
I'm All The Protagonists ?! (Currently in Arifureta)

Like all those shitty fanfiction I reincarnated But what does that mean the protagonists are lucky only because of me ?! And they are the reason I'm dead ?! Follow me in my quest to take back what is rightfully mine !!! ------------------------------------------------------------------- Multiverse story: 1st World is Arifureta 2nd World will be Solo Leveling(Can change any time) 3rd will be Apotheosis or ATG(Can change any time) Maybe more.... ------------------------------------------------------------------- The tens or so firsts chapters are not the best so please read at least the firsts twenty chapters. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1st: English is not my native language, It's french so don't expect a good English from me 2nd: I'm in my last year of high school so i will only update when i feel like it or have time 3rd: This story will be bad, generic story, overpowered MC, shitty plot, shitty romance, bad scene description, plot hole.... 4th: If you want to say something on my grammar, sentence formation... Do it but tell me why or tell what I need to change for my writing to become better and if possible make this shit readable 5th: It's my first novel/fanfiction, I write it just for fun and because I feel like it.

RaYaNaSh · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
26 Chs

Reisen Labyrinth

AN: Here is the 14th chapter after too much delay. I'm sorry for the lateness but I was too lazy to do anything after my exams.

Also, after this chapter I'll speed up the fanfic so I will leave out a lot of event from the original story. But tell me if there's some things you really want to happen-->


Remaining in the city for three days we relaxed at the inn and took a look at the city. Because it was the first time for them the girls were happy to discover new things, especially the food, although for me it was not that good but for Yue who was sealed for at least three hundred years and Shea who only ate what was in her forest so it was a new experience for them.

Ending our stay, we return to the Reisen Gorge to find the Reisen Labyrinth and it was a pain, looking for the entrance was absolutely annoying but finally after almost a whole day (24h) we finally found the entrance, with a message written on a wall?

—Welcome everyone! Welcome to Miledi Reisen's heart-pounding dungeon~—

"Hmm Hajime are you sure this is here?" Shea said with disbelief in her voice.

"Yeah, it's here. It's just that the personality of Miledi Reisen is very annoying so if anything is annoying or weird it's here normal." I said as I looked at the questioning gaze of Shea.

"If you say so…" She said not really believing me.

I just shrug my shoulders and push the wall; the wall turns and I find myself in a cave at the other side of the wall. Shea and Yue follow me and the moment they enter I hear some clicking sound knowing there will be a trap I release some Wind Magic that I prepared and stop all the arrows launched by the trap.

Seeing the arrows almost hitting them Yue and Shea turn pale and quickly stick to me, I chuckle at them but suddenly a light appears and we can see that we are in a room with a stone slab in the middle and a hallway where we can't see the end in front of us. Looking at the stone slab a new message appears on it.

—Hey, did I surprise you? Well, did I? I bet you peed your pants, didn't you? Hahaha. Any of you get hurt? Maybe someone in your party died? Fufu~—

A thick vein appears on my forehead, I turn my head toward Shea and nod, seeing me she nods in return and take out her hammer and smash with all the force she can on the stone slab. But knowing that the slab will just regenerate after some time I take the arms of the girls and make my way toward the hallway.

And it was exactly the same traps as the story, boulders that want to crush you room full of spikes, annoying message etc. And fortunately, my emotions are restricted or I would've already blown up the Labyrinth due to anger.

After half a day we finally found the room with the armor lined up and due to the gloomy and chilling atmosphere Yue and Shea where sticking close to me like their lives depended on it.

I turn my head to each of them.

"Ladies first." I said taking a step back. The two of them look at me with an incredulous and with a face saying 'Really?!'. I just nod and take a seat with Earth Magic and gesture them to destroy those armors.

"You can't always depend on me you know. Plus, I prefer women who are strong." I said as I took out a can of coke that I bought in the System Store. You'll tell me 'How coke doesn't exist in Tortus no?' you're right but after looking in the store to see what's available I found that I can buy things from the Earth I was reborn so I bought some things like ores food and food and even more food, although the food is not bad here but I just wanted a good burger after so much time.

As for the ores I bought I tried to modify them with magic but for now I can't still do something good or usable.

Now that they have some motivation, they began to decimate the living armors, each second at least ten are destroyed by being smashed by Shea or sliced by Yue and although they are strong and I said I'll not help them I still take some down. After 5 minutes of struggles they began to be overwhelmed so I get up and take out Donner and Schlag and fire at the armors like I have an assault riffle with me, but even then there's a lot of them and it began do be a pain in the ass so I just take out one of my rocket launcher and fire at a door at the other end of the room.

Destroying it we enter a new place with nothing but moving platforms and a black background with nothing but we can still see like there's a sun. Jumping onto one of the platforms and admiring the view, I suddenly sense something and it seems that Shea too so she quickly takes us in her arms and jump on another platform, knowing it'll happen I let her do whatever she wanted, landing in another platform I look to where we were and I hear a rumble and fragments of the platform falling toward what seems the void (I know it's not but it just looks like that.).

Sensing something big behind me I turn my head and see an enormous flying knight of at least twenty meters tall with menacing white glowing eyes. With it numerous flying armors began to encircle us while pointing their weapons at us. Feeling something holding at my sleeves and trembling I turn my head toward my sides and see Yue pointing her trembling finger at the Boss and Shea griping tightly on her hammer.

"H-hey H-Hajime i-it's the B-Boss?" She said stuttering a little.

"Its scaryyy!!!" Said Shea while burying her head in my arms.

'Weren't they less fearful in the story?' I though putting a thoughtful expression and not really minding the boss or the scared girls.

"Don't worry to much it's just a big scrap of metal. You just need to hit it till nothing remain and voilà!" I said showing them a bright smile and patting their head to smooth them. They look at me with a deadpan look, look at each other and sigh while shaking their heads. Seeing them I just smile wryly and take a step forward to meet the famous Miledi. But contrary to the cheerful speech I expected the big knight scream and throw row upon rows of the floating platform on us.

"Who are you calling a scrap of metal!!!!!!!!!!" A little shocked by her attitude I quickly create a barrier with Light and Earth Magic to protect us from this crazy lady.

"Hey aren't you supposed to make a monologue with your shitty cheerful way you speak?" I ask angry that she just throw at me her stuff like a crazy housewife.

"It's what I would've done if you hadn't destroyed my mood by calling my superb body a piece of scrap!!!!" She said while throwing herself at an incredible speed.

Seeing her fist coming at me I decide to try to confront her using only physical strength so I enhance my body with Strengthening Magic and throw my mist at the incoming one. When the two fists collide with each other's, a shock wave is created that blow all the piece of platforms in a hundred meters radius. And although we were almost matched in term of physical strength her armor/body is tougher than my body so my arm is blown off but she is not either, a crack that spread from her finger to her shoulder appeared.

Regrowing my arm, I see her taking step back and trembling a little while stuttering.

"Wh-who the fuck are you?!" She said while retreating.

"Me? I'm just your average otherworlder." I said while bowing a little. Not waiting for her response, I take out one of my rocket launcher and fire while using wind and fire magic to add more power.

"Wha-" Seeing the rocket coming toward her at an unbelievable speed Miledi is shocked and can't quickly enough so the rocket just hit her core and obliterate one third of the armor/body.

Looking behind me I see Yue and Shea looking at me with shocked expression, not wanting to stay in this shitty labyrinth anymore I take both of them by the waist and dash towards a closed door. Arriving in front of it the door suddenly open and we found ourselves in room like the one from the start, before I can see what the room look like I see a mini fist coming towards my head so I just block it with my right hand letting Shea falling on the floor.

"Ouch Hajime why did you let me fall?" She said while rubbing her ass.

"Well, I needed to stop this little thing from tingling me." I said with a serious face.

"Hey who are you calling little you bastard!!!" Said the little thing.

"Sorry I would love to play with you but I just want to take your Gravity Magic and leave." I said releasing her.

"You meanie hmmph." Said Miledi (the little thing) while crossing her arm and pouting.

"OK here I'm sorry but I just really want to end this the sooner possible." I said with a little pleading tone because I just really leave and laze in a bed after a good bath.

"Go there and I'll do the rest." She said pointing at the magi circle in corner of the room.

Placing our selves on the magic circle she activate it and flash of light appear in the room. After two seconds new knowledge is embedded in our head and I can sense my new Ancient Magic, Gravity Magic.

(AN: If you want to know what the Gravity magic is go to the wiki)