
I'm only human...

Kenji Mahiko's sister is kidnapped by none other than vampires, how is Kenji gonna deal with these supernatural creatures?

Gangy221 · อื่นๆ
1 Chs


"We should've aborted, this was a mistake," said a woman standing in front of a church standing over a baby that was wrapped in cloth.

The man standing next to him sighed, "Shut up, let's just go, stop second-guessing."

With that sentence, the man and woman walked away never looking back at the child they just abandoned in front of a church.

The next day one of the nuns heard some crying outside when she was drying some clothes outside, she was surprised to see a baby wrapped in cloth bawling his eyes out.

The nun looked around and picked up the baby, looking down at the baby in her arms, she was presented with an Asian baby who was so chubby and cute that the nun was stunned for a second. "Kenji," said the nun looking at the name tag that was dangling from the baby's neck.

5 years later...

"KENJI! NO RUNNING!" yelled the head nun.

Kenji slowed down and began walking to the library, "I wasn't running," mocked Kenji.

"I heard that."

"Sorry," said Kenji quickly as he sped walk to the library.

Looking at the entrance, Kenji went to his spot, which was in the corner of the library where the shelves conceal him almost perfectly.

"100 books, I guess it is time to upgrade to the public library," said Kenji to himself. Kenji walked out of the library yawning, seeing that nobody was around, he slowly went to the kitchen. Opening the kitchen slowly, Kenji smiled.

'They forgot to lock the door, tch, noobs' thought Kenji moving closer to a cupboard. Opening the cupboard, there lay the most heavenly food ever. NUTELLA, grabbing some bread, Kenji slowly took 2 slices out and quietly put the bread back.

Using his homemade knife, he spread the Nutella evenly between his two slices. Washing his knife, Kenji began to chow down on the bread. After finishing his dessert, Kenji went to his room and fell into a deep sleep.

10 years go by in a blink of an eye...

Kenji is now 15, he has moved out of the church but not before giving the head priest a surprise that allowed the church to fix its problems. Kenji has moved out into Mystic Falls, he found a very low-priced house near Mystic Falls.

After gaining enough money, Kenji bought it and moved out. He took the bus and while in the city, he bought a car that he used to arrive at his residence which was just a cabin near the woods. Unloading his luggage, he went up the stairs *Creak*

Making his way into the house, Kenji put his luggage down, then he put on a mask and some gloves. "Cleaning time."

10 hours later, passing out on the couch he found in the woods. Kenji felt a bit more relieved that the house won't just collapse on him when he is sleeping. "Damn, I forgot to buy food, I'll get it in town tomorrow, I think I've done enough."

Taking a nap, Kenji had another weird dream about a caveman fighting a tiger with his bare hands. Waking up, Kenji brushed his teeth and got on some clothes. Walking out of his house, he was about to enter his truck when he saw a blood trail.

The trail crossed his front yard into the forest, Kenji focused very hard and sniffed the air, "The smell of blood is faint."

Following the blood, 10 minutes into the forest, Kenji found a tree that was hollowed out and someone sleeping there.

Slowly walking towards the unknown body, Kenji saw that it was a girl, and she looked 6 or 7. Making his way toward the girl, Kenji noticed that she was in a bad condition. She was shivering and it seems that she lost too much blood.

Reaching the girl, Kenji saw that she was passed out, she was wearing a shirt and shorts, and most of her bleeding came from claw marks.

Picking her up, Kenji went back to his house, "I guess the grocery run is canceled."

Laying her onto his creaky bed, Kenji went to fetch some fruits and water, a minute later Kenji came back to the girl hiding in the corner of the bed. It seems she was afraid, Kenji slowly approached the girl.

Noticing the strange boy in front of her, the girl grabbed some scissors and lunged toward Kenji. Moving out of the way, the girl smacked herself onto the wall making an indent. Kenji was a bit curious, how did she make that indent when she weighs so little?

The girl, seeing that Kenji dodged, spun and threw the scissors aiming for Kenji's private parts. Reaching down, Kenji caught the scissors and set it down. The girl wasted no time and lunged at Kenji like a feral animal.

Closing his eyes, Kenji opened them back up to reveal a Tiger's eye. Taking a deep breath, Kenji roared so loud that the little girl stopped mid-air and dropped onto the bed.

Whimpering, the little girl looked up at Kenji with fear, "It seems this girl is just like an animal," Kenji commented.

Pointing at himself, he said, "Me, Kenji Mahiko, you?" He then points at the girl who points at herself.

Shaking her head, Kenji nodded, "Then, I name you, Rika."

The little girl understood somewhat, Kenji then patted her head. She smiled. Kenji twitched his lips and then decided to smile.

From that day on, Kenji took care of Rika as if she was his own sister, he taught her English, manners, and many more human things.

4 years went by...

Kenji is now 19 and what does he do on his birthday? Nothing, he just sat on the couch eating Doritos. Rika is of course 11, which means she has to go to school and be normal like the other kids.

Kenji signed her up, and she was quite mad as she wants to be lazy and watch TV all day long. Kenji finally convinced her using the power of friendship.

She folded as one should, and Rika finally went to school.

Dropping her off at her school, Kenji on the ride home celebrated like a madman and almost crashed into a bus, but luckily his instincts are so sharp. *Skrrt!*

Arriving at his house, Kenji walked into his house that now has two rooms instead of one like before. Unlocking the door, and walking into his room. He plopped back in bed and began dreaming.

(Near the school Rika's attending)

"Shut up b*tch, your just a mistake, but now we have use of you," said a concealed individual that was covering the mouth of Rika. She tried to bite his hand but it felt like biting metal so she stopped.

"I have the package," said the concealed individual to a black SUV that opened up and Rika was forced into the SUV.

"Haha! I didn't think this mission was so easy, considering she has killed a lot of people, but she just let us take her."

"Shut up, this little rascal will become our weapon, once we have everything set. We will not fear the Mikaelsons nor the other races."

4 hours later...

*Beep* *Smash* "Damn, I broke another alarm, I guess I have to buy it again."

Waking up, Kenji rubbed his eyes and got into his car. Driving towards the school, Kenji waited, and waited. No Rika, "Where is she at?" asked Kenji towards a teacher who was leaving the premise.


"Rika, She is a white girl with bags under her eyes," said Kenji.

"Oh, her, I saw that she left early but I also saw a Black SUV. I didn't want to say this to a parent but, I think she got kidnapped..."

"Where did this Black SUV park?"

"Oh, over here, just around this corner."

Seeing the tracks of the Black SUV, Kenji could tell what happened, just by the marks on the floor and the way the grass is. "Thank you, you may leave."

Leaving quickly the teacher did, Kenji began searching all around the school. Sniffing the air, Kenji found one faint smell, of perfume that Rika bought after she saved up her allowance. It was 2 dollars every week.

Kenji followed the scent, the scent lead him to a factory that was abandoned. Walking into the building, Kenji jumped to the nearest window and opened it. The bad guys never lock their windows, everyone knows this.

Sneaking in, Kenji went into ninja mode and became very silent and shadowy. Making his way into the scent of his sister's location Kenji was very slow and methodical. Opening the door, Kenji dropped onto the floor.

He saw nothing at first but then he was hit with 100 darts at the same time. Falling onto the ground almost passing out. The leader of this group approached Kenji and bent down to his eye-level saying, "Man, look at you, you look like a dart board, oh what the heck, just go to sleep already."


Darkness was all Kenji felt, 10 hours later, he woke up to a headache. "Where am I?" Looking around, he saw that he was in the middle of a forest. "Goddammit!" he yelled with ferocity.

Kenji begins to have flashbacks of him and Rika. Flashback ends, Kenji gets up and remembers. Remember, your past lives...