
I'm already wet

"daddy please slow down you are hurting me! Daddy please!!!" I cried louder but it was as if nothing happened. He fucked me till I could feel the pain in my groin. After I was raped by that useless assault, my whole life became miserable till I met my angel who was also killed by my sister and his brother. I went through series of sexual harassment. I was betrayed by my own sister.

Queen_Bjei · สมัยใหม่
28 Chs

I met an angel

The next morning, I woke up very early and prepared my siblings to school like usual. I stayed behind and washed our dirty clothes whilst my dad left for work. Later in the night, he came to my room and had sex with me. At first it was kinda wiered but it became normal and a usual something. We had sex every night, sometimes he even makes me come from school only to fuck me.


I made complain to him that I have missed my first and second period. We did some check ups and realized I was pregnant. I was really scared because I wouldn't like to drop out of school in my final year. I would not be able to face my mates not alone the society. What answers was I going to give them Incase they asked the father of my child, yet I wanted to give birth. Everything seemed to be inexistent for my dad. He did not care about the situation, without a little idea he knew what to do already.

One morning, he asked me to sit in the sofa and wait for him. I saw him entered his room and came out with a small black bottle with a green cover. I stared at him till he handed it over to me.

"What's this and what for?"

I asked.


He answered.

"What for?"

"You are asking too many questions! just do before complain!"

He raised his voice at me.

"No I am not taking this."

I threw it across the room. I stretched my legs and shaked them with my foot tapping the floor and with my elbow on my thighs, my hands moving up and down my whole body. I was confused. I realized my dad had nothing good for me. He passed to the kitchen and brought me water to drink. Without a second thought, I just took it and drank because I was really thirsty. Thirty minutes later, I started feeling dizzy. First I thought it was because of the pregnancy but no...my head was seriously aching and everything appeared blur suddenly. Before it would get serious, I stood up and rushed him.

"Hope it's not what I'm thinking?"

I held the collar of his shirt and shaked him.

"Answer me! Did you put something in the water!"

He was still quiet.

"Tell me you did not poison the water to kill my child! Answer me you bastard!"

"Yes I did! I did! I poured some of the medicine in the water to clear that bastard in your womb! I did it and what can you do about that? You should rather be thanking me instead of standing there talking rubbish!"

He touched my face and spoke softly.

"Baby, listen, do you want your child to be a bastard like you are? Where people will be pointing fingers at her? No tell me, do you want it that way? Oh no!"

He hit himself on the head. He was talking sense in a way but all of a sudden I don't know what came over him.

"Oh damn it! I shouldn't have killed it. I should have made it grow so I would be fucking you plus her. Don't you think it would be nice? Huh, tell me!"

I was completely shattered. I moved backwards slowly with my whole body shaking. I dropped myself back in the sofa and felt some liquid under my thighs. When I got up, I realized the sofa has been soaked with blood. I was already stressed and miserable and the pain I could feel around my nivel was unbearable. I began to shout and cry out of pain. I could not even sit properly. I threw myself across the floor and crawled to the corners of the room.

He looked so scared. I was seeing the fear of me dieing in his eyes. He went out and boarded a taxi. We were heading towards the hospital. Right at the gate, he asked the driver to stop. He brought me out and helped me stand. Immediately the driver left, he dropped me on the floor and fled. He knew very well that after gaining my concience, nothing is going to be good with him.

As I laid down helpless and unwanted, I lost hope. I knew I was going to die by all means.

At the moment, the first thing in my mind was my siblings. How are they going to survive alone. I was scared for Naya the most because she had ulcer and Clara was more than lazy. She could not even prepare rice porridge.

"God please let me live for my siblings' sake"

I prayed.

Just after I prayed, a passing doctor saw me and called for nurses. He knelt down beside me and lifted me in his arms. I couldn't see him clearly because everything was still blur. I could not believe he did that. With much blood on me, his whole shirt was soaked. He was rushing me towards the main hospital when he met some nurses with a carrying bed.

"You should have waited sir. you stained your shirt".

One of the nurses said.

"Is the shirt much more worthier than her life!"

He said angrily. They took me to the emergency ward. They left me in search of my family members.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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