
I'M GOD, SO WHAT? : Former Protagonist is now my side kick ^^

https://discord.gg/eEWTerjxzH For those who wanted to join the discord, feel free but warning you an idiot is running wild there Righteous Master of Villainous Gods If you are interested in the cultivation novel check this one out, initially for a bit long time it's somewhat light and wholesome but as you keep progressing in chapters the characters will also develop and no character will be forgotten and surely you won't be hating why character except for 'protagonists' ^|^ ∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆ For people wanting to help me out there__ dewanshsingh72@paytm painfultruth@axl _________________________________________ Have you been frustrated because the main character of your favourite novel, drama or a movie is just unreasonable and impractical trash? Just because he's the main character he gets a lot of support from world but at same time the supporting characters who are actually good Who actually make some sense are just treated as stepping stones for the main character to shine more brightly Imagine the frustration you feel when your favourite character dies because of the main character's foolish brain and just to make him mature In this cruel world there are only few things that give you relief but what now? Aren't you angry because you can do nothing? Don't you want to smash Main character's face with your fists? Then what if the Gods reincarnate you as your favourite character of the fantasy filled with monsters and magic! The same thing happened with Krish, let's follow him to the world making the protagonist's existence completely dull while becoming God himself He's over powered, he's handsome, he had best back ground, he has over powered friends and family He has the whole army waiting for orders, you think the protagonist has a chance, but Protagonist isn't the only problem There is also a Evil God Krish needs to kill This is the battle The Universe is battlefield A battle between a God vs a God Let's see who wins because fate of existence is in hands of this side character who died for nothing in novel (Guys at least comment and give reviews, it's for free right? You evil people are more shameless than me! I feel like no one is reading my novels and I'm writing for ghosts. I feel happy when someone comments on my work so even if you are pointing out my mistakes please comment and give reviews ^-^)

Painful_truth_ · แฟนตาซี
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319 Chs



With this Klaus along with fairies that obviously weren't visible due to Klaus's authority and Elena who had hidden herself in Klaus's shadow returned to City

"Welcome Klaus!!!"

But just as he exited he was welcomed by peoples in city, many elder and young people even the kids were standing in front of Klaus surrounding him from all sides


Klaus was surprised by sudden actions of City folks and looked visibly confused, Klaus right now wasn't wearing his hood to cover his face

But even with mask his surprised eyes were visible to everyone, seeing Klaus everyone smiled and laughed but Klaus was still confused

"Ya weren't thinking that we will just verbally thank you and be done with it right?"

Suddenly Brock came forward along with Merie and asked Klaus this

Klaus just stood there tilting his head as he thought 'What the fuck is he talking about?'

Next moment Merie caught Klaus's hands and said with bright smile "Mr. the city folks have prepared a gift for you while you were gone!"

With that Merie dragged Klaus's hands along with her, Klaus along with crowd walked to the centre of City

This was the place where adventures guild branch and other important buildings were situated and right now Klaus was in front of some kind of statue that was covered in red clothings

"What is this?"

Klaus questioned still confused with no single clue about what was going on, and then Zoya suddenly appered along with her two kids and said

"Just remove the clothings and know it yourself..."

Klaus looked around him, all of the guys standing there elder, young, kids, adventurers, gaurds or even normal peoples all of them smiling at him

'The fuck is going on? Is it some kind of plot? Did something happened while I was gone for 3 months?....'

[After analysis of the city and peoples here, the possibility of such thing happening is below 0.092%]

'Means no such thing happened, but after reading the atmosphere I feel like they are telling me remove that clothing....'

[Your analysis is 100% correct]

''''''Lord, shall I check what's being the cloth for safety?'''''''

Elena questioned Klaus from shadow with help of telepathy, the Fairies also looked confused,

Fairies have reshaped themselves to 15cm for comfort and they were also curious about the thing behind the clothing

Klaus simply answered Elena with telepathy ''''''No, I don't think City folks will do anything let's just remove the clothing, maybe it's just statue of some famous guy''''''

With this Klaus moved towards the statue, right now Klaus's suit and rob were quite dirty but his face was still clear

Klaus quickly removed the clothing and next moment what came to Klaus's view left him stunned

"What the..."

"Hail the Rosario's Gaurdian!!!!"

"Hail the Archangel of Rosario!!!!"

Klaus's mouth was still opened while others started cheering for Klaus, Klaus was surrounded and hugged by many adventurers he was acquainted with

It was as Klaus had expected, it was indeed a statue but behind that clothing was the whitish statue of Klaus's figure in his suit along with his various pairs of Archangel wings

The statue was very detailed and looked very realistic, Klaus's face wasn't covered by his usual cape and his hairs were shown with great details

Klaus was holding his sword from right hand and his left hand was left in air

Klaus had smug face and confident smile on his face

And on Klaus's back Seraphim's figure as a Elf was also seen holding staff with a grin on face like Klaus

She was also holding her staff with right have as left hand was touching back of her neck, she was wearing the same mage robe as that day

Both of the states were looking extremely badass, same reaction could be seen from all peoples standing there

They were feeling goosebumps just by looking at the statue

And best part about the statues was that they was floating 60 cm above the ground, and Klaus's bended knees made the statue exactly as when Klaus was fighting the Dragon

Below the floating statue was a black marvel stone and the story of Klaus defeating the Dragon was carved into it

Klaus came forward and started reading the story carved in stone

"Because of evil plans of Evil God's worshipper many monsters attacked the City of Dungeons, Rosario

Seeing this all the adventures and gaurds came forward ready to sacrifice their lives but just then the Gaurdian of Rosario along with his companion Seraph

He came forward in front all the peoples of City showing then his broad reliable back and crushed thousands of monsters with his sword

Seraph's magic rivalled that of Sage from legend as she rained comets from sky and like that they managed to annihilate all monsters with others but just then

A evil dragon attacked the city but despite being extremely exhausted, he didn't tried to escape with others and stood in front of City alone facing Dragon

He blocked the Dragon's rage alone and faught in air with his wings like Archangel of God and after 1000s of strike the battle ended with Dragon's Death

And like that 'Deity of Death' protected us!"

Klaus reading this looked at others but they looked quite smug for this and Klaus commented

"Isn't story exaggerated, what's with clash of 1000 strikes with Dragon or Archangel of God?"

But Brock cutted him off saying "What are you talking about stories that will be sung like legends are like that

You may not know but you are already talk of Empire already, noble title is guaranteed for you..."

Klaus scratched his head hearing this and smiled shyly but just then a thought flashed through his mind

"But how did you guys knew that I will be coming back today?"

Brock opened his mouth to answer that but suddenly Sania appeared from crowd and said "About that let me answer you...

Actually today about an hour ago the Giant Tower suddenly started glowing, it was first time in decade that such thing happened

17 Years ago this thing happened when Guildmaster along with his companions cleared the last floor of Giant Tower

So we got to know that someone had cleared the tower and except for you no party or adventurer wasn't even close to 80th floor

And we could only think of you who could clear the Tower with such absurd speed and with achivement

You are now officially second strongest Adventurer, A 9 Star SS Adventurer!!!"

Klaus's adventurers card glowed for a second and now 2 more stars were visible on his card

Klaus smiled happily and shouted "Let's celebrate folks all the bills on me!!!!"

"Hell Yeahhhhhhh!!!"

"That's my guy!"

"Let's have drinking competition party"

"Yeah, let's go for that baldy!?"

"Bald your head"

"Let's go celebrate!"

That night the whole city was covered in light and everyone celebrated the day like a festival,

They were celebrating their joy after series of accident of Stampede, Dragon and then Cultists and now Klaus's new achivement

No one was jealous of Klaus's achivements and everyone felt genuinely happy for Klaus, Klaus was treated like a kid by the peoples there

And like that all the guys and Adventurers slept on the ground after long night of drink, the whole city was covered with peoples in roads sleeping

"The night was fun..."

"Maybe the best one I ever had!"

"Adventurers are quite lively!!!"

"Hmm the wine was good too"

The Fairies and Elena commented as they looked around them in the morning, the sun was just about to rise

"It was indeed fun, the best celebration of my life... but it's time to move I guess...."

Klaus said such words as he stuck a paper of him bidding farewell to the city folks and some other instructions to Zoya, Brock and Sania and moved towards the exit of City

"Klaus are we really going like this, we can stay free more days right?"

"Yeah they will feel sad..."

"It's not very cool way to leave like this..."

The Fairies commented, Elena who was on Klaus's shadow also looked quite dissatisfied by Klaus's action but Klaus replied

"It's indeed not a very cool way to bid farewell... but if I said bye to their face... I don't think I would have let my self leave these folks..."

As Klaus said those words drops of tears fell from his face and he clenched his hands as he moved forward

Klaus slowly covered his presence with help of his authority and none in surrounding was able to notice Klaus's presence and passed through city gates

"Was there someone here just now?"

"I also felt... like a tempest hidden in gust of wind"

The city gaurds commented as Klaus passed the gates with none noticing it

'Tempest hidden in wind? close but he's like the heaven that covered whole sky with his wings...'

Elena thought this as she looked at Klaus's aura and mana she was barely able to notice,

Just a shred of present Klaus's presence was enough to subdue even the strongest beings in this World in just seconds