
I'm in the heros harem?

"some people fulfill their Hope's and dreams, but most dont. Some give up halfway, and others just dont even try, But me... I'm not giving up"

gates_of_babylon · สมัยใหม่
3 Chs

new body, who dis... oh that's who I am

As Sherrys should floats in the cosmos, a powerful voice echoes out of it.

" I have heard your prayers, my child" The over bearing voice says, but sherry cant hear it right know since she is 'sleeping'.

"Go and find the happiness you couldn't in that other accursed world of yours" The voice reverberates around again.

'GASP' On a fancy bed a beautiful woman with vibrant red and beautiful red eyes startles awake.

"Where am I, this this heaven?" The woman says.

The woman then sits up on the bed and looks around.

"This doesn't look like a pearly gate" the woman whispers to herself. Then she noticed the hair in her face.

"Ugh get this hair out of my face it's in the way..... WAIT HAIR?!" The woman exclaims outloud.

"LADY YUNA, ARE YOU ALRIGHT" A big muscular tanned man rushes through the door.

"AHHHH, WHO ARE YOU?" The red haired woman named Yuna exclaims again.

The knight just tilted his head sideways, then tuna who calmed down did the same.

"Do you not remember me my lady?" The night says in confusion and a little hint of sadness.

"No I do your.... Yeah your that guy" Yuna said in a awkward voice.

"YES MY LADY IM GLAD YOU KNOW ME" the knight exclaimed with a beaming smile....

Yes his name is 'that guy'.

'What the fuck is going on' Yuna says in her mind.

She then looked at the knight and saw a mirror next to him.

Getting up from the bed she walked over to the knight and stood next to him facing the mirror.

She looked at her face, a face that looked like it could be the counterpart to Adonis, with her vibrant red hair that reaches her lower back and the red eyes that look like freshly tinkered rubies.

"AUGHHHH" Suddenly her head started to hurt as a flood of memories forced their way into her head.

"ARE YOU OKAY MY LADY" The big dude had his arms in a position to catch Yuna if she fell.

Yuna then puts her hand on the mirror then and looks at the knight. With new thoughts.

"Yeah I'm fine now big guy, you can go back to your duties" Yuna dismissed the knight.

"Are you sure your fine, My Lady"

"Yes I'm fine, now go back to do your work.

"YES MADEM" The knight salutes Yuna then walks out the door with slow sad steps.

"One more thing, My Lady" The big guy suddenly says.

"Yes, what do you need" Yuna continued.

"You dont hate me right, My Lady"

"No, why would I hate you, I am quite fond of you actually" Yuna replies with her new memories kicking in.

"WUUU~ THANK YOU MY LADY, I WILL FOREVER REMEBR THESE WORDS" The knight suddenly burst out crying and then ran out the door, but not forgetting to shut it on his way out.

'What. The. Fuck' Yuna questions in her mind.

Yuna then goes back to sit down on the bad again and recalls her memories.

"So, my name is Yuna Amakara, and I also have the title 'The one who bathes in the flames' because of my skills with fire magic and the recent battles I have fought in. Ughhh this is so much to take in"

"That's not even the worst part, apparently I'm getting married soon to someone I dont even know. Even with the memories I only know a little about him. Like how he is the hero of this world or somehting" Yuna rants to herself outloud.

"BUT THATS NOT EVEN THE WORST PART, he also has 4 other wives. Just my luck" Yuna keeps ranting to herself.

"But did big guy not see this" tuna says in a more curious tone, looking at the red translucent screen in front of her.


Yuna looks at the bottem of the screen where it reads 'do you want to take the system. [Yes], [No].

Yuna sighs in her heart seeing this and doesn't even hesitate.

"I dont fucking want this, give it to someone else" Yuna says outloud and pick [No] on the system.

"○-○" Another screen pops up on the system.


"No I am not, who are you to tell me what to do"



The system and yuna stare at each other. The. the system changes again.

"Stareing contest"

"The fuck, no I'm not doing that" Yuna retorts.

"3,2,1 GO" the system screen changes again and starts the stareing contest.

Yuna "●□●"

The system "○•○"

Yuna stares intently at the translucent screen in front of her, holding everything back to not blink for 5 minutes.

After 5 minutes have gone by Tina blinks with a tear dropping down her face.

"Fuck you, you stupid screen"

"Integrating into host, wait one moment" the screen changes again.

"0%....43%.....55%...65.....69%...99%...100%, Integration compete congratulations host"

Yuna who is still looking at the screen suddenly hears a voice in her head.

"Hello hoe, oh my bad I mean host. I'm am your personal system" the system said in a very feminine voice.

"You just called me a hoe..."

".... Nuh Uh"

"The fuck you mean 'Nuh Uh'. Ughh, anyway hello system my name is Yuna"

Yuna then get up from the bed and walks over to the wardrobe in the closet in the corner of the room.

'Now that I look at it, IM SO HOT'

While Yuna is getting a good look at herself in the mirror, Big guy is crying in the livingroom with some other servants.


"YEAH, WHY DOES SHE HAVE TO GO TO THE HERO WUUUUU~" another person in the room says.

"Guys you are being way to overly dramatic about this" The last person in the room comments.

""SHUT UP YOU TANGERINE"" Big guy and the other person say at the same time.

"Yall are being way to loud, what if Lady Yuna is being disturbed by the noise" The person that they called Tangerine said.

"Opps, your right, sorry Michael" says the only girl in the room.

"Its fine Makayla, just dont disturb the mistress"

The man called Michael then looked over toward the corner of the room.

Only to find Big guy silently weeping while rocking back and forth there.

"Ughh, Ay you muscular brute, get up and stop crying" The girl named Makayla said.

Big guy takes a moment but gets up and walks slowly over to them.

He then sat on the couch and look at the ground.

"We only have a week until Lady Yuna gets married" Michael says what they all have been thinking.

(Meanwhile in Yunas room)

"God I'm just too perfect"

Yup, Yuna is still checking herself out.