would manage to become a part of my life again.

Another piece of happy news for me was the death of Dumbledore. It seemed that the Azkaban environment and the influence of the Dementors, as well as the lack of the necessary potions, had accelerated the curse's effects. If rumours were to be believed, by the time of his death, almost Albus' entire body had turned black. Fawkes never once attempted to break through to get his master out. Despite all the crimes of the former Headmaster of Hogwarts, many mages still mourned for him. Some even tried to blame Amelia, that it was because of her that the great wizard passed away. But thankfully, such were in the minority.

After returning from Veselur's to the flat where we now lived, I grabbed Fleur and apparated to Hogsmeade. It was Sunday, which meant we could see Luna and see how she was doing. I'd introduced them before the holiday, but we hadn't been able to talk properly then, because literally every student in Hogsmeade was staring at me like I was an Inferi. Hopefully, the situation had calmed down in the past two months.

When I arrived near the Sweet Kingdom, I led Fleur through the streets of the village, breathing in the spring air and watching the students running from shop to shop. Aside from Luna, I looked for my former friends in the crowd to avoid bumping into them. I didn't want to spoil my mood at all. Luckily, we found the blonde first. She was standing alone and studying a shop window when I leaned in close to her ear and said quietly:

- 'If you really want something, you can try to negotiate with the Nargles, and then they'll help you get it.

She turned around in surprise and smiled and hugged me tightly, then did the same to Fleur.

- Harry, Fleur, it's good to see you!

- Just Harry? No more Gurry Plitters? Or whatever the correct term is, I can't remember anymore.

Luna laughed and led us towards our favourite bench, explaining on the way that Fleur would need a nickname then too. The Frenchwoman politely declined, assuring us that she was quite happy with her own name, and then asked about the latest news.

Back in the country, we familiarised ourselves with what was happening here, and I was convinced how right Amelia's choice as Minister had been. She had been able to make many changes in such a short time, including taking a serious look at the issue of pre-school education for wizards from non-wizarding families, not only to prepare them for entry into the world, but also to make sure they were treated properly. Major changes in the teaching staff and the Hogwarts curriculum were planned for the summer, so students would regret not paying enough attention to their studies.

- All is quiet at Hogwarts," Luna said, her feet wiggling as usual. - Professor McGonagall is doing a much better job as Headmaster than Professor Dumbledore. She's also staying on as Transfiguration teacher and Dean of Gryffindor, but that's only until the end of the year. There's a lot of brainwashing going on around her, but she doesn't seem to notice it. There are some changes planned for the summer, but I don't know what they are. After all, you're the one who's friends with Minister Bones, Harry, so you know best.

Last time we met, I was a little worried about how Fleur would react to Luna's unusual speeches, but it turns out they've known each other since the Tournament and hit it off right away.

- I don't know anything yet," I shrugged, "we just got back, I haven't seen Amelia yet.

- Where have you been, what have you seen? I want to go somewhere too. In the summer my dad and I are going to Denmark to see the biggest community of mermaids. But summer is a long time away.

Fleur immediately started talking about our holiday, remembering all the amazing things that had happened to us. For me, the most unusual was meeting a small group of Indian magicians in Calcutta. Each of them was a serpentist, and when I told them that I used to have this knowledge but it had disappeared over time, they helped me to regain the skill. It turned out that if I had ever spoken to snakes, it only took a little magic to remind me exactly how to do it. So from now on I was once again a true dark mage according to the local population.

I decided to put the skill to the test soon by breaking into the Chamber of Secrets. Perhaps I could salvage some ingredients left by the basilisk, or just look for hidden rooms. Hogwarts didn't evoke such negativity in me anymore. After carrying around bad memories for so long, I was able to almost get rid of them, and now it was not uncommon for me to remember something pleasant about the castle. Like the amazing ceiling of the Great Hall, or the cosy evenings in the Gryffindor common room. Besides, there was no old man in the castle now, which meant it was much safer.

Listening to the girls' conversation, I hurriedly stepped in when Fleur started to tell me exactly what we were doing in the Indian Ocean, sailing away from the rest of the humans.

- What are your plans, Harry? - Luna thankfully didn't give it much thought, changing the subject.

- We're building a house now, and when we're done we'll get settled in, and we'll be sure to expect you at the housewarming party. And if you're talking about work, I don't even know. I'm thinking of starting my own business, but Fleur doesn't like the idea. So we're still thinking about it.

- What do you think, Fleur? - Luna happily agreed to visit our new house when it's finished and shifted her gaze to my fiancée.

- Harry's exaggerating," she stretched out, looking at me like I was the biggest liar. - I just don't think it's fair to sell Harry Potter stuff. Whatever segment of the market he's in, he'll pull in all the customers, leaving the rest of us out of work. Even if he had the worst products in the world, everyone would still want to buy something that the Dark Lord's victor had a hand in creating.

Luna and I laughed, realising that she had a point.

- That's why I think," Fleur continued, "that Harry should first take care of his education, pass his exams, wait for his wedding, give his bride the most unforgettable honeymoon in the world, and then think about a job.

- You know, Harry, Fleur has beaten you to the punch," Luna said. - From now on, I declare that she is the one in charge of smart ideas in your family.

Fleur squared her shoulders proudly, looking at me mockingly.

- I'm glad someone noticed," she said, hugging Luna.

- That's fine," I pretended to be offended. - She beat me in a duel, and now I can't even get a giant squid to perform at our wedding.

Luna laughed in surprise at this picture, and Fleur was even prouder, not mentioning that she had defeated me in a completely dishonourable manner. We had fought on a deserted beach, and at some point she had simply unbuttoned the top of her swimming costume, letting it fall. Of course, I immediately forgot all about the fight, which she took advantage of.

After chatting for nearly another hour, we agreed to meet up the following Sunday, after which we said goodbye to Luna and headed off to our flat. Dobby had not only managed to tidy the place up during our absence, but had also helped the Bones' housekeeper rebuild their home. At first I didn't want to burden him with too much work, but then it became clear that a housekeeper gets bored without work. And when he's bored, he shows up every three minutes, waiting for instructions. It doesn't matter where we are at that moment. When Dobby appeared next to the narrow cable car we were on in the Alps and immediately flew down from a great height, I realised that I was ready to give him any job to do, as long as it was something to keep him busy.

It was now evident that this work had done him good, for he looked calm and contented, so I did not yet devise a new challenge for the elf.

After eating dinner and enjoying each other's company on the home bed, Fleur and I went to bed. I was pleased that the day had gone much better than I could have expected. I hadn't met anyone I didn't want to see, and all my friends were doing well. Tomorrow I would go to the Ministry and talk to Amelia, with whom we had only exchanged a couple of letters in the past. Maybe she can help me pass my fifth year exams without having to go back to Hogwarts. If so, I'd have to get serious about my studies, since I was definitely behind my peers in some subjects.

And then I could go out with Fleur in the evening. My plans were so ordinary that I still couldn't believe it. As I fell asleep, I once again thanked Death for giving me this second chance.


- Thank him in person," Death said, sitting across from me. - Did you think I'd forgotten about you?

- Honestly, I did. I figured since I'd done what I had to do, you weren't interested in me anymore.

- That's partly true, Harry, but only partly. For instance, I didn't thank you for what you did. You did me a big favour by bringing Riddle in, so thank you. Secondly, you have questions about my gifts, and I can answer them. I'm sorry I didn't get back to you sooner - I've been a bit busy.

Wondering what Death could be doing for more than two months, I decided not to ask him. And he, though he must have read it in my mind, didn't react.

- You don't have to thank me," I said. - I did what I had to do. As for your gifts, the wand scared me a little before, but it's fine now, and unfortunately the robe is in disrepair.

- Yes, I saw that moment. - He snapped his fingers and my invisibility robe appeared on the table in front of us, with a noticeable slit near my left shoulder. Another click, and the robe looked like new again. Death waved his hand and it disappeared. The whole thing took him no more than three seconds. - Here, use it, and let it remain in your lineage. As for the wand, no need to worry. It was just getting used to its new owner, testing his magical potential. The wand will obey you without question, you can be sure of that.

- Well, thank you very much. And thank you for bringing me back to life. I think I've found myself in this world, and that's pretty damn good.

- Speaking of resurrection. I hope you haven't forgotten that you still owe me a debt. Sooner or later, I might need it.

I nodded, remembering that perfectly well. For the first few days after defeating Riddle, I'd fallen asleep with some apprehension that I might wake up in a completely different place, but as time went on, I stopped worrying, deciding that if it was going to happen, it was bound to happen. Besides, he brought me back to life and gave me another chance - for that I'm willing to do anything.

- That's fine. I'll see you later, Harry. It's been a pleasure watching you. Maybe someday I'll get to see you thrashing around again.

I said goodbye and opened my eyes in my bed. Fleur, snuggled against my side, was smiling contentedly in her sleep, and I kissed her nose lightly, which made her wrinkle her nose.

I pulled the blanket back, snuggled her tighter, and fell back asleep, confident that I was ready for anything as long as she was with me.