
I'm a Cultivator

A dead man's soul from Earth inherited Minato's body. He came from the Ear of Immortal Cultivation. Armed with Powerful Godly scroll and powerful Cultivation Technique, He might just go back to earth and get his revenge. of course, he would never leave his wife and children behind.

Burn_To_Ash · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
22 Chs

We Should Respect Elders!

"Kushina-chan do you know how to unseal Nine Tails?" Minato asked during the dinner. At the start, he forgot to consider this step. Even if Kurama agreed to his conditions, Minato didn't know how to unseal the seal.

Kushina looked at Minato and shook her head "No, Lady Mito has the key. She was supposed to pass it on to me but never really did"

Minato nodded understandingly. Mito Uzumaki is still alive and well in this world. As an Elder of the village, she has some saying in the village. Even Hokage has to listen to her.

Mito was the first Jinchuriki. In order to give her husband power, she unhesitantly sealed Kurama inside her. It was her own original seal that she placed on Kushina too.

"We should visit her. we ought to show our respect for the elders," Minato said smiling slyly.

Kushina understood immediately, she said "Are you really trying to release Nine Tails? He didn't even respond to you. You know, he is very angry"

"Don't worry about it, I will take care of Nine Tails. If he agrees to peaceful methods that would be nice. If not I have other ways too" Minato said confidently. He wanted to solve this problem as soon as possible.

He will only stay in this world until his cultivation reaches Heavenly Immortal Realm. Once a Cultivator attains this realm he or she could feel the higher worlds. It was also known as the Heaven Sense.

Lower level martial worlds unable to contains existence such as Heavenly Immortals. Even, Earth which supposedly a High-Level Martial World unable to withstand the pressure of Heavenly Immortal.

After Breaking Through, Heavenly Immortal must move on. Or they will endanger the whole planet.

Minato was a long way from Heavenly Immortal Realm. But his talent in cultivation unheard of, his speed heaven defiance. It won't take long for him to achieve the said realm.

So he prefers to solve the small matter before moving on.

"I don't know what's on your mind but I will support you. Moreover, I too don't want Nine-Tails inside of me either" Kushina agreed Minato without thinking much. She trusted her husband more than anything. Of course, she would support him.

Minato smiled warmly. He felt really good having such a supportive wife.

"Kushina-tan, I love you" Minato went closer to Kushina and trying to kiss her, But Kushina pushed him back.

"Stop it, your mouth full of food. It disgusting" she said glaring at Minato.


As previously mentioned, the Uzumaki Clan owned pretty much one-third of Hidden Leaf Village. Since the Uzumaki Clan vanished from the face of the earth, most of the wealth remained under the name of Mito Uzumaki.

Originally, Kushina was the daughter of Uzumaki clan leader. All those riches should belong to Kushina. However, Mito Uzumaki never mentioned about the things. She merged Senju and Uzumaki's wealth and gave most of it to the village development.

Only a few people known about this.

The Senju estate was located a little far away, a secluded area.

Early morning, Minato and Kushina brought some gifts for the elder and walk toward the Senju's. Mito was the last remaining member of the Senju clan inside of the leaf village. Both her husband and son died. Her Granddaughter, Tsunade Senju, left the village after losing her brother and lover.

After those incidents, Mito was deeply saddened. She rarely left the compound after her lovely grandchildren's loss.

Minato never met old Uzumaki before. Kushina told him that, Mito was a calm and composed individual. Also according to Kushina, Mito was much better sealing master than herself.

Since Mito was easy to talk Minato believed he could convince the old lady.

Arriving at the Senju estate, Kushina took the initiative calling old Uzumaki. Minato spread his Divine Sense and picked up quite a few hidden Ninjas around. There are also more than ten people living inside the mansion. All of them were female of course.

As a young maid moved toward them Kushina state her identity.

Moment later,

"Please come in Lady Kushina and Mr. Minato, Lady Mito expecting you," The maid said with a slight bow.

Inside the mansion brightly lit, not a single bit of gloom could be seen. Minato observed surrounding briefly and followed the young maid.

Soon they arrived at the living room. In there Minato saw an old woman about seventy years old. Although she was old, she had a strange brown color hair. Her eyes were purple, there was a hint of disappearing vitality could be seen in her eyes. And the middle of her forehead there was a purple diamond contains a life force that supports her body.

Minato was very sensitive toward life force. Cultivating Qi means basically the cultivation of Life energy. He could tell, the old woman at most have another two years to live, nothing more.

"Ah, dear, Kushina, you came to see this old woman" spoke old woman looking Kushina with a caring gaze.

Kushina immediately went forward and held the old woman's hand intimately. Ever since Kushina lost her clan Mito was the only blood relative she had. Of course, she feels close to Mito. Young and old instantly found their passion and ignored the surrounding.

Minato didn't interrupt women, he found a place before sitting down. A maid brought green tea over and quickly left. Minato had nothing better to do, he slowly tasted tea until women finish their conversation.


Sometime later Mito looked at Minato "Little Minato I heard that you are going to be the fourth Hokage, you must be excited"

Minato smiled bitterly. He was sure this old woman was aware of his rejection Hokage position and yet, she still brought it up making him feel awkward.

Her husband was the first Hokage. It was a prideful and great honor in her eyes. Since Minato rejected the position Mito must have felt disrespectful.

"Haha, Granny Mito apparently, current Hokage thought it is too early to pass on the mantle to someone else and decided to wait until the right time," said Minato looking at Old woman's face. His eyes are free of guilt or regret.

Mito frowned. She could see the boy didn't care about leaf village or anyone in it. In his eyes, there was only one person. Mito wanted to snap at the young boy and teach him the will of fire. But suddenly she thought something very important.

Her old eyes shone brightly.

Minato felt somewhat uncomfortable from the gaze of the old hag. He felt something really bad about to happen. If it wasn't for the Seal Key he would have already left with Kushina. The more he looked at the old woman more he felt he was going to have a big problem in the future.

I finally thought of how to bring Tsunade. and when that happens don't criticize me ok!

Burn_To_Ashcreators' thoughts