
I'm Pretty Average, I think(On Hold)

A weeb in the 25th century was very excited about the release of the next installation of his favourite vr game "Babylon." He wasn't a die hard fanatic of the game just a casual player. {All chapters shall be free} {Cover is mine and Webnovels. I think}

Cpal_Yshed · เกม
1 Chs

Light and greed

<25th century>[Andromeda Galaxy]

I was happier than a 5 year old with perfect parents. All this because I got the 1st edition Vr dream machine but it was for the best game in the world Babylon:IV. I might have been a few months late to the game but this is gonna be an amazing experience.

I got into the machine and activated it. I fell asleep and then I 'woke' up. I appeared and started looking around the area. I saw a cat sitting on a chair looking all sophisticated and shit.

*You have entered the library of Alkivia. Health has been boosted by 1000% and regeneration has been boosted to 2000p/s.*

"Hello there cosmic traveler. It seems you have been summoned by our God. He has given you the choice of free will. The summoning allows each person a class of their affinity and a set{3 skills} of skills suited to the class so be wise."The cat looked at me with his peering eyes but I've seen him in the past iterations of the game.

"Woah."I said as I was looking around the library pulling out random books and feeling them up and sniffing them to test the sense of touch and smell. Hearing was already clear as I heard the cat talk.

"Oh my good it's so amazing to meet you. Mr.Vermillion." I said the cats name and it didn't have a change of expression."Oh shit I hope I can get the Beast of Babylon or is it not out yet. Maybe I can still get the 7 archdemons to contract me. Ughh so many choices." I said spilling all my thoughts out in front of the cat as it grew to have a devious smirk.

"I have something to date that greed of yours. I can give you a contract with Mammon."It said as the library shook and I saw my health bar decrease from 10100 to 1 in a single shot. If it wasn't for the Libraries protection formula I'd be dead.

I fell to the ground under the heavy name of greed. My energy being reduced to zero. I had different statuses inflicted upon me.

*You have heard the name of a higher being. Punishment has been given for hearing his name .*When I saw this text I was honestly scared I wasn't even out of the starter area and I already had a curse on me.

"Oh sorry I forget how weak you humans are."He said as I saw my health bar slowly regenerating 1 point per second with the Libraries boost. My energy just didn't want to regen."How weak thou is really disgusts me just stand up!!"It says yelling at me but no matter how much I tried I couldn't stand up until.

*You have been protected by the spirit of light, Raphael against the dangers of Greedy Mammon.* I saw and my body finally stood up. I put both my hands together and got on my knees."Thank you lord Raphael for your benevolence on me even though I am not one of your people." I said in my most respectful tone.

"You have been blessed by the spirit of light."'Its happening my hero beginnings.'I thought because the spirit of light is known as 1 of the 4 spirits second strongest to the spirit of Space-time. While it wasn't really benevolent it did things to it's own accord.

I quickly looked at the devilish cat just standing there because I still feared what would happen I tried pressing the class of Paladin but I pressed the random button at the top of the screen.

"Ahhh shiiiit."I said in disbelief before i disappeared in mass amounts of light.

Let me explain in each game there is always a random button which chooses out of all the classes(Finite) in existence and skills(Infinite) and some things don't even match like getting a swordsman class and then skills for a Dark mage.

So I knew I royally fucked up.

<Scene change>

\ Abandoned Victory Family Mansion/

I am alive. I knew it Babylon is up to some crazy shit again but this gives me a better chance at contacting Brynhilde the war goddess and queen of the Lummis kingdom as the country and my family were allies.

Alright hears an explanation.

Lucian Victory is the character I reincarnated into the last living member of the Victorious family of the Stellar Kingdom. Born with a boost in his victory he was probably the worst character to be born in. He also had a buff appearance and looked like Rugal Bernstein from KoF.

Why? Because he is a target of Heaven and Hell for having mass amounts of luck and victory. 'Well I'm duchally fucked.' I thought as I opened my status screen.

<Welcome to Babylon hope you have a great stay>The screen said before it showed me the screen



Name:Lucian Victory




Moner:5 Large platinum

100 Massive Gold=1 small Platinum

1000 Massive silver=1 small gold

10000 Massive Bronzes=100 Medium silver

Title:Victorious One

{Boosts luck by 3 stages}


{Allows for Affinity to light magic and a hero core}



LV1:0/100 Exp

















-Psyco energy


-Light Affinity


-Full force fighter

[Always punch with the force of 100 megatons no matter what]

{Boosts:+50% Str and -30% Dmg Reduction}




{Allows resistance to all things fate}



{Allows resistance to some things time}



{Allows resistance to some things space}


"So it seems I have some form of resistance to fate and all things considered. I am happy with that because without it no matter the path I went I would have to go through Lucian's trials which I don't want even if it's for a reality bending ability. The 72 demon gods are just that busted." I talked to myself and then dumped all my stats into durability.

I stood up and walked away from the house and looked for a lake and I found one not too far from the mansion. As I was walking I was practicing light magic.

■Kokual(Shine)■ I said as a bright ball of light activated next to me illuminating the place I'm walking and it only took 1 try. I got into a stance that I could remember as kung fu and my body corrected it to me with my hands in the average fighting stance. I threw a punch at a tree and tried infusing it with psycho energy and mana which made my punch increase in force nearly up rooting all the trees in the direction of my fist.

{You have slain 10 birds. 10 exp has been awarded.}

"Woah. I am already this strong. I'm still pretty lacking if the demon gods are lore accurate then they can wipe out a continent with only a quarter of them. For reference a Babylonian Continent at its smallest is equal to the planet earth in size which is massive." I said to my self as I tried multiple things like firing light beams and using telekinesis with psycho power.

I was walking all the way to the nearest town which is Reul territory my family's rival who took our land and it was 1000 km away

I was starting to get tired though sleep is week a fighter like me can beat this easily. I was up all night just walking all the way to the town and I got there at sun rise. I looked at the peaceful town and didn't notice any players which isn't suspicious as us 'Immortals' are banned from Reul territory.

I walked to town and the guard blocked my path. "Immortals are banned." One said. "Leave and never come back." the other said. I lifted my hand over to him and said."Oh I didn't know but I still don't remember asking for such an insignificant person's opinion."I said this straight to his face and he almost lost and I just walked away.

I was already on bad terms with the whole cast that is the Reuls what would I gain from being nice to him and his civilians I thought." I looked at the wall turned around and went to the forest for further strengthening of Lucians body for better use of full force.

I went to the forest and the moment I entered I punched the shit out of everything in my sight which was only 1 bird.

*A king rank boss has been alerted of your presence and it is of exactly the same level of strength as you. Lv 230.* As I read that I swiped the screen away dismissing it before covering my self in a layer of mana.

*Ding skill mana skin has been gained.

Mana skin



Allows the user a reduction of all the damage (10%) coming their way and resistances against most{30%}.* I read before I raised my hands to block a hit from a club falling on me.


Do y'all think I should continue this power stones if yes Golden tickets if no