
I'm A Hitman Reincarnated Into a Knight

In the world of mafia where danger is everywhere. There are three best hitmen known in the mafia world and one of them is known as 'Reaper' but no one knows her real name. One day while meeting a client, the woman got betrayed and when she thought she was about to die she woke up in an unfamiliar place 'where the hell am i??'. She got reincarnated as Ren the daughter of a Marquess. The art on the cover is not mine. ctto

Arseru · LGBT+
18 Chs

The King


As a person who is a past hitman, i killed lots of influential people in my past life. One of the people i killed was a king...Well i don't really have a choice but to do it.

I heard that the royal family or the Alarick family have two princesses and one crown prince who'll be an heir to the throne. From what i heard was that the queen died because of some unknown illness and rumors said that it was because of curse.

As i was elegantly slicing my delicious looking steak, i heard my father calling me "Ren" i turned my head towards the direction where my father is. I honestly wanted to finish my steak but i put my fork and knife down then left to go to my father.

"Ren, there's someone i wanted you to meet and he's uhm a special person so you have to behave and be careful" I looked at my father and wonder, A special person huh? Could it be the king?

"Okay father i understand" i said while slightly smiling at my father who nodded at me. I followed my father and we walked on a very long hallway then stopped in front of a big door. To be completely honest, Leo's or the Beckham's estate is a lot more luxurious than Lexington estate.

On the side of the door was a butler with a curly mustache, he bowed when he saw me and my father. He held the handle of the door to open it.

My father was the first one to enter and i just followed him. When we got inside my father knelt on the ground while looking down, i also imitated my father and looked down.

A magnificent voice of a male sounded "You may rise" When i looked up i saw a guy who looks like he is about the same age as my father. Unlike my father who had a cold air around him, this person have a warm yet dominating aura around him.

This person was sitting magnificently on a chair as if it was a throne. His hair was blonde grey and his eyes were red similar to Leo's eyes. He must be the King.

"Thank you, your majesty" me and my father stood up then the king sighed. "Harris...You actually don't need to kneel and bow you know? I already told you many times! Really! We're bestfriends yet you're being like that aish!" The king shook his head.

"But your majest-" The king interrupted my father before he could even finish his statement "Tsk tsk, Riri (a nickname) stop with the formalities. It's like we're not friends at all huhu!" The king faked his sobbing. So my father and the king were friends huh?...

A sweat dropped on the side of my fathers face "You should act more like a proper king, Christopher and stop calling me with that weird nickname..." I just looked at my father and back to the king. I honestly think that Riri sounds good?...

"Well i am a proper king~ fufu~" The king looked at me and i felt kind of nervouse "Ohhh! Is that Reren??" Reren? is that supposed to be me? "Yes and please stop giving my daughter a weird nickname"

"Ehhh? But Reren is a cute nickname right? What do you think young one?" The king looked at me with a bright smile, i didn't know what to say so i just nodded "The king can call me whatever the king wants" i said as i bowed.

"Riri! She's just like you! And Reren no need to call me 'King' just call me uncle okay?" How am i supposed to answer that?? I looked at my father but he looked away. So you're leaving this to me huh?..."If that's what the ki- uncle wants then i'll call you that". The king nodded in satisfaction "Hm!"

"Your daughter is very interesting Riri. What do you think of marrying one of my children with her?" My father shook his head and gave the king with a serious look.

"Me and my wife wanted Ren to be happy so it's up to her who she wanted to be with. We will always support her whoever she wanted to be with when she grow up" i was touched when i heard my father's statement.

The king shrugged and shook his head "Alright then but if just in case she wanted to marry my son or one of my daughters, i'll immediately give my blessings" The King gave me a thumbs up while smiling brightly.

I don't know what to say so i just stayed in my spot silently. While my father and the king was talking to each other, a butler approached the king and whispered something. After listening he sighed and touched his forehead "Those kids" The king shook his head. I wonder what happened?

"What happened?" My father asked, the king looked at my father then shook his head again "Well my daughters ran away again" The king sighed "They escaped and the guards didn't know where they went! Seriously those kids!"

"I see" my father said as he nodded. The king called the royal knights and commanded them to look for the princesses. My father also wanted to help so he left with the royal knights.

I was left with the king who is currently stressed "Uncle" i called. "Hmm yes?" The king was rubbing his temples and i can see that he is really worried for her daughters "Can i ask you about something?

The king stopped rubbing his temples and looked at me with a slight smile "What is it?" I tried to think for a moment and decided to help "Can i go and help look for the princesses?"

The king shoom his head "I don't want to trouble you Reren" I shook my head and i don't really mind to be honest, There's really nothing much to do so yeah. "It's alright uncle and my father also helped the royal knights so i also wanted to help" The king think for a moment then agreed "Okay then"

"What do they looked like uncle?" The king looked for something from his pocket and and gave me a locket. I opened the locket and saw a picture of three kids, there was a boy who had blonde grey hair and light pink eyes, he looked just liked the king. There was also a young girl who almost got every single features of the king, her hair was blonde grey and her eyes but what caught my attention was the girl who looked like Lia!

"Lia?..." I said as i kept on looking at the image, the king looked at me "You know Lia??" I nodded and i kept on looking at Lia's image...For some reason i want to keep on looking at it....

"Well i met her at the garden earlier..." So Lia is a princess huh?...Thinking of Lia, i gave the locket back to the King.

"Thank you for the information Reren!" The king called a number of royal guards and royal maids to look for Lia at the garden. I'm still quite shock about Lia's identity but i don't reallt care that much.

After an hour the guards return with Lia. When the king saw Lia he was angry at first but his expression softened immediately "Why did you ran away Lia?" Lia looked down and answered in a low voice "Sorry father...I just wanted to look around..." The king sighed and shook his head "It's okay...Just don't do it again okay?" The little girl nodded and looked up.

When Lia looked up, me and her gaze met each other. Lia smiled brightly when she saw me and for some reason i felt nervous so my eyes subconsciously looked away "It's you! Ren!" Lia ran towards my direction and held both of my hands. I was a bit surprised so i looked at my hands that she was holding.

She's just holding my hand but why do i feel nervous? I can feel my face heating up but i managed to calm myself down "U-uhm yes, it was me your royal highness" I said as i slowly looked at her.

The distance between be and Lia was just a step. I was half a head taller than her so she was looking up to me while smiling softly and brightly. Looking at her smile i couldn't help but be mesmerized...Ah! What's happening to you Ren!

I can feel my heart beating so fast and my body heating up, i must have a fever or something...

"No need to call me that Ren, just call me Lia like before!" Lia said while pouting, looking at her pout i could feel some kind of arrow hitting my heart. How can such a creature be this cute? And why the heck am i like this?!

Thanks to the cold demeanor that i inherited from my father, i managed to look calm outside "Mhm" I nodded in agreement to what just Lia said.

Lia kept on holding my hands and nodded "Good!" She let go of one of my hands, i was a bit disappointed for a moment then i was shocked when she gently patted my head. She was looking up to me while smiling "Wahhh~ Ren's hair is so soft!" I looked down at the floor feeling embarrassed and she just kept on patting my head gently.

"Ahem" The king cleared his throat. Me and Lia looked at him then i can see the king looking at me with a teasing look? Hey what's with the look??

I gently pushed Lia's hand away and stepped backwards "Sorry uncle". The king shook his head "No no, why are you apologizing Reren?" I also don't know! When the king was about to speak the door opened again.

I will be taking a hiatus in this series. I don't know if you've noticed it but i don't really have any motivation to write this series starting from 'The Day Of the Party' Chapter so it's a bit different from my usual writing. I want to think and write this story better so i'll be taking a rest on this series for now. To the readers reading this story i thank you all for reading this and i wanted you guys to enjoy it more so i hope that you'll understand and thank you again :3

Arserucreators' thoughts