
I'm All The Protagonists ?! (Currently in Arifureta)

Like all those shitty fanfiction I reincarnated But what does that mean the protagonists are lucky only because of me ?! And they are the reason I'm dead ?! Follow me in my quest to take back what is rightfully mine !!! ------------------------------------------------------------------- Multiverse story: 1st World is Arifureta 2nd World will be Solo Leveling(Can change any time) 3rd will be Apotheosis or ATG(Can change any time) Maybe more.... ------------------------------------------------------------------- The tens or so firsts chapters are not the best so please read at least the firsts twenty chapters. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1st: English is not my native language, It's french so don't expect a good English from me 2nd: I'm in my last year of high school so i will only update when i feel like it or have time 3rd: This story will be bad, generic story, overpowered MC, shitty plot, shitty romance, bad scene description, plot hole.... 4th: If you want to say something on my grammar, sentence formation... Do it but tell me why or tell what I need to change for my writing to become better and if possible make this shit readable 5th: It's my first novel/fanfiction, I write it just for fun and because I feel like it.

RaYaNaSh · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
26 Chs

Falling Into the Abyss

Well, the famous Behemoth appeared and seeing it for real is not the same as seeing it through a screen, honestly even a war veteran will be terrified seeing it.

Next all happened like the story, Kouki with his dumb heroic spirit want to fight it and Meld is telling him to flee to the stairs but our Hero absolutely want to take it down so he throws every skill he has but nothing works so he became depressed and like the good Hajime I am, I smack his head although I restrained my strength but for him it felt like a bullet hit him.

"Hey you dumb Hero! You're not the only one here, the others need someone strong to command them so go and help them when I try to stop this big dinosaur!"

"But! I'm the Hero it's my du-"

"Then if you are the Hero go and save you comrades and stop to do something you can't!"

"But the Behemo-"

"Don't worry about that, I'll stop it so tell the others and Meld to prepare their magic to destroy the bridge under the beast. Understood!" I use a little pressure because I really don't want to speak with him and it seems he felt it.

Kouki began to run towards the other while I go toward the Behemoth and arriving in front of it an place my hand on the ground and use [Transmute] with some Light and Earth Magic to reinforce the wall just enough to detain him for some times and I keep my hand on the ground and began to tremble to make the illusion I'm struggling.

While I was restraining the Behemoth Kouki reached the others and began to show off with his skills and told them my plan.

"Guys move to the side!" And a white slash of Light come out of his sword and destroy all the monsters on it's path. After cleaning off the monsters he gathered everyone and told them of my plan.

"Ok guys. Nagumo will restrain the beast so everyone prepares you strongest magic and fire it on the bridge under the beast when I give the signal. Ok?!"

They all began to prepare their magic but Kaori go towards Kouki.

"How can you make Hajime do thist!" She said with tears in the corner of her eyes.

"It was his idea I never wanted him to do this!" Retorted Kouki with disbelief showing on his face and shocked to see Kaori in this state but because of the actual situation he don't have time to worry about this.

"But…. Hajime..."

"Magic are you ready!!"Meld yelled while running toward my classmate.

"Then shoooooooot!!!!!!!!!"

When I heard Meld yelling I began to run(moderately) toward them. They all began to shoot their magic and it was a sigh to see with all these colors passing above my head like a rainbow but like I though a red one is aimed at me so even if I could easily avoid it, I let it hit me and the moment it hit me I fired the curse I prepared for him, it will let him experience nightmare each time he'll sleep and every time he'll think of Kaori an unbearable pain will assault his genitals muhahahaha.

I let myself fall backward in direction of the abyss and while hearing the scream of my classmate I'm enveloped by darkness but I still can sense where the Behemoth is so I shoot spears made of each of my elements to finish him off and quickly put his body in my inventory so to not waste his meet

[Behemoth lv50 killed *100 Luck points* acquired]

While dismissing the notification I use Wind Magic to slow down my fall. Arriving at my destination I can see a rabbit with enormous legs that seems to come from a horror movie. Sensing me, the rabbit contract his legs and jump toward me with a speed that I never seen before but even if it's quick I can easily see it so I prepare myself to grab him. The moment the rabbit is at my reach I extend my hand and grab his leg, I create a sword using my blood and Ice Magic and impale him, when I'm sure his dead I throw his body in my inventory. The moment I put away the rabbit I see a wind blade coming in my direction at a faster speed than the rabbit. Seeing it approaching me dangerously I bend myself to the side and the blade pass at millimeter of my body. I quickly roll to the side and look in the direction to where the blade came from and I see a giant white bear with enormous claws coated with a form of Wind Magic. Wasting no time, I launch myself toward it launch spears of Fire and Ice, some of them are destroyed by his claw but some succeed at hurting him so I use Hemokinesis and take his blood creating rotating spear, I mix some Magic in it and throw it with Wind Magic. The bear already exhausted after I took some of his blood can't move so the spear go through it's head and destroying it, I quickly put his headless body in my inventory and use [Magic Sense] the magic I created to search for the divine stone when I find it I quickly rush toward a wall and use [Transmute] and Earth Magic to make a passage in it.

After 20 seconds I sense a pure and enormous mana 1 meter in front of me, blocking the hole I made behind me I destroy the walls around the Divine Stone to create myself a little place to rest. I purchased a container and stocked the healing water of the Divine Stone in it an putting the Divine Stone in my inventory I enter ROVJI and break the stone in 5 piece and put them at 5 different spots in the realm, they will absorb the mana in the air and create another 5 perfect Divine Stones. After finishing with the divine stone, I pull out the monster's corps and began to prepare the meat but because it was my first time at first it was a mess but after 5 minutes, I began to become better. When I was about to buy stuff to cook the meat Felicia interrupted me.

"Master I don't recommend to cook the monster meat."

"Uh? Why?"

"Because If you cook it without the proper skills, you'll lose the magic power from the meat so making it useless."

"Then if I have enough coins buy me the skills, please.

"It's not possible Master, this skill does not exist in this World."

"Ehhhhh so I need to eat it raw?!" I says while making bewildered expression.

"Yes, Master it would be the best course of action."

"Sigh… Obviously it can't be that simple..."

While lamenting on my lot I cut a piece of meat and place it in my mouth, and a fool stench hunter my lungs that almost made me throw up but I persevere when the meat enters my stomach, I feel the skill [Iron Stomach] activate and modify my body to accommodate the magic of the beast. And although it was not as painful as the bloodline integration it still hurt a lot. Seeing that my regeneration can't heal fast enough I take out the 'Ambrosia'(Healing Water coming from the Divine Stone) and drink eat to heal me, after 2 minutes the pain goes away and I can feel myself a little stronger but the more noteworthy is veins like pattern on my body appearing when I use magic power. I buy a big mirror enough to see my whole in the store for 100 coin and like I though because the meat does not change my body like the bloodline where it reconstructs my whole body, the monster break my body and I heal it so it put an enormous stress on my body so my hairs became white like Hajime post-fall but the blood-red strands on my hair are still here.

I decide to look at my Stats on the system.


[Name: Nagumo Hajime

Gender: Male, ????(LOCKED)

Age: 17 (43 mentally)

Bloodline: Origin Vampire (<1% Unlocked) ????(LOCKED)

Race: Hybrid (>99%), Vampire (<1%), ????(LOCKED)

Level: 27

Class: ????(LOCKED), Transmuter

Strength: 580

Vitality: 570

Defense: 560

Agility: 600

Magic: 1880

Magic Defense: 1630


All Attributes Affinity, Transmute[+11], Language Comprehension, Enhanced comprehension, Regeneration, Hemokinesis[+2] Immortality(Type 1,2), Vampirization, Hypnosis, Elemental Magic[Light, Dark, Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Ice, Thunder],Iron Stomach, Mana Manipulation

Unique skills: Library of Heaven's path, Absolute control over???? (LOCKED)

Soul Item: Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal]

Really eating monster meat is the most efficient, just eating a piece already increased my stats but apart the new skill [Mana Manipulation] that all monster has and is represent by the veins like pattern I haven't their skill, it seems that I'll need to eat more to have their skills.

After 3 days I finally finished all the meat, and after 2 days I didn't bother anymore with the taste. Finishing the meat, I gained 2 new skills and a good boost in stats.

[Name: Nagumo Hajime

Gender: Male, ????(LOCKED)

Age: 17 (43 mentally)

Bloodline: Origin Vampire (<1% Unlocked) ????(LOCKED)

Race: Hybrid (>99%), Vampire (<1%), ????(LOCKED)

Level: 50

Class: ????(LOCKED), Transmuter

Strength: 1250

Vitality: 1270

Defense: 1330

Agility: 1400

Magic: 2300

Magic Defense: 2250


All Attributes Affinity, Transmute[+11], Language Comprehension, Enhanced comprehension, Regeneration, Hemokinesis[+2] Immortality(Type 1,2), Vampirization, Hypnosis, Elemental Magic[Light, Dark, Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Ice, Thunder],Iron Stomach, Mana Manipulation, Air Walk, Gale Claw

Unique skills: Library of Heaven's path, Absolute control over???? (LOCKED)

Soul Item: Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal]

The 2 skills are [Air Walk] that increase my reaction speed and let me move at high-speed, and [Gale Claw] that let me to create pressurized blades of wind. Those two skills have some very good evolution so I'll remain in ROVJI till I have unlocked them.

After 15 days I unlocked their derivate skills but it was really hard to unlock them without using them on a fight. Now that my training ended, I leave ROVJI and began to hunt the monsters of this floor.

Two hours later I don't find anymore monsters so I go back in ROVJI and eat all the meat I collected, I have 10 corps of the weird rabbit, 25 corps of a weird electric wolf but I didn't find others bears. After some time of eating, I see that my stats don't want to go up anymore. I gained a new skill that I trained to the max and a good boost in my stats, after my meal.

[Name: Nagumo Hajime

Gender: Male, ????(LOCKED)

Age: 17 (43 mentally)

Bloodline: Origin Vampire (<1% Unlocked) ????(LOCKED)

Race: Hybrid (>99%), Vampire (<1%), ????(LOCKED)

Level: 62

Class : ????(LOCKED), Transmuter

Strength: 2000

Vitality: 2100

Defense: 1970

Agility: 2300

Magic: 2900

Magic Defense: 2860


All Attributes Affinity, Transmute[+11], Language Comprehension, Enhanced comprehension, Regeneration, Hemokinesis[+2] Immortality(Type 1,2), Vampirization, Hypnosis, Elemental Magic[Light, Dark, Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Ice, Thunder],Iron Stomach, Mana Manipulation[Mana Compression, Remote control], Air Walk[Aerodynamics, Supersonic Step, Steel Leg, Riftwalk], Gale Claw[Triple Gale Claw, Flying Gale Claws], Lightning Field[Lightning Resistance, Increased Output]

Unique skills: Library of Heaven's path, Absolute control over???? (LOCKED)

Soul Item: Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal]

Now that I'm ready I leave ROVJI. Leaving my Realm, I began search the stairs leading to the lower floors. After searching for 10 minutes, I find the stairs go to the 2nd floor.