
I'm a folk shaver

The first time I met my master was because I shaved my head, I was nine years old at the time. The blind man who felt my bones when I was alive said I had a dark destiny and wouldn't live to be eighteen.

DaoistMz5UJX · สยองขวัญ
58 Chs


I didn't realize that the night of the wake for Uncle Liao was a mistake, the candles couldn't be lit, and Auntie Ma told me privately, "String Wa, the place is too heavy with Yin Qi, you'd better not be here to watch."

I felt in my heart that Auntie Ma was a liar and could not take her words seriously, so I politely declined.

At night, when all the people were gone and I was the only one left, the candles were lit.

Although I have some hair in my heart, but after all, guarding the body of Uncle Liao, even if he really haunts the corpse I'm not afraid, so I think I will boldly sit in the doorway, through the candlelight in the room to see the "wind door magic", open the first page I realized that this is the book I read when I was a child, and Taoist priests shaving ghosts is said to be the truth is that the Luo Zhenren to the Yongzheng shaving the story.

After that, it introduces some of the rules of the shaving business, the spring language (jargon), and then the strange arts in the wind, which include gambling, hunting, stealing, cheating, fortune-telling, warding off evil spirits, inviting the gods, sending the gods, acupuncture, and other strange arts in the jianghu.

Lastly, there is the magic of shaving the head, which is also known as the magic of scalping.

See here I realized that scalping is still considered good, "fishy road" in the shaving craftsmen in the Manchu Qing Dynasty is also responsible for killing the head, encountered a Han Chinese who do not want to shave their heads, pressed on the wooden pier on the head chopped up and sunk in the barrel of head washing, the most horrible is to sharpen the razor with the "steel blade cloth! ", the Manchurian Qing Dynasty, it also has ten words on the back, is "do not stay in the head, do not stay in the hair, do not stay in the head of hair," so the steel knife cloth is also a magic weapon to drive away evil spirits.

The more I see the more I think shaving this line of esoteric, is going to study carefully, suddenly the dark outside the house came a crow, followed by a burst of heart-rending cries of babies in the darkness of the night, at first I didn't care, but the cries gradually became odd, it seems that there is something blocking the baby's mouth to send out a rattle.

This anomaly attracted my attention, could it be that someone was trying to kill the newborn baby? Just when I had this thought, the candle flame in the room began to sway strangely, I did not dare to slacken off, copied up the razor and rushed towards the direction from which the sound came.

At this time my sensory system is exceptionally sharp, following the sound soon found the crying out of the ground, is a family called Li Dongming's home, his door is open, the house is dark and no light, the child howling sound has become faint.

I quietly touched into the house only to see Li Dongming and his wife sitting on the sofa sleep snoring loudly, seven-year-old son lying on the table asleep, and the inner room door slightly open a slit, I went up to the intention of a surprise attack, who knew that just pushed open the door to feel a gust of wind over the face, I was almost frozen into a pile of ice.

Moonlight into the inner room, the room is not big, only suffocated lips purple baby, if I was a step late the consequences are unimaginable, the baby limbs a twitching, not even cry out, I picked her up and patted her back, after a while she only "wow" a cry out.

Ventilation will be fine, I wiped a cold sweat on the forehead, just fixed God Huran saw the door side of the silent paste three head melon, almost did not scare me out of urine, but soon I borrowed the moonlight to see that is Li Dongming family of three, but the weird thing is that the three are bloodless, closed eyes and crooked head against the wall, like being manipulated by the puppets.

I was in a hurry to find the door of his home appliances and turn on the lights, and pulled out the "Wind Door Magic" to find the chapter of "warding off evil spirits".

Time is limited to learn complex spells can only learn simple and effective, the second record is: the human body, the middle finger Yang Qi is the most sufficient, bite through the blood in the palm to write a "retreat" word, for not strong evil spirits will have a miraculous effect.

This is not complicated at all, I hold the psychology of trying to do according to the law, just wrote on the palm of the "retreat" word to see the three fell to the ground, snow-white face quickly returned to normal, I did not expect that this formula is really effective, think of it here I am pleased to stuff the book into the arms.

But think carefully or feel wrong, because at that time I pushed open the door of the moment seems to see a pair of yellowish shoes on the bedside, but with that demonic wind blowing out, the shoes winking out, although the evil is certain, the problem lies in the end I hit what evil?

About half an hour after the Li family three people woke up one by one, they heard that I saved the child, also do not doubt, full of gratitude just short of giving me a knee.

I said, "Brother Li, you are not afraid that I will cheat you?"

"Impossible brother, you said that the moment I fainted, I actually saw a lot of strange and weird things, feel like I have been walking in the mountains, I must have hit the evil." Li Dongming said without hesitation.

When I went back to the spiritual hall, the sky was nearly dawn, looking at Uncle Liao face serene as if asleep, I a burst of heartache surged to my heart and said: "Uncle Liao, that book really works, you can rest assured that I will definitely pass on the good craft, the rest of the side schools I will not learn."

But I also know that this matter is not over, whether it is the yellowish shoes or the wind, can only show that the evil spirit is "safe"!