
I'm a Cultivator

A dead man's soul from Earth inherited Minato's body. He came from the Ear of Immortal Cultivation. Armed with Powerful Godly scroll and powerful Cultivation Technique, He might just go back to earth and get his revenge. of course, he would never leave his wife and children behind.

Burn_To_Ash · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
22 Chs

The Player Is Back!

The Hidden Leaf village always seems peaceful and the people always smiled friendly. However, not everything is peaceful and not everyone is decent. Once a person understands human cruelty and the scheming minds, they could see beyond the friendliness and peacefulness.

Jiraiya understood human nature long ago. He volunteered to become Leaf Village wondering spy. Refusing to become the shadow of the leaf village.

He is a free spirit and a lonely one.

In the last couple of days, Jiraiya spent most of his time coming up with a new idea for a novel. A novel unlike any other. In the sense of words, it is a masterpiece. Research for this book took him to great lengths.

Jiraiya felt proud of himself!

However, his scholarly research days were disturbed by the two Anbu ninjas from Leaf Village. He was summoned back, his teacher and the Hokage of Leaf Village required his presence. Although he was reluctant, he had no choice.

After a long time, Jiraiya stepped into the village. Still, he was not happy.

But on the bright side, he could meet his precious student. Maybe coming back isn't all that bad. Jiraiya thought back to his number one student and sensed some happiness.

Alright, let's just meet the old man. After that, I can see my boy!

Jiraiya sauntered rapidly!


Minato had a fulfilling month. In this month's time, not only did he fully mastered Frog Kumite, he was able to furth refine his body. Frog Kumite made his body stronger and powerful.

In Frog Kumite small maneuvers requires a strong body and quick reflexes. The Advanced Techniques required precise control over the Qi and movements. Although it took him a bit longer than expected, his hard work paid off.

There were few powerful techniques Minato most liked. Since Toads didn't give specific names for those Techniques Minato named them himself.

There was a palm technique he named 'Ten Fold Horizon' that could deliver mid-range area damage. It was achieved by infusing power into a horizontal palm strick. This was his favorite technique from the bunch.

As a Master of Nascent Soul Realm, his speed was fast, although not fast as Immortal Realm cultivator who comprehended law of space, Minato wouldn't lose to a Profound Soul Realm cultivator. Still, this his speed executed without a Movement Technique. Sadly Naruto world void of Immortal Martial Techniques, and fortunately it was also void of cultivators.

Until he goes back to the original world, He is safe for now.

In this period of time, Hokage didn't summon him or Kushina. There was only a massage send by Hokage stating that the Village council will be summoning him for questioning. However, he didn't announce when or where.

Minato ignored it. He wasn't afraid of them.


"Minato! lunch is ready" Kushina yelled from inside the house.

Hearing his wife's voice Minato ceased his training. Despite Qi keeps nurturing his body, Minato never decided to abandon the meal. If he misses a single meal, he feels uncomfortable.

Minato saw Kushina standing doorway, the spread his arms to hug her delicate body. Her stomach showing faint signs of bloating. Minato always finds it satisfying to caress little sprout.

"Stop! You smell sweat go get a bath" said Kushina made disgusting expression ignoring Minato's feeling.

His happy smile turned awkward. Although he didn't receive the daily dose of hugging time, nothing he could do. Minato hung his head down and slowly walk into the bathroom.

Kushina smiled helplessly. Some times her husband acts like a child. However, that's what she loves about him.

Minato quickly finished bathing, while dressing he talked to his wife.

"Kushina-chan what did you made today?"

Kushina replied after a little pause "Mmm, don't yell that loudly, come and see for yourself"

"Come on! Just tell me" said Minato wearing his pants.

Kushina yelled, "It's your favorite!"

"What?! I can't eat you right now, I will eat you at night"



Minato thought Kushina was too embarrassed to reply. When he walked into the dining room Kushina was blushing beet red. Minato smirked and about to tease her more but surprisingly there was another man sitting facing back at him.

Before Minato could respond, the man turned around and flashed a bright smile. He said "My dear student, I see you take after your master! Although you are not much perverted as me, you are very close. Good job.

The man gave thumbs up!

Minato felt as if he found a comrade in arms. Damn it! Finally, someone understands my pervertedness.

"Haha, Sense! I'm not a pervert" Minato said but secretly winked at Jiraiya.

"Alright, Minato, Jiraiya sense lets eat, I'm hungry" While perverts appreciating themselves, Kushina felt annoying. She knew her husband was a little perverted but only in front of her, it's harmless, so she just ignores it most of the time. But Jiraiya was different, can't let her husband go to the dark side.

Both males quietened!

They are very behaving

On the dining table, Jiraiya talked about his adventures and the book he currently working on. Minato time to time raised a question or two, while Kushina stayed silent.

When Minato was on earth, Jiraiya was his favorite character. Watching Jiraiya's death part, he cried the whole time. Strangely meeting him in real life didn't cause Minato any discomfort or surreal feeling.

Despite old Minato's feelings, He liked this old man a lot.

Fun Time ended!

After lunch, Jiraiya stopped playful banter and decide to bring out serious matters.

I'm going to quicken the story progress.

Let me ask you guys, at first I was just going to make Kushina only girl, however, Tsunade is my favorite girl, I feel I should do something about her.

But it feels unreal, give me some idea to hook them up. maybe like a beautiful mistake or whatever!

If you guys don't like it, it's fine as well!

Burn_To_Ashcreators' thoughts