
I'm a Cultivator

A dead man's soul from Earth inherited Minato's body. He came from the Ear of Immortal Cultivation. Armed with Powerful Godly scroll and powerful Cultivation Technique, He might just go back to earth and get his revenge. of course, he would never leave his wife and children behind.

Burn_To_Ash · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
22 Chs

Sense Come Back Soon!

Jiraiya listened to everything Minato had to say. He was trying to find out what changed his student. However, Jiraiya didn't find anything, the only change was that his student's passion for the village turned into a passion for his family.

He couldn't blame Minato, Jiraiya fell into a dilemma.

On One-hand his teacher and the other hand his student.

Which side he should take?

'Damn it!' Jiraiya cursed inwardly. A long time after Jiraiya took a deep breath. His eyes became resolute.

"Brat I think I can understand you a little" after a small pause he continued "I will do something about the old man and don't worry about the council, I have some connection, it will be easy to deal with them.

"However, since at this point you are just a Jonin without status there are some peoples you should be wary of"

Jiraiya took the student's side!

Minato felt warm, This old man is really a father figure for Minato. Although Minato could handle Leaf Village by himself, it's nice to avoid conflicts.

Minato smiled gratefully "Thank you sense. If I had to leave Village because of this, it would be disastrous. I'm fine by myself but Kushina is pregnant, she needs village care"

"Mm, I know, you can rest assured. As I said, I will take care of the old man but you need to be careful too" said Jiraiya gestured Minato to follow him outside.

Minato nodded and followed Jiraiya outside.

"What is it sense?" Minato asked curiously.

Jiraiya sighed "I didn't want Kushina to hear this," he said "Recently there are rumors going around saying that there is a group of people that Hunts Jinchuriki. Although nothing happened just yet, I have a strong feeling they will try something during Kushina's childbirth"

Hearing words of Jiraiya Minato's expression didn't change much. He already knew this whole plot. However, he unknowingly released massive amounts of Killing Intend that enough to send a shiver down on Jiraiya's body. The pressure nearly suffocated him.

Jiraiya looked at his student in disbelief. What the hell was that? It was almost as if a tailed beast starring at him.

However, Jiraiya wasn't distressed. He thought 'Haha, brat got stronger, nice'

A moment after Minato suppressed violent killing intend and breathed deeply. He never thought about letting Tobi go alive after he attacks Kushina. That's why his killing aura so strong.

I will protect Kushina and certainly Kill the bastard, Tobi, or Obito. I don't give a fuck.

When he assumed identity as Minato, his tutelage as Kakashi and group already ended. Due to this reason he had no such feeling toward those people. Obito is just an enemy in front of him. It's true that he inherited Minato's emotional attachments. However, he was able to sever some of those bonds. That's why he could give up Old Minato's life long dream of being Hokage.

"Don't worry sense, no one can harm Kushina with me around. Just help me with the old man;" Minato said confidently.

Jiraiya showed a small smile starring deep into Minato's eyes. They didn't need to talk any further, they are like father and son, they understood each other.


A few days later, Jiraiya came and explained Minato about council matters. It turns out, Hokage also helped Minato privately. They were able to convince council members that, the Third Hokage is the most suited to wield Hokage mantle for now, and when the time comes they could choose another one. However, Time hasn't come yet.

Minato didn't know how the process went, he didn't care as well. If the council or Hokage decide to take action against him he would have flattened the leaf village.

As for Kushina's situation, he could just search for Tsunade or seek asylum in Tea village or ice village.

Well…all that brain juice waste for nothing. Minato couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

"Sense why don't you stay with us? You are not getting any younger, stop being a homeless man, and settle down with us." In the anime, Jiraiya never had home. Being an orphan was only an excuse. But Minato knew Jiraiya never had someone of his own.

For a moment Jiraiya really wanted to stay with his son and when Minato's child born he could spend all the time cuddling little thing. Alas, being Ninja comes with obligations. No matter how strong he is, he couldn't escape from the responsibilities.

Jiraiya smiled sadly "Forget it, Orochimaru lost his mind and decide to become a rouge ninja. Hokage appointed me to find him. I must go. I will consider your offer once I come back"

Minato saw the sadness in Jiraiya's eyes. However, he didn't pursue any further. Maybe when Jiraiya comes back he and Kushina might be long gone toward a new world.

He sighed and watched Jiraiya's lonely back. He felt sad too!

Sense come back soon, maybe I could give you a brand new adventure.

Suddenly, Minato felt even sadder. In this world, there are so many pitiful peoples. Unfortunately, he couldn't help them. He is, after all, a very selfish person.

Suddenly, Minato felt a warm body hugging him from behind. His mood was instantly lightened up, forgetting all the worries. Minato turned around and hugged Kushina lovingly and kissing her tender lips.

No need to be sad, he has his family!

Alright.....here is the deal, It was my day job killing me. So late chapters will happen from time to time, don't be angry ok.

also, help to bring Tsunade I want to do that but I have no idea

Burn_To_Ashcreators' thoughts