
First Ice Pop Experience

นักแปล: EndlessFantasy Translation บรรณาธิการ: EndlessFantasy Translation

Compared to the last time he was here, the inner court had many new additions. It looked like a mini forest now.

Although he heard from Luo Shiyu that the expert made the elixirs into his bonsai, seeing them with his own eyes caused his throat to turn dry and his heart to throb hard.

These were the top graded elixirs, ones that could not be reproduced. Not only did he use them as decorations, he even grew them so well! 

The world of a bigshot was indeed beyond one's imagination!

He then looked at the table with a crystal ball on it. He wondered why it somehow resembled the Lingyun Immortal Pavilion's Preaching Pearl.

The Preaching Pearl was the most precious treasure of the Lingyun Immortal Pavilion and not many people had seen it before. The expert simply placed it on the table? As a decoration? For everyone to see?


The Holy Emperor swallowed a mouthful of saliva, trying to divert his attention.

Hmph? The rockery?