
Mia goes to James Corp and meets(?) Kyle

Our charming little MC Mia gets up way too early in anxiety for her interview. She was thinking that she needs to get this job or else soon she would starve and her father would have to die from his illness.She took a bath and dressed in a white blouse along with a light brown skirt and coat to give herself a professional look. She applied light make-up, helped her father eat breakfast and ate some herself and then set out to catch the train to the Corporation building.

As soon as she entered the building she was awed by it's beautiful interior. The place looked more like a five star hotel than a corporation building. On her way to the interview room she accidentally bumped into someone. She was close to tears and about to profusely apologize as she had thought that she bumped into some rich old guy but was surprised when she saw a little boy of age four [2] with light brown hair like hers and heterochromatic eyes(one baby blue other Amber) who was injured near his knee.

She ignored how the eyes looked eerily similar to a certain someone she once knew as her only thoughts were how to help the child as she is a sucker for children.She took the boy to a chair, sat him down and used a handkerchief with some water and antiseptic [1] to ease his pain. She then gave a pill which eased pain.The boy looked at her with a happy smile and said"Thanks you prettty sis. My name is Kyle. What's yours?" He asked the question with such an adorable face that I didn't have the heart to refuse. I told him my first name only though since he did the same. He then hugged me tightly and kept repeating my name like a prayer .I then told him to let me go since I had an interview but he said that I didn't need to go as his father was rich and could give me a job. I gave up after I saw he so dearly wanted me to stay with him and thought what would another failed job be. The only thing that matters is that I am happy.

Doing this was a good choice of her because if she didn't she would have never met the man who haunted her dreams, the man she hated,the CEO of the James Corp-The Ren James- a man with black hair and heterochromatic eyes (one baby blue other Amber). Stupid girl also never realized that only two people in James Corp have heterochromatic eyes.Them being Ren James and his son- Kyle James.

[1]Trust me even I don't know from where she got this stuff. I mean who carries pain-removing pills and antiseptics to an interview?!

[2] Kyle was three last year and the story takes place a year later.