

I saw nothing.

There wasn't anyone here. 

The roof was dark, and I couldn't make out much.

There wasn't any smell in the air and there was no sound. 

There were three paths leading out of this room. One path led me here, the two others were supposedly leading to other places. 

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" I shouted out.

Maybe I should have given my purpose first as it asked but I had a feeling this thing wasn't friendly and the fact that it could speak my language only made me feel more suspicious.


What the hell was an asser!?

"Such insolence!"

But he or she didn't even come out.

The voice actually rang out and reverberated inside the whole room, so I couldn't quite tell if it was coming from above me or from within one of the two paths. 

I was a little spooked at first but now I didn't feel much. As long as this person didn't attack me, I wasn't going to try anything funny.