
I'm gonna love you

On a drunken celebration because she just got her first big job Jennifer and her best friend's little brother Taesan make out but that's okay cause Just when Jennifer goes to her brand new top marketing company she is faced with facing her ex boyfriend Hong Taehyun who happened to dump her on her 21st birthday six years ago, now as her boss and dating her ex best friend Josie things get a little awkward but it's all fine because Josie's ex boyfriend Ji-hoon is back in Seoul after an extended trip in Thailand for his photography and is suddenly showing interest in her. Jennifer's single life is about to get wild and scarier.

Jadielwe · สมัยใหม่
16 Chs


Josie buried her head into his chest as her tears soaked into his shirt. her body trembling in his arms. how could she ever let a second guy break her heart? as much as she wanted to just let it go and forget that he ever existed, she knew she couldn't. She was too stubborn. She couldn't let Jennifer win this one. she couldn't...she just couldn't."Don't go back to her," she whispered. "Just give me another chance, I can change. I can be better than her.""You don't have to change for me, you're perfect the way you are," he murmured, "but I love her. I can't stop my feelings for her."she pulled her head back from his chest and looked up at him. her eyes red and puffy from all the tears. she was beginning to realize that she was fighting a losing battle. he had his mind made up and nothing she said could change it."So," she said, her voice cracking, "that's it then...you're dumping me...""Yes...I'm breaking up with you," he slowly spoke, "I'm really sorry. It's not that I don't love you, I do, but my feelings for her are just, they're too strong.""Just go," she whispered. "Just go back to your pathetic Jennifer. And when you realize how pathetic she really is, don't come running back to me."Her words stung like thorns, and although it was her way of getting back at him for hurting her, she had every right to say them.He didn't even bother to try and argue with her since he knew that they would just end up hurting each other more. He didn't want her to see him weak, so he decided to just leave without so much as another word.=========================================================================================================================

Jennifer sat on her couch playing video games enjoying her Saturday, she loved times like this when she could relax and have peace in her apartment. She saw a few missed calls from Taesan but ignored them as well as from Ji-hoon. She didn't want to talk to either of them as the mere thought of doing so overwhelmed the hell out of her. she sighs picking her phone up realizing it was Yoona calling this time.

"Hello?"Yoona sounded like she was in a loud place which confused Jennifer, she knew Yoona never went out unless it was with her or her boyfriend and Haru was out of town last time she checked."Where are you?""Today is Taesan's 21st birthday, where are you? I told you last week and we tried calling you, he want's you here."She jumps up realizing that he was probably calling her because of that, she looks at herself in the mirror realizing she had to change and get him a gift in less than an hour."Send me the address I will be there in less than an hour.""Are you sure?""Yes, promise."She hangs up running into the bathroom to shower quickly, "I swear I can't catch a break." She thought as she ran out of the shower grabbing her towel and immediately running to find something to wear.After 20 minutes she was dressed and ready to go out, she takes her bag brainstorming what to get the younger boy. she walks out of her apartment pausing when she sees Ji-hoon there, she frowns as she was really not having time for whatever it was he wanted this time."Nice outfit, you got a date tonight?"She ignores the hint of jealousy in his voice shrugging it off seemed like the better thing to do at the moment."It's a friend's birthday actually and I'm super late." She added, "I should get going.""Oh well good have fun at your friends birthday. try not and be too wild."She nods moving to the elevator, "Got it." She was ready to get in when he suddenly grabs her forearm gently."Wait a sec...""Huh?"Ji-hoon leans in close to her and brings his voice down to just above a whisper."Don't go. I want you to spend tonight with me instead of going to your friends birthday."She yanks her arm away looking annoyed, she was already late and now this was happening. Jennifer had patience but it was running out very quickly."Please stop, I have no time for this." He grips her forearm tighter and brings it closer to his body."I said don't go. spend tonight with me."Her eyes widen seeing a side to him she never noticed, this was a situation she had no business being in. Her heart was racing and a unknown feeling entered her body."Let go you're hurting me!"when he hears her yell 'let go' it snaps him out of it. The sudden realization of how tightly he was gripping her arm and the sound of her genuine fear in her voice made him back off immediately.Ji-hoon let go of her arm quickly and looked at her with his heart pounding in his chest."Fuck, I am sorry, I don't know what came over me...""Don't ever come near me again!" She runs towards the stairs using it instead of the elevator wanting to get as far away from him as possible.============================================================================================================On his birthday out of all days she had been ignoring him completely.Taesan knew he shouldn't have built his hopes up but for some reason he thought that because it was his birthday she'd be nicer to him.Instead she left him out in the cold, even when he tried to reach out to her she ignored him as if he didn't exist. There couldn't be anything more soul destroying than someone you care about ignoring you on your birthday."Hey man, cheer up you can't look so gloomy on your birthday." Jin said patting his back.Taesan let out a long breath, his mind and heart heavy. It was difficult to stay in a good mood when the person you care about can't even be bothered to wish you a simple "Happy Birthday"."I'm trying man," Taesan said softly, his best friend knew exactly how he was feeling. "I haven't heard from her and I tried calling her several times. All she's doing now is ignoring me.""You know it's complicated, she's older than you and she has seen you as her own brother so now that you're showing interest in her she's a bit flustered." Jin tried to reason knowing that his best friend had a crush on the older girl for a long time."I don't care about the age difference and she can call me kid all she damn wants," he said angrily. Taesan couldn't believe he was losing his temper like this. "I just want to tell her how I feel." He was beginning to regret ever even being interested in her in the first place. His mood completely changed again, this time it was full of regret and remorse."The worst part is that I really do like her but she doesn't see me the way I see her."As Jin is about to respond Yoona arrives with the birthday cake singing happy birthday to him with Jennifer beside her. The two women had huge smiles on their faces as they sang to him happily. Taesan couldn't help but freeze upon seeing the two of them. "Happy birthday you huge rat." Yoona immediately came to him and hugged him as she usually would, but his eyes were on Jennifer, He couldn't help but stare at her for too long before looking away, feeling his cheeks burning.