
I'm a Cultivator

A dead man's soul from Earth inherited Minato's body. He came from the Ear of Immortal Cultivation. Armed with Powerful Godly scroll and powerful Cultivation Technique, He might just go back to earth and get his revenge. of course, he would never leave his wife and children behind.

Burn_To_Ash · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
22 Chs

Pfft! Immortal!? So What?!

An hour later,

Tsunade explained Shizune about her journey back to the leaf village. She, of course, left out complications between Minato and her. Shizune suspect nothing, she even expressed her support toward Tsunade's decision.

Minato was previously planning to use Spatial Manipulation and travel to Leaf Village with Tsunade. However, the arrival of Shizune somewhat jammed his thinking. He had no choice but to travel with them on foot.

As an Immortal Realm Cultivator Minato was able to manipulate a certain amount of space laws and make use of them. He could travel through space for specific distant expanding Immortal Qi.

He wasn't qualified for long distant space shifts, yet. However, this ability could lessen their travel time by a lot. In fact, it would only take him less time than it took him to arrive at Tea Village.

With their current speed, they could reach the village in a day and a half. Still, Minato felt it's taking a long time.

Thinking about Kushina, he felt more confident regarding Nine Tail's matter. Even if Nine Tails were to fight back he could subdue it without much effort.

"Big Brother Minato can't you use flying thunder god? It would make traveling much easier" while they rushed Shizune asked. They were traveling for so long, she felt tired.

Minato abruptly stopped, He felt silly. All along he could have used Spatial Manipulation borrowing Flying Thunder God's name.

I'm such a noob!

"Why did you stop?" Shizune asked looking at him.

Minato smiled. "Let's use Flying Thunder God. I too feel tired running like this"

"Shizune there is still long distance between leaf village. It will drain a lot of Chakra" said Tsunade indifferently. However, she was looking at neither Shizune nor Minato.

"Don't worry Shizune I'm very strong. Besides, I improved this Jutsu somewhat, it won't put much burden on me" Although Minato said that, he didn't look at Shizune. His gaze always rested upon Tsunade's pretty face.

"Humph!" Tsunade snorted looking away.

Shizune sensed a weird atmosphere. She could tell there was something unusual between Tsunade and Minato. Yet she was unable to figure out what it was.

Minato smirked and took hold of Shizune's hand while putting the other hand around Tsunade's waist. Both Tsunade and Shizune widened their eyes.

Probably for the same reason.

Minato was unconcerned about their expressions. Before Tsunade could struggle free or Shizune could comment, He manipulated space around them instantly shifting their location.

Two women surprised. They had plenty of experience with Flying Thunder God. There was always subtle resistance of space-time when using this Jutsu. Due to this reason, Flying Thunder God Jutsu takes a large amount of Chakra. However, Minato's Jutsu didn't have that resistance. Even after traveling a super long distance, he looked relaxed.

'He didn't even use the Kunai. How did he do it?' Tsunade quickly noticed small details. She knew the basic principles of Flying Thunder God as her granduncle was the creator of this Jutsu. Tsunade could feel Minato wasn't using the Thunder God as her Granduncle.

Before Tsunade could react, Minato again leaped. This time he utilized more Immortal Qi than earlier. He had large and thick Immortal Qi reserve thanks to Unnamed Cultivation Manual. Coupled with the fast cultivation speed, Minato could use Spatial Manipulation continuously.

With the fifth jump, Minato and co already step into Leaf Village vicinity. He only needed a single leap to reach village gates. However, Minato decided against it. It's fine Tsunade finding out about the difference between the skills, but the leaf is a different story.

"Big brother is awesome. No wonder you're the fourth Hokage. You are so powerful" Shizune said as her eyes twinkled.

"Hehe just so-so" replied Minato without explaining the Hokage part. He glanced sneakily at Tsunade.

Since he watched anime, Minato knew Tsunade's fear of loving someone. While Naruto met Tsunade years later, her fear was already fading. But now is it's at the strongest. Minato didn't know what to do or how to make her fear go away. He wished to tell her that he is the strongest, nobody can kill him.

Alas! He was truly a noob when it comes to deep emotions.

As they making their way toward Leaf Village, Minato sensed more than twenty Ninjas following them. There were three groups, males and females.

Minato didn't take offense since it was only leaf village's safety measures. Following him was fine without poking fingers on his freedom.

About two hours later Minato could see the village gates.

Suddenly, he lost all his strength. His leg felt weak and heavy. Minato felt no courage to face Kushina. Although he could say it was Mito's fault tempering with Seal, he couldn't abandon Tsunade.

This time I'm really dead meat. Minato clenched his fist.

"Brother, you face looks pale, did you exhaust too much Chakra?" Shizune saw Minato going pale all of a sudden, asked in a hurry.

Minato shook his head smiling bitterly. He didn't want to talk anymore.

Shizune confused. She looked at Tsunade but to her surprise, Tsunade was paled as well. What's going on? Shizune thought silently.

Upon reaching the village, Tsunade looked deeply into Minato's eyes before departing with Shizune. He didn't know what that look suppose to mean. However, once he talked things out with Kushina, he will officially bring Tsunade back to their home. Until then she can stay at Mito.

Minato took a deep breath of fresh air and dragged his heavy legs toward home. Well…so what if you're an Immortal? Even Immortals afraid of their wives.

sorry couldn't make two chapter

Burn_To_Ashcreators' thoughts