
Chapter One: Marvel and Mercenaries

At ten o'clock at night, New York still looks like a city that never sleeps in the dark.

Neon lights shine everywhere, and they are still bright and visible even in the night sky.

A tall, handsome man in a black cloak flew through the night sky.

Speed was extremely fast, yet he didn't seem to attract anyone's attention, as if he disappeared into the darkness.

In the middle of New York, there is a very conspicuous building marked with Stark Industries' English lettering.

He examined the building carefully, as this was not the first time he had seen this building.

But no matter how many times he saw it, the iconic building and the building's ruler, Tony Stark, stayed with him.

This is not the world he lived in in his previous life, but a Marvel world full of superheroes and supernatural forces.

Unless he has any power, he must consider whether he should hide far away.

After all, New York in the Marvel universe is not something that ordinary people can stay for.

He has to pray for a few more years since ordinary people aren't allowed here. He didn't destroy himself because of a certain purple essence.

Fortunately, he is not an ordinary person without the ability to protect himself in this life.

He awakened the League of Legends Void System, giving him some self-preservation in this dangerous world.

The man flew all the way for a while and landed directly in front of a luxurious estate in Brooklyn.

The man skillfully opened the door with the key and walked in.

At this time, the man's mobile phone was vibrating rapidly.

The man took out his phone and looked at a series of brand-new text messages.

The content of the text message is "Death, deduct five percent of the OEM fee, the rest of the money has been safely transferred to your account, looking forward to the next cooperation."

"Dear Mr. Harvey Amberaka, Zero Technology has transferred 14.25 million to your account."

"Your current balance is 163.24 million."

When Harvey Amberaka saw this scene, he smiled.

If you see a series of zeros on the account, you will be happy.

The man's name was Chu Wei in his previous life, and he was an authentic Celestial Empire person.

Harvey Amberaka is an orphan in this life.

The only person who showed him the slightest kindness was the director of the orphanage.

Although life in the orphanage was not rich and comfortable, it managed to grow him up.

Because he awakened the system two years ago, he was helped by the League of Legends Void System. He also possessed the power of Kazik, the Void Marauder, one of the Void races.

He can cast shadows, he can be invisible, he can easily cut through steel blades, he has amazing physical fitness, and he has almost perverted level jumping power.

Harvey also has the longest lifespan of the League of Legends Void Clan, and most importantly, he has the ability to absorb all substances with energy and thus evolve.

Harvey Amberaka, with his power, certainly can't feel afraid of his own power, or hide his power.

This is the Marvel world, where an ordinary person without power may die at any time in the future due to the battle between heroes, resulting in unexpected disasters.

Therefore, he immediately considered how to make money and improve his life.

With his near-permanent stealth ability, he can enter anywhere silently as long as it is dark.

He does have the ability to directly rob all kinds of rich people and even directly rob banks, but that is illegal.

It's not that Harvey can't reveal his identity, but he doesn't want to deal with the FBI all the time.

In the end, Harvey Amberaka chose to become a mercenary.

As long as he gets the price he wants, he will take the job.

Depending on the mission, this profession can be called a killer or a bodyguard.

Although this is also illegal in a sense, it will not affect his daily life.

After more than two years of mercenary life, his life has been greatly improved.

As he bought many manor houses in full, and he also bought all kinds of food and things he desired, he was better able to provide for himself.

In return, he donated a million dollars to the orphanage.

It's not that more money can't be given, it's just that it's not a kindness to be repaid with life or even for life.

At the end of the day, one million dollars was enough to repay the kindness of those years.

Even in the dark, Harvey was able to see better than he could during the day.

Harvey walked through the long corridor to the living room. He turned on the light, took out a bottle of wine from the wine cabinet, and sat down on the luxurious sofa.

Having poured himself a glass of fine wine, he picked up the tablet and entered a black website onto it.

There are missions to assassinate a big man, or to protect, or even to destroy a place.

In addition to not accepting orders for assassinating Asians, Harvey will consider accepting other orders, even the military's.

The military of various countries is unable to do many things in the open.

Where there is light, there is unsightly darkness that accompanies it.

The military and some wealthy people need agents to deal with some dark things, and the agents are undoubtedly mercenaries who work for money.

Harvey looked at some of the tasks posted on the dark web until he saw a special one.

The mission is to travel to Afghanistan a month later and kill a member of the military. There will be a reward of 10 million, but depending on the extent of the mission, the reward could reach 50 million.

Harvey saw the location of the mission, and the person who posted the bounty knows exactly what the target's itinerary is about.

He glanced at the year 2008 in the lower right corner of the tablet, and immediately knew who the person to be captured by this mission bounty was.

The reward for killing for the protection of the military can amount to up to $5m even if the mission is to kill for protection. This shows that this list is by no means ordinary.

But there are never many outlaws in the world who work for money.

It is no exaggeration to say that the maximum reward of 50 million means that even if multiple people cooperate, as long as they complete this order, they can retire safely.

To get there, Harvey had to work a few orders, but he didn't consider taking them.

On the contrary, Harvey, because he knew that Tony Stark was about to start the journey of Iron Man, was thinking about what insurance he had not bought for those houses under his name.

Harvey has been a mercenary for over two years, except for the beginning. Harvey's follow-up is generally based on a large order. As long as a price is set, everything will be accepted without question.

Of course, in addition to this manor, he would have to deposit 1 million.

In fact, since knowing that this is the Marvel universe and getting the ability, Harvey has been preparing.

Buy shares in Stark Industries, buy a variety of properties and configure a range of insurance.

He knew that after Tony Stark became the Man of Steel, New York would soon become dangerous, and it would also mean that it was time to make money.

With the preparation in place, he could not only claim a large amount of money from the insurance company, but also get material money.

The price he paid was simply to move to his manor house in another city for a while.

Thinking that there would be a lot of money soon, Harvey's face couldn't help but smile.

Iron Man didn't answer the order, and Harvey continued to browse other bounty missions.

A personal contact message came.

"Mr. Shinigami, we have a designated mission for you."

Harvey saw this message thoughtfully.

Although it is not common to designate tasks among mercenaries, as long as the reputation is large enough and the task completion rate is high, there will still be occasional designated orders.

And the remuneration for assigned tasks is often sufficient, because it is calculated according to the mercenary's own rules.

He just completed an order worth 25 million dollars to assassinate a high-ranking Afghan official.

"Since you found me, you should know the price code that designated me, right?"

So Harvey responded.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

There was a black bald head wearing an eye patch who noticed that the Grim Reaper did not ask for details about the task. Instead, he asked if the price was clear. This caused him to feel a sense of supreme superiority, perhaps even arrogance.

Nick Fury certainly investigated this Grim Reaper before contacting him.

The mercenary world does not know who this mercenary, codenamed Death, is and how he appears. Only a few things are known.

The God of Death joined the mercenary world two years ago under the code name "God of Death", and his appearance is always a black cloak, and he only accepts orders over 10 million in size, and he has ridiculously strong strength.

There are undeniably more than 10 million bounty orders that need to be completed from birth to death.

Many mercenaries, even if they work with other peer teams, may not be able to ensure 100% completion, and may fail badly.

After all, sometimes you may be faced with an entire army of up to thousands of people who are fully equipped with firearms.

Or enter a well-protected facility and steal the most confidential documents.

Even when some of his agents join forces, some tasks are difficult to complete.

It doesn't matter how big the order is for this god of death, he will complete it 100%.

No matter how vigilant the target is, how many troops are mobilized to provide defense, and under what protection.

As long as this Grim Reaper takes on the task, the target will mysteriously die at night. He will disappear as if he had some sort of superpower.

It is no exaggeration to say that the Grim Reaper appeared in this world. In just two years, it became a legend that everyone knows in the mercenary world.

In the mercenary world, there is also a rumor that the Grim Reaper will pick up your bounty.

Then you can drink wine leisurely and wait for your purpose to be achieved.

This legendary act, as well as rumors that implied superpowers, reached Nick Fury's ears.

It made Nick Fury think and he wanted to meet Death.

In spite of his efforts, he was unable to discover more specific details about this Grim Reaper than the known news.

If he wishes to contact the Grim Reaper, he must also specify the price of the task, which is 20 million, depending on the difficulty.

And once you let the other party take it, you have to pay 10 million US dollars as a deposit.

Twenty million dollars are in American dollars, not Zimbabwean dollars.

However, Nick Fury also knows that some mercenaries are outlaws, and it is possible to eat black.

When facing a mercenary whose identity and abilities are unknown, and who is likely to possess superpowers, deception and black eating black are definitely not a number one priority.

Despite the fact that it is just 20 million US dollars, even if he wants to move, he has to waste a lot of time and effort lobbying all parties and writing false plans to get the upper echelons to move.

However, if he can promote the Avengers plan and successfully recruit this Grim Reaper, then the price seems reasonable.

After the money was ready, Nick Fury did not immediately contact the Grim Reaper.

Until tonight when the news of the bizarre and violent death of a high-ranking Afghan official came, and the executor was the Grim Reaper.

Nick Fury really made the decision and contacted Death through the dark web.

"Of course I know, and I don't know if my next words will offend you."

"But before we explain the specific tasks and pricing, we hope to meet with you."

"Because the bounty mission I'm going to post is a little special."

Following the completion of this paragraph, Nick Fury hesitated in his heart.

Then Nick Fury waited nervously.

No one knows what the origin of the Grim Reapers is. This has a lot to do with the fact that the Grim Reaper only appears on the dark web.

"As long as the money is in place the time is right."."

Faced with this paragraph, Harvey naturally did not refuse and responded directly.

"So see you tomorrow at three o'clock at this location, is there a problem?"

Nick Fury also sent Death a map location directly after seeing Death's response.


Harvey's eyes flashed when he saw Washington, but he agreed to meet.