
I'm an Internet Cafe Owner?

Next to the Sin Archbishop, Natsuki Subaru defeated the invading witch cult by abusing Dodge Roll I-Frames followed by 'Troll's Roar.' On the singularity, Kaede Fujimaru wielded her staff high, using Meteorites of Astel, meteord fall from the sky to defeat the invading monsters. In Black Bullet, Tina fired Ada Wong's Kiss Marked Rocket Launcher, targeting one gastrea per shot. Terra World, 'Heaven Moves All' changed the course of the battle. In the depths of Teyvat's Abyss, 'Surging Tide's Lament' shattered the shield of the Abyss Magr. Though departing the game, I never regretted saving that girl. But before that... "Net manager, add one more hour." "How many times do I have to say it, I'm the owner of this internet cafe, not the net manager." PS: The author has diverse interests, plays all kinds of games, and this book casually includes game and anime Inside the internet cafe, a brawl erupted over the oil field. On campus, some fought for the Alliance, some for the Horde, and some for Demacia. On the battlefield of Terra World, 'Heaven Moves All' changed the course of the battle. In the depths of Teyvat's Abyss, 'Surging Tide's Lament' shattered the shield of the Abyss Mage. Though departing the game, I never regretted saving that girl. But before that... "Net manager, add one more hour." "How many times do I have to say it, I'm the owner of this internet cafe, not the net manager." PS: The author has diverse interests, plays all kinds of games, and this book casually includes game and anime references, but let's avoid starting wars~ ---- Ayo, the thing in my selection from the poll results, the selection for the patreon one is a separate one fron mine. This is an Import from the CN FF translated using Chatgpt and my editing(Please god help me) and enabling easy access for reading. What you get: Anime and game characters playing 'video games' via the internet cafe. Its just that. Dont expect any awesome ending, it ended chill but you get the whole package and fun reading. CN Original name:我只是个网吧老板

Bismarck_Imperia · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
106 Chs

Chapter 106: Internet Cafe and Uncle from Another World

Just when Liu Yuan was going to play the game, there was a small accident. The Witcher 3 could not be put on the shelves normally.

"System, what's going on?"

"The Witcher is a series of games. All games must be purchased together before they can be put on the shelves!"

"In other words, the games I bought at a special price need all of them to be collected in a series before they can be put in the shelves?"

"This is partly the case."

If the system had a material carrier, Liu Yuan would have rolled his eyes at it.

"It's okay, if The Witcher can't be played, Contra can be. That's a good consolation."

Contra is a classic game on the red and white machine. It can be said that the game has been played by those born in the 80s, 90s, and even 00s. The plot of this game is very simple: Aliens invade the earth, and earth warriors fight alone or in pairs to defeat all enemies and finally escape successfully on a plane.

The rewards of this game are also very ordinary, consisting of a few alien guns encountered in the game. It is fun but not very practical. But a game bought for 10,000 is almost like a free game. If you get it for free, don't ask for much. Just start selling it.

After solving the game problem, Liu Yuan continued to teach Yuuna how to meet customer needs and say no to some bad customers.

Although the customers who came so far had all been decent, there was no guarantee that a few troublemakers wouldn't appear. The way to deal with these customers was very simple: break their legs and throw them out.

"Really... break their legs?"

Liu Yuan nodded and said, "Yes, as long as they dare to make trouble, just deal with them in the most ruthless way. Don't worry, no bad customer can resist you."

Takashima Yuuna remembered all of Liu Yuan's explanations. After a week, the branch welcomed the second customer.

The second customer looked young, about 20 years old, but it seemed that due to long-term malnutrition, his appearance was not very good, though generally decent.

As soon as he entered the door, Takashima Yuuna walked up to him.

"Welcome! This is called 4-D Internet Cafe. Here you can play interesting games, learn practical skills, and even do things you can't do in reality. Excuse me, sir, are you interested in giving it a try?"

"Things you can't do? Games? Computer games? Excuse me... are there any Sega games here?"


Takashima Yuuna was stumped by the question.

Sega games? What are those? There are many games in the Internet cafe, but she had never heard of Sega games.

Kisara, who was standing by, heard the question was also at a loss asked Liu Yuan, "Boss, what game is that?"

Liu Yuan shook his head and said, "I've met an old player! Yuuna, come back! I'll take care of this person."

Liu Yuan introduced himself on behalf of Takashima Yuuna, "Unfortunately, there are no Sega games here for the time being, but if you mean Sega game consoles, we can provide purchasing services, though the price is a bit high. Of course, my personal suggestion is that you try other games in this Internet cafe. Many of the games here were born after Sega went bankrupt. And..."

In fact, when he heard that Liu Yuan could help buy Sega consoles, the customer was moved. He was uncomfortable just playing non-Sega games. He was a fanatic fan of Sega, and even more of console games. Playing games on the computer was heresy in his eyes.

But! In order to let the man in front of him buy the Sega console on his behalf, he could still make some sacrifices. He just glanced at the consumption on the screen, which was a bit high, but if he sold a few of the rings on his hand, it would be easy for him to stay here for decades.

If he exchanged a ring for a few Sega consoles, he felt that he could do it.

"In my world, Sega went bankrupt due to poor management and strategic mistakes. But sir, don't you want to witness the birth of the goddess belonging to Sega with your own eyes?"

At this moment, Liu Yuan was shining.

When he heard that Sega went bankrupt, Yousuke Shibazaki felt unwell, but when he heard that Sega had a goddess, he was stunned.

"Sega has a goddess?"

"Of course there is!"

Liu Yuan knew very well that many games in Internet cafes came from the system, and they happened to have a goddess representing the game console 'Sega'.

Coincidentally, Liu Yuan had an introduction about her.

Liu Yuan took out a promotional video. According to the system, this game world is also one of the worlds managed by its immediate superior. And the system clearly stated that if you meet diehard fans of the console, taking this trump card out will definitely make them go online obediently.

That's right!

From the day the Internet cafe was established, the system helped Liu Yuan prepare a backup plan.

When the video was played, Yousuke Shibazaki's face was expressionless at first, then gradually became excited, and in the end, he burst into tears and almost pounced on him.

"Manager! How can I go to this world?"

"It's a pity that you can't go to this world yet, but as long as you surf the Internet here, sooner or later you will meet the goddess of Sega."

"Manager! Excuse me, can you give me a poster of the goddess?"

"Of course, but you have to pay!"

"Manager, is this enough?"

Seeing the ring the man in front of him took out, Liu Yuan carefully compared and analyzed it and replied, "Of course it's enough. After buying the poster, it's enough for you to surf the Internet for a year."

"It doesn't matter! Just give me the poster."


This is a photo of the goddess Neptune in her HDD Form. Her heroic appearance alone can poke a lot of people's XP. What's more, she is also a goddess belonging to Sega fans. The moment he saw her, Yousuke Shibazaki vowed to worship her devoutly every day.

"But, guest, if you want to see the goddess in person one day, you may need to surf the Internet here for a while. If you don't surf the Internet and are identified as a non-customer of this store, you will not be able to come here in the future. For example, purchasing the console or seeing her will become a bubble."

"I will come here on time every day!"

Yousuke Shibazaki's expression was extremely serious. He had set a hundred alarms in his body through the spirits to ensure that he would not miss surfing the Internet every day.

"Then please, guest, surf the Internet to experience the games of this Internet cafe! Believe me, you will fall in love with the games here. Of course, this does not conflict with your eternal love for Sega games. Because the games here are the second 'life,' and the Sega you like is the real console game."

Liu Yuan played word games crazily, but for Yousuke Shibazaki, these were no longer important. He only needed to know two things: that he could buy Sega consoles here and meet Sega's goddess here. At the same time, there was a hidden factor. The people here were all normal, and he would not be treated as an orc.

Go back?

Seriously speaking, he would rather spend money to stay here every day than go back to the world where he would be regarded as an orc.

Want to read advanced chapters? go to my patréon for Chapter 1-220


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