
I'm a Cultivator

A dead man's soul from Earth inherited Minato's body. He came from the Ear of Immortal Cultivation. Armed with Powerful Godly scroll and powerful Cultivation Technique, He might just go back to earth and get his revenge. of course, he would never leave his wife and children behind.

Burn_To_Ash · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
22 Chs

Oh! Is The Village Council Big?!

At the horizon sun slowly set, coloring the world with a red hue. As Leaf Village started to sink in darkness, Hokage toward was the first place to lighten up.

Minato calmly watched the third Hokage. He saw myriad flashing throughs in this aged face.

A long time later third spoke "Minato, can't you reconsider?"

It sounded like a suggestion, however, Minato could feel a subtle change in the old man's voice.

'Haha, he became unfriendly so soon' Minato laughed inwardly. But on the outside, he was deadpan "No need, I want to be free, I don't want to be hero, I just want to be a good father and good husband"

Kushina again started crying. Minato smiled wryly, because of her conditions her emotions are running haywire. Simple things can make her sad or happy.

He hugged Kushina's waist and inject a small amount of Qi helping her to calm down. His Qi filled with Vitality and warmth, it made Kushina refreshed.

"I see" Third sighed "I will inform this to the council members. You will have to answer them. I can't help you"

Minato nodded and didn't say anything. He knew Hokage was suspicious about him. Minato didn't want to clarify anything. He already explained his intentions and didn't want to stay anymore. He took Kushina and left.


An unknown amount of time later, Sarutobi stood up. He looked admiringly at the bustling village. Each Ninja in this village dedicated their lives to protect their home.

A few years back, there was an orphan child who worked so hard to become Hokage. The child's aspirations were to protect the village over his own life. But now he has changed.

"How much did you change my child?!" Sarutobi shook his head emotionally "Go find Jiraiya, tell him that the Third Hokage summoned him"

As his words fell, two shadows appeared and vanished on top of Hokage tower.


Minato and Kushina went night market before going home. Although Kushina was only being pregnant for a few days, her food taste already changed. Unlike before she doesn't always go to the Ichiraku.

"Kushina-chan, you can watch TV, I will prepare the dinner," Minato said as he removed his shirt, finding it more comfortable.

Those few hours made Kushina somewhat tired. Her emotions took a rollercoaster ride with every declaration Minato made. So her mood wasn't very good for cooking. She could only nod with a slight blush.

Mi-Mi why are you taking off your shirt? Are you trying to tempt this big sister? How naive!

Kushina put complete blame on Minato for her heating body. Still, She didn't take her eyes off his toned body.

Minato noticed Kushina's heated gaze. Since it's only the early phase of pregnancy having 'kudos' was no problem. He just chuckled and decided to fulfill her desire later at night.

He already forgot about Hokage and the Village Council or whatnot.


The next day, Minato started his Martial Arts and Immortal Spell practices. His cultivation also showing signs of breaking through. But, Minato suppressed it. Unnamed Cultivation Manual gifted him Auto Cultivation and unprecedented speed of cultivation. However, if his foundation becomes shaky all that would be in naught.

Worst case scenario possible death facing Heavenly Tribulation.

So, Minato decided to achieve a robust foundation by suppressing breakthroughs. Besides that, practicing physical skills also benefits the body and cultivation.

Minato had a summoning contract with Mt Myoboku. Therefore he was very skilled in Frog Kumite. Frog Kata was used by those who mastered Sage Mode. Using Superior physical condition during Sage Mode, the user could bring out frightful firepower using this technique.

Since Qi governor over the all-natural elements Minato's body way dominant than Sage's body. Once he uses Qi instead of Natural Energy his power will be doubled or even triples.

He didn't know if he could still summons the Frogs, it didn't matter. What matters was the technique.

Minato slowly recalled moves in Frog Kumite. Although he had previous Minato's memories, he couldn't bring out the essences of techniques. Exercising them from scratch was the only option.

Frog Kumite focuses both offensive and defensive. It was achieved by forming a force field around the user. Additionally, Kumite users could discharge inner strength/natural energy in the form of a solid attack.

Minato amazed by the fact, how close this Frog Kumite is to a genuine Martial Technique. On Earth, Frog Kumite could Rank as at least Peak of Earth Grade Martial Arts Technique.

Martial Art Techniques divide into five grades. Yellow Grade being the lowest, Dark, Human, Earth, and Heaven grade being the highest. Martial Techniques wasn't as rare as cultivation manuals. With advanced technology and human intelligence Earth has numerous Martial Techniques. Even then, Something like Frog Kumite worth a lot.

Not to mention, how hard it is to come by a Peak of Earth Grade technique.

Frog Kumite consists of both simple moves and advanced moves. Normally Ninja uses Taijutsu hoping to conserve their Chakra when they battled. Even with the Sage mode, the Sage couldn't use Advanced Moves more than a few times.

Firstly, Minato decided to practice simple moves. It could help him refine his body further. Stronger the body is stronger the foundation and the advantage over the same level cultivator.

Soon, Uzumaki household backyard painted with a handsome young man and his elegant palms and fist techniques. There was also Red Haired beauty who looks like a fairy yet excluding Valkyrie like an aura. She had this unique temperament, still, her expression that she looking at the hard-working youth is overflowing with love and care.

Sorry about the late chapter, since we suppressed the Corona, I was recalled to my day job, that's why I couldn't update.

Burn_To_Ashcreators' thoughts