
I'm in Hyrule? - A Zelda Fanfic.

Our main character is reincarnated into a Breath of the Wild/ Tears of the Kingdom mashup—lots of progressive strengthening of MC, possibly a sprinkle of r18 / romance. I can guarantee the story will get better as my writing skills improve. I am also going back and updating older chapters. I encourage all readers to give the first ten chapters a try!

Mctoasty_Jr · วิดีโอเกม
45 Chs

Murder Robot and Floofy

It's not that hard to stop the waterfall.

Actually, the biggest challenge is just getting used to my new water saber powers, not truly growing stronger to stop the massive water feature, a feat that I believed would consume at least another month of my life to accomplish.

I don't even need my saber to create a dry dome under the main waterfall, I could just wave my hand, make some water mana, and form a dome, it's much less effective than using my Aqua Slash, but I could do it.

Oh yeah, I've decided to call this technique Aqua Slash, it's not very creative, but I think my future enemies wouldn't appreciate being killed by a 'wet smack' or 'bubble chop,' and I want to be considorate to them :)

Looking at the beautiful pink Sakura trees in the place that I've called home for the last few months, I decide it's time to leave the alcove. I need to focus on breaking the barrier that is blocking my fire element progress.

Before I leave, though, I want to explore the large cave on the other side of the alcove. I have just been kind of ignoring it since I got here.

I prepare supplies to last me for months, just in case I get stuck, and form a small, levitating ball of fire that I use as a light source.

Floofy and I make our way into the cave, and after a couple of minutes of walking, I realize that the tunnel we are in is bizarrely remaining level, not going downwards, as I would've expected from a cave.

The ceiling of this tunnel remains fifteen feet high, and we have plenty of breathing room to run along the path.

Bats quietly roost on the ceiling of the cave, occasionally letting out chirps, and cave animals occasionally scurry across the rock floor. I see numerous side paths that water flows through, but I remain sprinting in a straight line along this abnormal passageway.

I get tired after an indescribable amount of time running; I estimate that night has fallen outside, so I set up a fire and chew on some dried meat while Floofy happily gnaws on a dead bat, we fall asleep, ready for the next day of spelunking ahead.

When I wake up, I spend another roughly eight hours running and realize that the tunnel is gradually sloping upwards instead of down. This revelation makes me speed up, as I am curious as to why the tunnel is in this strange configuration.

After even more running, I also realize that the tunnel is also becoming more angular; at the beginning of my trek, the cave had much more texture, whereas now the rock formations seem smaller, and the walls are flatter as if I am walking in a manmade structure.

Two power naps later, Floofy is exhausted from all the running, and I have to put him into his dog backpack. Eventually, though, we reach the end.

I smile bitterly at the sight of a dead end, already accepting the fact that I have wasted my time, and turn back around after a sigh.

Suddenly, Floofy barks at me, and I turn back around to see him sniffing at a particular rock in the walk, which I mess with for five minutes before activating a hidden switch in the rock.

A panel of stone on the flat wall at the end of the tunnel sides back, revealing a pin pad full of random symbols.

"Good job Floofy!"

I don't have any idea what the code is, but I don't really care. This isn't a video game, I can just force my way through.

After an hour of Aqua Slashes, I am through the three feet of solid stone to out to the other side. Looking backward, I see that what I cut through is two large doors, probably opened by some elaborate puzzle to find the code to the keypad. Heh, couldn't be me.

I continue up some stairs and into a large atrium lit by what seems to be ancient Sheikah technology. On the far side of the atrium is a little pedestal that I recognize from the games as something Link activates with his Shiekah slate, a powerful piece of technology with many uses to unlock more of the map or new powers.

However, In between me and the pedestal is a dormant guardian, basically an eight-legged laser murder robot that powers up as soon as I take a step into the atrium.

The singular eye of the Guardian opens, surveys the room, and settles on me; a red laser lands on my chest, which I know is a sign that I am about to be blasted by the murder robot's cannon.

I raise my gauntlet and lightning erupts in my hand, jumping between my fingers and palm too fast for my eyes to keep up with. I further support my armored arm by dropping into an athletic stance, preparing to release a massive attack.

When the guardian fires its laser cannon, I shoot off my most powerful Electric Grasp yet, and they collide in the middle of the atrium forming a cloud of dust.

I realize that I have overestimated myself when the laser comes out of the cloud, exploding onto my chest and slamming me into a wall.

I spit out blood, but I can't afford to stay still and recover, an explosion rings out behind me and I throw myself to the side.

The guardian repositions itself to the ceiling, it's eight legs ebemeded firmly into the stone. For the next five minutes, It camps up there, using me as parget practice, sometimes I'm able to get in some shots with my revolver, Mr. Jak, but the metal bullets barely do any damage.

The battle can't go on like this, so I rack my brain for any idea of what I will do, and an idea pops into my mind.

I centralize water mana into my mouth, and mess with it for a couple of seconds before finding the perfect composition of elements. I exhale a large cloud of mist, looking like the final evolution of a vaping 8th grader.

The battlefield in covered in mist, and the Gaurdian can't find me, but it's glowing red eye is a great giveaway to it's location.

I channel mana into my legs and jump up towards the Guardian, my saber sweeps upwards, transforming a powerful geyser, with my other hand, I release a blast of lightning, my eyes turn purple for a second due to the amount of electrical mana flowing through my body, and my birthmarks shine in response to my attacks.

The guardian's metal shell is cracked, and three of it's legs are cut clean off, and it falls to the ground. But the robot is tough, and is still alive... wait are robots alive?

My opponent spins two of it's metal claws, apparently not into psychological conundrums, disperses the mist. I am forced to rush at it, closing the distance before it can resume it's long range barrage.

The Throngler snakes out from the wrist of my gauntlet, and binds two of the Guardian's legs together, the other three legs team up on my sword arm, and one manages to get through, grabbing my torso.

In a moment of inspiration, I pull at the Guardian's leg with my armoured hand, every muscle of my body straining, somehow, I'm able to pull the leg clean off of the robots body.

From there on the fight is much more easily, I keep close, preventing the robot from using it's main weapon, the laser cannon, and I'm eventually able to cut off the remaining legs, with a final slash of my saber, the old robot's red eye fades away, and I fall to the ground, exhausted.

That pedestal better have some good shit.