
In A Fish In The Northern Ocean

บรรณาธิการ: EndlessFantasy Translation

Blackie walked nonchalantly with the Deified Dog.

Gradually, a burst of strange laughter and the banging of metal was heard from the front.

A powerful demonic Qi was expanding in space. The atmosphere was somewhat strange and heavy.

Blackie remained calm and walked forward.

It did not take long before they came across a group of soldiers up ahead. They were made of all kinds of demons in weird shapes and costumes. They had weapons in hand and fangs showing. They were laughing at Blackie and Deified Dog.

Some small demons were around a pot, banging it to make a noisy sound.

In the pot, the water was already boiling. There were bubbles and smoke.

Rhino Demon laughed. It looked at Blackie and it was already drooling. "Two small Dog Demons are finally here. I don't get to see such a well-fed ordinary dog that often. It must taste good."