
I'm a Cultivator

A dead man's soul from Earth inherited Minato's body. He came from the Ear of Immortal Cultivation. Armed with Powerful Godly scroll and powerful Cultivation Technique, He might just go back to earth and get his revenge. of course, he would never leave his wife and children behind.

Burn_To_Ash · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
22 Chs

Sage, Please Reconsider!

In the border between life and death, there was a man guarding Elemental Nation. Despite being dead for over a thousand years, he still maintains his power at peak.

Hagoromo bidding time for his sons' reincarnations.

"Indra already reincarnated, but Asura's soul still in the cycle of reincarnation," Hagoromo mumbled as he detected the circumstances of his sons' souls within the cycle of life and death.

Every generation, Asura and Indra tear each other apart. They chose two of their own descendants as the hosts. Hagoromo loved his sons deeply, he wanted to stop this pointless conflict.

Hagoromo opened his Rinnegan. He could see the change of Destiny. A strange light flashed in his purple eyes.

"It must be due to the Aura of Immortality I felt not too long ago. Only my mother had this kind of Aura but it appeared again in this world." A few days ago Hagoromo sensed a powerful presence descending into the continent.

To his surprise, apart from his mother, Kaguya, Hagoromo never encountered aura of pure immortality, until now.

Indeed, every time this kind of presence descends upon the world, chaos will occur. Now, the flow of nature changed and the world itself reshaping.

"I can't let this happen, the cycle mustn't break"

Hagoromo couldn't allow Asura and Indra disappeared without mending their grudges. Just for this reason, he broke the cycle of reincarnation, he also made the decision to stop Immortal that appeared.

Nevertheless, Immortals are extremely powerful. Hagoromo remembered how hard it was just to seal his mother. It took both his and his bother's power, they were nearly killed in the process.

"Time to wake up Hamura" Hagoromo mumbled as he left the current domain "But I didn't think there would be a day we had to fight again" Hagoromo smiled wryly.

Hagoromo and Hamura Otsutsuki always had a backup plan. They knew there would be a day their mother leave the seal. If at that time there was no one to stop her, both of them could come back and fight her.

But this time Hagoromo using this trump card for the anomaly that disturbing his plans.

On the way, Hagoromo also collected Asura's soul.

Time to bring back balance.


Ever since Minato came to this world, life has been smooth sailing for him. He could cultivate and the most important thing was he had a family. Although Minato never forgot parents that Long Clan locked deep in Mountain, life here was fulfilling.

If it is not for his parents, Minato would just ascend some high-level realm and live there peacefully.

Well... He had some face slappings to do.

After coming back from the Tea village, Minato confronted Kushina. Surprisingly, she didn't flare-up, the girl actually understood him and decide to approve Tsunade.

Later Minato learned that after he departed, Mito and Kushina talked a long time before coming to a conclusion.

He didn't know the details.

Mito also passed down the key to Nine Tail's seal. Minato decided, before releasing Nine Tails he should prepare for the worst.

Mysterious scroll granted him, Sword Technique and Martial Arts Technique. Past few days he studied both techniques and progressed tremendously. His perception at a frightening level. Maybe even the creator of those techniques wouldn't able to attain Advanced Level in just a few days.

Every Technique has divided into five attainment levels. As the cultivator understands deeper into techniques its power will increase correspondingly.

Beginner, Intermediate, Accomplished are the first three-level of techniques understanding. When cultivator reached the accomplished level he could show fifty percent of the technique's power, considering his or her cultivation level.

Advanced Stage and Perfection Stage could show the true power of techniques. While achieving Advanced or Perfection was manageable when practicing Yellow Grade or Dark Grade Techniques, above those two grades, achieving such a result was as hard as it gets.

The sword technique Minato training had six strikes. Each strike overbearing and devastating. The technique was named Six Strikes of Immortal God, such as Minato also comprehend Immortal God Sword Intent.

If this was an Immortal Realm, he could consider a very young sword immortal.

Of course, while his sword skill remains outstanding, his close combat battle power also increased as well. It was due to the technique named Yin and Yang Body Art. This technique much like Taichi that utilized two different forces. However, Yin and Yang Body Art, unlike Taichi it directly uses Yin and Yang energy.

Minato could employ elements under the Yin and Yang into his strikes. This technique is even more powerful than Six Strikes of Immortal God.

After practicing for long periods of time he gradually halted and look toward the house. A moment ago he sensed Kushina entering. The girl went Senju compound expecting to meet up with Tsunade.

Kushina was doing this for a while now. She goes out early morning and comes back late in the evening. Minato didn't know what was going on, Tsunade still living with Mito, maybe Kushina trying to pursue her?

My wife it the best!

He ran into the house.

"How is she?" Minato asked just as he saw Kushina taking a seat.

Kushina looked at him and gave a strange smile. "She is fine. But I think she needs some time to get her feeling straight. Tsunade is a bit emotional."

Hearing his wife, Minato didn't disappoint. Once he solves Kushina's situation he could focus on Tsunade. For now, staying with her grandmother is best for Tsunade.

Kushina saw Minato contemplating, didn't speak further. She knew he was worried about her well being and decide to push back Tsunade's matter. Although Nine-Tails inside her wasn't any threat, Kushina too didn't wish to keep it inside her.

Thus considering for a moment, Kushina hid the most important thing from Minato, for now.

Have some ideas about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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