Jackie had a good life, he had wonderful parents and a wonderful future. Until he had a marathon of intercourse non-stop. Now reincarnated in the Godzilla verse as a kaiju that he has never seen, Jackie must learn how to survive this world. Did I mention he had three heads now? An: Art ain't mine it's @spooky splash on twitter Or @moviac
Disclaimer: I don't Godzilla, anime, movies, music, or any sort of series other than the OC.
AN: Hey guys, I'm back, and I got a lot of ideas spinning inside my head. I've been discussing those ideas with my friends; Unholy light or The_Rune_Raven in Web novel and Stay_Lazy. Hopefully, you love this chapter.
Once upon a time, two larvae were born in the twilight. One was male, while the other was female. In their mother's opinion, both were stunning. She gave the male the name of a destroyer and a guardian by his mother. She named his twin befitting a healer. The two had important roles to play in the future, and as time passed, they grew and drifted apart.
The brother, eager to play the role of enforcer, had taken drastic measures to ensure that his mother would always be safe under his supervision. When her brother crossed the boundaries set by their mother, the sister took on the role of a warden over him.
However, their conflict grew to the point of no return over time. The sister had chosen her king over her brother, betraying his trust and imprisoning him in the world's darkest depths. Ignoring her guilt, he will be alone until death claims him.
Who would have thought these two would ever see each other again?
Battra glared at them, ready to unleash his wrath. His sister's betrayal and the unjust punishment he had received fueled his rage.
"In my absence, you've become complacent, sister," Battra growled. "Did you really expect this fight to go the same way as the last one?"
"Brother, you must understand; I had no choice-" pleaded Mothra.
"BULLSHIT! You chose that asshole over me! YOUR brother who had no idea why he was being attacked! I was the one who took all the shit for you when we were kids, and all I got was a rock to the face!" Battra raged. "What!? Did he give you a good fuck!? IS THAT IT!? What made you betray me, sis?" Battra's voice quivered at the last question. It was the only thing that kept him sane. His sister had to have had a reason to betray him.
Mothra remained deafeningly silent. She had no way of refuting his assertions. Yes, because he was the king, she chose Godzilla over him. She had fallen for the King of Monsters and, in her arrogance, had caused this schism between herself and her twin. She can sense her brother is slowly breaking apart inside, and her response will determine the outcome.
She knew deep down that it was the only way for Battra to rest now, so she'll do what she has to with a heavy heart.
Battra was well aware of what his sibling was up to and was not about to let his guard down. Godzilla was ready to strike again. Despite his pain, he knew Mothra needed his help to end her twin's life.
{Naruto Shippuden - Blind Animal}
But just as the trio was about to resume their brawl, something stopped them. Godzilla lets out an irritated growl. Mothra was worriedly looking around, and Battra was curious as to what had gotten the two so worked up.
Then they heard something. There was a small growl-like noise that got louder as it got closer. The humans could only watch in terror on their monitors as the sonar detected something approaching where the three were fighting.
The sky darkened as thunder clouds hid the sun, lightning flashed in the heavens, and the wind grew stronger as it sped up. They immediately looked up and noticed it. They can see Gestroyah's shadow behind the clouds because of the lightning illuminated the clouds.
Godzilla's eyes narrowed, his spines glowing with fear. Mothra had the same reaction. A hatchling will not frighten her. Battra plays along, displaying his intimidating style of spreading his wings and stretching the pattern, creating the image of large, demonic, glowing eyes.
The clouds parted to reveal Gestroyah in their glorious form, while the sun cast a halo above them.
The humans rushed to their phones and radios, alerting every city to Gestroyah's arrival and the impending carnage. Their gaze returned to the beast, but he had changed slightly in appearance. Spikes protruded from his body, forming an odd set of patterns.
They all watched as he landed with a thud on the ground. His growl will forever shake the foundations of what humanity has built over millennia. The embodiment of humanity's folly and arrogance. The cost of getting involved in something they shouldn't have.
The humans were in a terrifying situation. The city will be destroyed if the hybrid uses his powerful moves. It will obliterate them from the pages of history. The atmosphere was tense. Gestroyah slowly approaches the three, and the battle of wills becomes more intense.
"Boy..." Godzilla growled.
"You look like shit, old man." Odin taunted. "Odin, don't taunt the old coot." Ning chastises but does not hide his amused look. "C'mon guys, be nice to him. Hi Battra." Cody said before waving at the demonic moth.
Battra remained silent. Gestroyah's resemblance to Godzilla and Ghidorah was confuses him. He looks at his twin and notices that his presence irritates her, so he turns to Godzilla and then back to the hybrid.
He recalls Ghidorah having a companion, whom they had sealed somewhere deep beneath the ocean. If Ghidorah had escaped, she might have had to. Mothra's displeasure with the hybrid prompted him to make the connection. He had discovered a terrible conclusion. It made him feel sorry for his twin, despite his insatiable rage.
"YOU CHEATED ON MY SISTER!?" He roared as he tackled Godzilla to the other side of the city. "I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!!! YOU'RE DEAD YA HEAR ME!? DEAD!!"
"Unhand me, you insolent insect!" Godzilla roared as he fired a beam.
As it pushes Battra back, he grunts in pain. As he stood up in pain, Godzilla growled. "You stole my sister, forced her to betray me, and now you have the audacity to cheat on her!" Battra seethed.
"I did not mate with anyone, least of all she-devil!" roars Godzilla as he charges at the moth.
"You callin' my sister a whore, ya son of a bitch!?" Battra roars back, slamming into the king.
Gestroyah and Mothra can only look at the battle. Of all the things they imagined happening.This was not one of them.
"I retract my statement. That guy isn't insane; he's just stupid," Odin said. "How the hell did he come to that conclusion?" Ning exclaims. His three-minute recruitment speech is over. At the very least, they get to see this amusing scene.
"Was he always like this?" Cody asked Mothra, who just ignored them.
"Why!? Tell me why you did it!?" Battra launches a bolt of electricity. "Is it because you can't fit inside her!? The dry-spell!? What made you cheat on her!?"
"I did not mate with anyone for the last time!" Godzilla slams his tail on the moth, but Battra shrugs it off. "Liar! That hatchling has your scent and appearance! What makes you think he's not yours!"
"He is nothing but an abomination! He may share some of my blood, but he is not mine!" Godzilla growled.
The unexpected response caused Battra to pause, his eyes widening, and his face to take on an indescribable expression. "You know, out of all answers, I expected that wasn't the one I wanted to hear; I'm not sure if I'm just so angry now, or maybe things just went full circle and I don't care anymore." His eyes revealed something that Godzilla had not expected to see. Cold, calculated fury. "I despise a lot of things, some of which are trivial, but this... only proves one thing... You're the worst king in history! I'm kicking your ass for the hatchling!" Battra fires a lightning bolt, and Godzilla's nuclear ray is stopped.
Battra's decision to stand up for them moved Gestroyah. It felt good to know that he did not view them as bad just because of their appearance and heritage.
"Damn, now I feel bad for calling him a dumbass," Odin grumbled.
"Yeah, I'm still trying to figure out what made this guy so bad," Cody said. "Can we get him on our side right now? I think he'll like it when we show him around our home."
"Of course, after what he said, we're getting him on our side," Ning said, ready to intervene, but Mothra stepped in front of him. "Are you sure you want to do this?"
"You are not going to take my brother!"
All three of them gave her a deadpan expression. "You're making us out to be the bad guys here, but the last time I checked, we were minding our own business when you guys showed up and started attacking because we didn't take orders from the old man," Ning growled. "Oh, and don't forget that you dumped your brother because he wouldn't take shit from your alpha. So who's the bad guy here?"
[Toaru Majutsu no Index III OST Volume 1: Black VS White]
"Your existence only brings destruction; I'm sorry, but you must die here," Mothra says as she flies above them.
Cody yelled in frustration, "Sorry, my big, scaly ass, you hypocritical bitch!"
Mothra's wings shone brighter as she remained silent. Gestroyah felt hot. They realized what she was doing at that point. The hybrid fires a beam while the clouds obscure the sun.
"What the bloody hell!? Mothra 'ad nevah done that in any franchise!" Odin exclaimed as he held back the clouds.
The chimera flies towards the queen, its claws poised to rip her wings. However, the queen of monsters deflects their blow by attaching the silk of string to their back and flinging them back to the ground.
Mothra dove towards them with her stinger out for the kill as Gestroyah groaned. Cody launches an Oxygen Destroyer and a plasma cutter. Mothra had to stop her attack and avoid being attacked. She returns her gaze to the clouds. The clouds disperse with a powerful flap as the ray of light shines once more upon the world.
"Oh no, you don't!" roars the Chimera, unleashing dozens of storm clouds and hurricanes on the queen to prevent her from using her light attack again. Mothra shows once more why the monsters did not question the queen.
Despite Odin's efforts, there was a slight gap in the dense shade he had created, and Mothra would move through it. Before charging back into the fray, the angelic moth unleashed more beams of light, this time with her antenna.
She forced Gestroyah to construct a force field and then destroyed it with her stinger. "What the!?" Ning screamed in agony as she gouged out his left eye. Cody attempted to bite her wing, but the moth retreated and landed on the ground.
The three heads noticed the danger and launched their combined attacks, but she vanished before a searing pain erupted in their chest, just like Godzilla. The agony they felt as they flew into the air was unbearable.
Mothra panted as smoke engulfed her. She had some burns, but nothing serious. The queen had employed her brother's strategy. Her body, unlike his, could barely withstand the strain.
It perplexed the healer how her brother used it without problems when she had only done it once and she was already in pain. Her tendons and joints were about to tear, and her skeleton was on the verge of collapsing.
Gestroyah growled, but he could tell something was wrong. Their body was transforming into a massive tumor. Their regeneration was out of control, producing more cells to combat whatever was going on, but only making matters worse.
It didn't take long for them to figure out that Mothra had just given them cancer cells. Their limited understanding of cells led them to believe that cancer only occurs when there is an excess of them.
The chimera knew what they had to do and destroyed every inch of their body with sheer willpower. Mothra could only watch in horror as chunks of flesh fell off the creature, and the abomination was back to normal.
"Dick move, lady." Ning growled. "Cancer really!?" Odin roared, still in pain after what they did. "Ew, I think that's our brain over there." Cody said.
Mothra remained deafeningly silent. She was trying to remember every skill the hatchling displayed. She had used one of her trump cards early on, but they had rendered it useless. That shouldn't have been able to heal the hatchling. Did they devise a defense against that attack?
Gestroyah dismisses the screen that displayed their new ability [Cancer immunity] in favor of the notion that they had to commit suicide in order to solve the problem.
As they were about to continue, Battra passed Mothra, who was injured and burned, and one of his wings was missing a piece. Godzilla appeared, and Gestroyah nearly whistled at the sight. They could tell Godzilla was in a lot of pain because he had nasty cuts all over his body.
Battra had done a number on him, but they can say the same for the queen's 'evil' twin.
"Are you okay?" Odin inquired. "Do I look okay?" Battra growled before taking a deep breath. "Sorry, just going through a lot; it's not even a day and I'm cleaning Mothra's mess... again! And before you say anything, yes."
All three appeared befuddled. "Yes, to what exactly?" Ning inquired. "I'm joining your faction, but I'm not taking orders."
"Um, not to be rude, but why?" Cody asks, tilting his head like a curious puppy. Battra's gaze settled on the head and he pondered. "I must protect this innocence!"
"Because that's exactly what these two don't want to happen," Battra says, staring at Godzilla. "Besides, siding with anyone is preferable to siding with him."
Godzilla snarled. He wanted to rush in, but this fight had taken a bad turn. Battra's experience and insanity, combined with the hatchling's power, was a disaster waiting to happen. So he had to wait for his chance to catch the two off guard.
"Well, now that that's over, let me show you where you're going to live." Godzilla rushes in, but Ning blinds him with a bright light. Godzilla roared in agony but didn't stop, swiping him near Gestroyah's scent.
When their vision returned, Godzilla let out a frustrated roar. It was the first time he had felt such rage towards a single being. Not even Ghidorah instilled such hatred in him. Taking his rage out on the flesh that Gestroyah had left. He lets loose his nuclear breath until nothing remains.
The two went home after Godzilla felt satisfied, not noticing one tiny flesh hidden in the rubbles. It pulsed twice before a deformed arm sprouted out and crawled its way into the sewers and the sea.
A/N: So what do you guys think? Regarding the ideas that my friends and I discussed, one is about King Caesar and giving our twist of ideas about his background and character. Some of you may not like it, but who knows? Thank you for the support and, as always, give my original story (Rise of the Dungeon King) a spin. Have a nice day. 👋🏻✌🏻