
I'm Lucky To Have You Here

*Book Cover Art by my friend, Jen.* “Jiang Shiyi, how many people have confessed to you?” Jiang Shiyi took a minute to think about it, and as she’s about to give an answer, she could feel the dark cold atmosphere forming around her. “It seems like there’s a lot!” Jiang Shiyi quickly laughs it off, “of course not!” … … “Ye Nanchen! It’s my turn to ask you now!” As Jiang Shiyi looks at him with stern eyes. Ye Nanchen looks at Jiang Shiyi with caring and loving eyes, “You're the only and only one that I’ve confessed to.” Main Characters: Jiang Shiyi aka Tian Dou, Ye Nanchen

Theshadow · สมัยใหม่
6 Chs

Instructor Ye

Even though Jiang Shiyi says she was fine, her parents want to be sure she's really okay, so they went to the hospital.

After all the work and stuff, they finally got back home. 

… … 

Finally three days have passed, and school has officially started. 

"Shiyi! How was your break?" her roommate, Qiao Yanxin came up to her and asked. 

Jiang Shiyi lives in a dorm since her house is pretty far from college. And Qiao Yanxin is one of her roommates that she lives with. 

"It was pretty good, pretty much stayed home and relaxed!" Jiang Shiyi says. 

"What? You didn't go out and have fun?" Qiao Yanxin asks with her eyes open as if she heard something shocking. 

Jiang Shiyi doesn't like staying out too much during the summer. The number reason is the heat. Unless she really has to, she would rather stay indoors. 

"How about you? I heard that you went to Sanya? Jiang Shiyi asks as she notices the tanline on her. 

Speaking of Sanya, Qiao Yanxin told her everything. From the beaches, to the foods, and then to the guys. 

"I even got a few numbers. If you want, I can pass one or two to you," Qiao Yanxi says with a smirk. 

But Jiang Shiyi was on a different topic instead. "Really? How does the food taste? How come you didn't bring back any souvenirs?" Jiang Shiyi says as she pictures all the food that Qiao Yanxi mentions. 

Qiao Yanxi knows that Jiang Shiyi is a foodie, but sometimes she just wonders what's inside her head. 

"Shiyi, is food the only thing that's inside your head right now?" 

"Of course not! But it's just that, the way you mentioned the foods, makes me crave it right now. So how good do they taste?" Jiang Shiyi asks as she salivating. 

… … 

Two hours have passed, and Jiang Shiyi only finished two classes today. She has 3 more classes today, and she already feels so dead. 

"OMG, have you guys heard of the new instructor for military training? He's so handsome!" Two girls passed by Jiang Shiyi while talking about the new instructor. 

"New instructor? Ye Nanchen?" Jiang Shiyi just remembered that Ye Nanchen told her about it a few days ago. 

Jiang Shiyi, who has an hour and a half break, was planning to go get something to eat and take a break before her next class. But after hearing about this, she decided to go check it out. Jiang Shiyi has never seen Ye Nanchen teaching students before. She's a little curious as to how he is while working. 

The first week, the training is inside the college campus. And then the second week will be outside. 

Since this year was both freshman and sophomore, it took Jiang Shiyi some time to search where Ye Nanchen is. 

Plus, everyone is wearing a uniform and that makes it harder for her to find him. 

"Who are you looking for?" a guy came up to ask Jiang Shiyi since she looks lost. 

"Ughh, I'm not looking for anyone," Jiang Shiyi says back shyly. 

The guy doesn't seem to be a student here since he looks quite old. But he's also wearing one of the uniforms. So Jiang Shiyi guessed he could be one of the instructors too. 

And just as she expected, the guy spoke up, "Are you a student here? This area is only for students who have military training. If you're not supposed to be here, please leave this area," he firmly says. 

Jiang Shiyi makes that awkward move, and just as she's about to turn her head back, a voice calls out. 

"What happened?" Ye Nanchen noticed Jiang Shiyi from faraway and decided to come up to see what happened. 

The guy told Ye Nanchen, and Jiang Shiyi just stood there as if she did something wrong and was put on a timeout. 

"I know her," Ye Nanchen says. Once the misunderstanding clears up, the guy just smiles and leaves them alone. 

Ye Nanchen looks at Jiang Shiyi and notices the mark on her neck has faded away. He then looks at her, and warmly smiles. 

"What brings you here?" he asks warmly. 

Jiang Shiyi was planning to just see him faraway or sneakily, but now it seems like she got caught. 

It was the first time that she saw him wearing a military uniform. She looked at him, and then said "I heard people say how you were strict to the students and I came to see." 

Ye Nanchen slightly hits her head, "where did you hear that from?" 

Jiang Shiyi looks at him and then questions him, "Wait, so you're not strict to them? Then, how come when you teach me, you were strict??" 

Ye Nanchen helplessly smiles, "did you eat lunch yet?" 

Talking about food makes Jiang Shiyi starts to feel hunger. She shakes her head, "not yet." 

"Just wait five minutes for me, and we can go have lunch," he says with a smile. 

As Jiang Shiyi waits for him under the shade, a few students walk past her. 

Jiang Shiyi saw them holding sunscreen and an iced water bottle. She knew right away that they're freshmen. From her experience in doing military service, she couldn't hold back to tell them life hacks to survive. 

Ye Nanchen quickly finished his work and went back to find Jiang Shiyii. 

Jiang Shiyi was to focus on talking to the students, and didn't realize that Ye Nanchen came up to her. 

"Shiyi, let's go," Ye Nanchen says. He usually calls her "tian dou," but in front of other people, he calls back her name. 

The students were so glad that Jiang Shiyi told them the tricks and found out that she was their senior. One of the guy who was in the group was gonna ask Jiang Shiyi for her Wechat, but after seeing Ye Nanchen, he didn't have the guts anymore. 

"Instructor Ye!" The group politely says, but Jiang Shiyi could tell that they're scared of him. She faintly smiles and then looks at Ye Nanchen. 

Ye Nanchen nodded, and told them to go eat lunch. 

"Where do you want to go eat?" he asks her. 

"Uhmm, let's just go to the dining hall,"  Jiang Shiyi suggested. But of course, they didn't go to the one that's here since it'll be packed. They walked over to another dining hall at the other side of the campus.