
I'm a Kaiju?

Jackie had a good life, he had wonderful parents and a wonderful future. Until he had a marathon of intercourse non-stop. Now reincarnated in the Godzilla verse as a kaiju that he has never seen, Jackie must learn how to survive this world. Did I mention he had three heads now? An: Art ain't mine it's @spooky splash on twitter Or @moviac

StoryCraft · อื่นๆ
42 Chs


Disclaimer: This fanfic is just for fun! It's all made up and meant purely for entertainment. Any resemblance to real stuff is totally coincidental. I don't own the original characters or worlds; that credit goes to the awesome creators. No harm or disrespect is intended. Enjoy the ride!

When Ghidorah saw Battra, there was a sudden chill in the air. Gestroyah could feel it in its spine. The way Ghidorah looked at Battra reminded them of how Godzilla looked at them the first time they met.

But unlike Godzilla, Ghidorah had something different. Fear. For some odd reason, Ghidorah was displaying signs of fear.

Even though Ghidorah was inhabiting a mechanical body, the way he was tucking his neck as if something was going to slice it and the amount of aggression he was showing to Battra were making the chimera wonder what kind of history these two had.

More importantly, what the hell did Battra do to make the most iconic monster rivaling Godzilla so afraid of him?

The chimera wasn't even sure if he should intervene or not since it felt the two's desire to spill blood slowly overwhelmed any notion of diplomacy.

Yet before a fight could break out, Gestroyah stomped its way in between them. The chimera focused on the demonic moth with a silent plea to let it handle the problem alone. But Battra was conflicted on the matter in his mind. 

The chimera was hatchling despite its adult body, and with its power, Battra knew how much trouble they would be in if the parasite in the mechanical body somehow gained influence on its young mind and forced it to make a new, stronger body, just like what it did with Godzilla.

With a grunt, the demonic moth retreated but not before giving Mechagodzilla a glare. Battra still wanted a rematch and to settle a personal grudge. The demonic moth was sure that Mother Nature took inspiration from their fight when he got imprisoned.

Gestroyah watched as the demonic moth went back to the fight, joining Mothra and Biollante in dealing with Excelsus' grunts while Godzilla and Kong were fighting Excelsus.

"You wish to fight me, child?" Ghidorah said through Mechagodzilla.

Hearing those words brought Gestroyah's focus back to the mechanical beast. "HE CAN TALK!?" Odin said.

"Don't be rude!" Cody whispered.

"Odin probably just thought we would be hearing angry screams," Ning said. "Not gonna lie, I did too."

Cody looked at Ning with a disappointed look but understood why both thought about it. The novels clearly said it: Kevin was beyond pissed when he was resurrected but still.

"Can we talk, dad?" Cody said, looking at Mechagodzilla.

Suddenly, the colors of the eyes kept switching between red and blue before ending back in red.

"I HAVE SON!!?" The mechanical beast screamed. "HOW!? WHO!?"

"With Godzilla," Ning said simply, failing to notice that Mechagodzilla was short-circuiting. 

"Aye, don't forget to mention he tried to kill us," Odin added.

"He did what!?" Kevin yelled, almost ready to march to war. Say what you will about his species, but Ghidorah's always cared for their younglings, which is why they terraformed planets in order for their young to survive. 

"Should we tell him he's going to be a grampa?" Cody giddily asked.

"I'm gonna be a what!?"


Meanwhile, Excelsus was cursing himself for struggling against two brats who barely even reached the same age as their predecessors. As Godzilla and Kong stood side by side, Excelsus' heart raced as a brief image of both Dagon and Griesus briefly took over.

For the first time, Excelsus was starting to doubt his chances of winning. Moreover, the weapon that Griesus' vile spawn held was making his instincts go haywire, making him wary of what it could do to him. 

It only got worse when Battra and Mothra joined the fight. The arachnid shook his head. What happened before was a miracle. He already destroyed his prison; his army may have been thinning faster than expected but he can fix it when he deals with the brats.

The twins were annoying but weren't much of a threat to him. He'll focus on the raw offense and prioritize dealing with the weakest link. His remaining eyes gave off a sinister glow.

"Welp, it looks like he's going after you first, kid," Battra said while looking at Kong.

"Let him come; I shall avenge my land." Kong growled while holding both of his weapons tighter.

"Do not let your anger control you. Focus; we have the advantage; let us make it count," Mothra uttered with a scolding tone.

Battra couldn't help but snort at his twin's words. Considering her mate is always mad for the smallest things, he could almost taste the hypocrisy of her words. 

Godzilla always lets his anger cloud his judgment, unlike Dagon; at least Dagon reigned his temper. Godzilla was a ticking volcano. 

"I don't need your help." Godzilla grunted. "Leave this to me. I shall finish it." 

Battra cackled and looked at Godzilla with mockery. "Like the time with the outlander?" he taunted. "Or how about the star-eater?"

Godzilla growled and glared at the demonic moth with such intensity that it rivaled the sun. "You may mock me and rebel against my orders, but mention Him ever again in my presence and I shall make it clear that your imprisonment shall be the last thing on your mind."

"Bring it on, fatso!" Battra roared.

Seeing the two were about to tear each other apart, Kong dropped his weapons before stomping towards them and slapping them both from the back of their heads. It was something he had learned from Ning whenever Cody and Odin started arguing and it always worked to get those two to focus on the matter.

Of course, he didn't account for the fact that Cody and Odin share the same personality as Ning, only slightly altered to be in tune with what they represent. So Kong was a bit taken aback when their ire was directed at him instead but he stood firm.

"I do not care why the two of you hate each other but I'd rather have you focus all that anger on the enemy first!" Kong growled before smacking the two again. 

Mothra looked at Kong as if he had grown a second head, while Excelsus was confused and disappointed that this was the current generation of alphas. However, he decided to wait; after all, every alpha has immense pride, and any slight to that pride is always responded to with absolute violence.

Thus, he waited; these younglings would do the job and he wouldn't waste energy. 

Excelsus was right on that account. Every Alpha had immense pride but what he failed to account for was the anomaly. Gestroyah's presence and mannerisms have repeatedly bewildered every kaiju. An apex that does not hunt, a king that does not rule but instead guards its garden, a king that rules with other kings. Even Godzilla has taken notice of this; his child defied the natural order in every way. Yet Gestroyah unintentionally imprinted this unnatural phenomenon heavily on Godzilla and Kong, more so on the latter.

Kong may not understand the reason behind or how his blood brother came up with such an unnatural thought but he saw clear benefits. Even Godzilla and this is what terrified him—his spawn's potential to gather allies without flaunting or showing dominance of his status. 

Battra glared intensely, his eyes nearly bulging out of his sockets before they vanished. Replaced by a mad cackle of nostalgia. "You have guts, brat." The demonic moth would have a grin if he had lips. "Alright, I'll bite; I'll put up with fatty over here but when we're done, I'm coming for him."

Godzilla merely grunted but only focused back on the main problem. The act surprised Mothra; she was getting ready to play her role as the mediator but it seemed there was no need. Her eyes landed on Kong, wondering how on Earth he was able to achieve something that took her minutes in a matter of seconds.

Her eyes went all the way to Gestroyah, who was still talking to Mechagodzilla. She had her answer. Her heart pounded in fear. This monster, this spawn of her mate... represented change. Change of times, change of eras. The time for Mother Earth to only have one ruler has ended; now more will be born and the one leading that era is in front of her.

She didn't hate change; in fact, she approved of it but this rapid change was simply abnormal. Everything was changing too fast—the land, the era, the tide—and this change could possibly doom everyone.

Mothra calmed herself. No, she shouldn't think of that; as much as she fears it, she knows that her world needs to change. Threats from old and new are appearing and if they can't change, they will all die. Perhaps Mother knew this, hence why she allowed the creature's birth... but she should have thought about this first before releasing it!

Her eyes landed back on Excelsus and she fluttered her wings rapidly, similar to her twin's rhythmic beat. 

Excelsus wasn't happy nor was he angry instead he was afraid. Afraid of history repeating itself. What he had hoped to see hadn't come and now he was having a glimpse of the past.

In place of Godzilla was Dagon and in Kong was Griesus. It's their fault; his rule was perfect and peaceful yet they ruined everything! 

Battra had noticed Excelsus' sudden change, which reminded him a bit of himself whenever he recalled the unpleasant memory of nearly mating his mother's avatar. Except this one gave the feeling of rage—so much rage that Battra was worried about how much Mother Earth could handle when Excelsus started throwing temper tantrums again.

The ancient arachnid roared, slamming his front legs so hard that the flat land rose and became a mountain of jagged spikes. The twins flew to the sky while Godzilla rushed forward, digging straight through the earthly walls with Kong right behind him.

Battra screeched and fired bolts of lightning on Excelsus before diving head first. He hit the monster's head with his own before dashing away. The titanic spider grunted, only to be surprised when he almost lost his footing due to a silk attachment to his leg from Mothra. This momentary distraction was costly, as Godzilla and Kong burst out of a mountain.

Godzilla immediately used his claws and struck the arachnid, while Kong rushed to the blind side and jabbed the spear into its gut. Excelsus suddenly felt his energy being drained and panicked but Kong wasted no time and struck him with an axe. 

Godzilla follows up with a whipping tail strike, sending the spider back. Before the spider could even move, his legs were suddenly glued to the ground with sticky webbing by the twins, and Kong used that moment to deliver another strike.

Excelsus tried to use his bladed legs but Battra struck him with a large thunderbolt while Mothra blinded him. Excelsus could only screech before Kong and Godzilla shut it down.

The exchange continued with Godzilla and Kong playing ping pong with Excelsus heads while the twins did their best to prevent the ancient spider from recovering. And Excelsus could do nothing but take it.

In the words of humanity... 

Excelsus was getting jumped by them; for the first time in the history of monster races, there has never been a one-sided beating of this magnitude, and it was recorded by surviving drones.

The ancient alpha could do nothing but take the beating while the spear kept draining on his reserves like a parasitic leech. So long as the spear remains embedded, Excelsus will continue to grow weaker and weaker.

Of course, Kong didn't know all of the spear's functions and merely thought he had struck a vital area and capitalized on the opening it had provided.

Excelsus cursed as Kong and Godzilla stood triumphantly before him. Kong split Excelsus' head open with an ax powered by Godzilla's atomic breath.

With the enemy defeated, both alphas roared to the sky, declaring their victory and vowing to cease all hostility immediately. 

Kong and Godzilla looked at each other awkwardly, unsure of what to do now. Only for them to hear crunching noises. Turning back to the corpse behind them, they could see Battra digging in, ripping and tearing the flesh as he devoured Excelsus.

Noticing the stares, he stopped and glared at the two alphas and the crowd. "What? I haven't eaten for a long time!" He growled before resuming. 

Kong looked concerned and slightly worried as he watched Battra devour the enemy while cackling like a lunatic.

Godzilla stared at Mothra as if asking her a silent question, to which she responded with a glare. Something that surprised Godzilla and wisely refrained from asking further. 

Hearing the quaking stomps, all focused on Gestroyah and Mechagodzilla approaching them.

"Oh, you lot finished already?" Odin asked.

"Oh wow, look at him go," Cody said, looking at Battra, who's still eating.

"So, father, I see, uh, crap." Ning sighed as Godzilla and Mechagodzilla eyed each other before the two tackled each other and started fighting each other again. "I told you this was a bad idea, Odin."

"Nonesense, mate, this is fantastic." Odin cackled as Mechagodzilla screamed bloody murder and profanities that would make a sailor blush. "This is the perfect payback."

"Snitch." Cody coughed.