
Who said greed was a bad thing (part two)

"What more did you expect? We're not living in the stone age you know." The nurse packed up everything and bandaged my hands. I guess I shouldn't have trusted John's words in the first place. "How did you get such wounds and why didn't you come here in the first place?"

But now the nurse caught me just where I didn't want to be caught. This was bad. Very bad. 

"Well, I kind of forgot." But in the end, I just had to come out clean. 

"You forgot for a week and a half?" She raised a brow, and her voice rose up too. 

"I got these yesterday." 

"What! When did you get fast healing? These wounds are at least a week old!"

"Trust me, it hasn't been twenty-four hours yet. And if they were a week old, you'd have seen them last time, remember?" I tried to be reasonable. But judging by that look, she wasn't taking me seriously. "Last time I didn't have these, did I?"