
Intervening. Distinguishing Bulls.

นักแปล: EndlessFantasy Translation บรรณาธิการ: EndlessFantasy Translation

"Trust you? To let you mislead us?" someone said coldly. This group of young men appeared sharp. They were powerful cultivators. 

The Bull Demon twisted its body and said listlessly, "It wasn't me. Miss Gao Yue and I are in love. Why would I harm her father? Let go of me, if you capture me now, the actual murderer will be escaping!"

"Ha-ha, in love with Miss Gao Yue?"

One of the young men had a cold face on. "You're lured by Miss Gao Yue's beauty! You wanted to get hold of her but Master Gao objects, so you got angry and wanted to kill him!"

With that said, an uproar was heard. 

The crowd made sense of it. They looked at the Bull Demon with disgust.

"I see, Master Gao's been kind all his life, and yet, he was harmed by a Bull Demon! Sigh! What a pity!"

"The Gao family fed this yellow bull for more than ten years. This demon's so cruel! What a cruel demon!"