
I Am Such a Shameless Deluxe Merit Saint

นักแปล: EndlessFantasy Translation บรรณาธิการ: EndlessFantasy Translation

At the Heavenly Palace.

The usual desertedness was gone. The lights were up and running. The workers were significantly lesser than before the catastrophe but they could manage. They started to work.

A few surviving guards held weapons and guarded the Heavenly River.

However, upon closer inspection, one would realize that they were all glancing toward the Southern Sky Gate from time to time. The guards and chancellors were all distracted.

Suddenly, a buff giant carrying a white jade pillar slowly walked over. He said in a hoarse voice, "Don't gather here at the Southern Sky Gate. Can you afford to disturb the Deluxe Merit Saint?"

An Immortal with a red hat on had to ask, "Juling Shen, how can you say that about us? If I recall correctly, you've already walked back and forth six times with this pillar, right? What are you doing? Morning exercise?"