
I'm a Cultivator

A dead man's soul from Earth inherited Minato's body. He came from the Ear of Immortal Cultivation. Armed with Powerful Godly scroll and powerful Cultivation Technique, He might just go back to earth and get his revenge. of course, he would never leave his wife and children behind.

Burn_To_Ash · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
22 Chs

Oh! Here She Is

Minato couldn't utilize most of his speed on the journey back to Leaf Village. Tsunade and he traveled half a day without a single word. He was suppressed by speed and speech.

Watching Tsunade's perky butt did take away some boredom but time to time she looks back at him with disdain. it made him feel a little shy and uncomfortable.

As newly ascended Immortal, he requires cultivation consolidation. Immortal Realm divided into ten sub realm. Each sub realm increases the cultivator's power substantially.

When Minato achieved the Immortal Realm there was some reaction from the scroll in his body. Maybe his power was enough to gain something again from the scroll. Minato still hadn't figure out what sort of an artifact the scroll supposed to be. He wasn't much concerned about it either.

They ran for a long time. There was still a big distance between them and the leaf village. Minato wasn't feeling tired at all. But Tsunade decided to take a break.

As Tsunade still giving him cold shoulder, Minato sat crossed legged planning to check Mysteries Scroll. It took hardly any time, Minato already standing in front of the mysterious scroll.

Minato didn't waste time. He walked toward the scroll without hesitation and touched it. Same as the first time, upon contact, he was immediately sent back.

When Minato open his eyes, various information flood into his mind. Unlike like last time, the amount was excessive. He felt as if his brain turning to mushy.

His breathing became loud and heavy. Faced pales from pain. The discomfort lasted for a few moments and disappeared without a trace. Minato saw Tsunade hadn't noticed his strange behavior, let out a sigh of relief.

Information this time scroll gave him hundreds fold bigger than before. As he carefully skimmed through numerous contents his face filled in with joy.

The scroll gave him what needed most. There were at least ten Martial techniques. Not only that, but the scroll was also so considered, it gave him two new cultivation techniques as well.

With those two cultivation arts, my girls can start cultivation. This world has an abundance amount of Qi, they can become powerful before going to my world.

He was constantly bothered by Kushina's cultivation. After Tsunade joined in recently, Minato was feeling a lot more pressure. Although he could protect them in this world and earth, nothing is absolute. Thanks to Mysterious scroll, He felt a huge weight leaving his shoulders.

"Minato let's go" Suddenly Tsunade's calm voice sounded in his ears. He was truly delighted to hear her voice. Immediately opened his eyes and smiled lovingly at her.

Minato walked near Tsunade and said, "Honey If you call me husband I will give you something really awesome"

Tsunade: "…"

Tsunade didn't know what to say. It was obvious Minato accepted her, but she felt reluctant. Dan was the only one she loved. He died, and her brother that she dearly loved died as well.

'If I accept him won't he die too?' she thought 'Then why am I going back to the village? Isn't it good to stay away from him?'

Tsunade felt troubled. She couldn't sort out emotions abruptly that occurred in her heart. More she thought, worse it becomes.

Minato saw Tsunade's complexion shifting with complicated feelings. He knew he shouldn't have said that. She needs some time to adapt.

"Eh! Who is that?" Suddenly Minato saw a human silhouette approaching them fast. His voice also distracted Tsunade from her thoughts.

Looking closely, Minato could see it was a woman about the same age as him. The woman's speed wasn't that fast. Minato saw her Chakra signatures, estimates woman should be a Jonin.

"It's Shizune," said Tsunade startled. She sent Shizune to the Land of Water in order to pass their Ninja course. Considering the friendship between her and Mei Terumi the Mizukage, arranging things wasn't hard.

However, Tsunade didn't expect Shizune to have such great talent. Looking at her speed, she really became Jonin. To pass the Jonin test in just a few months, she is truly Dan's niece.

Unlike Hidden Leaf Ninjas who prove their worth fighting against higher level ninjas, on the land of water, their ninja course was hundreds of times harder.

It's much harder to become Jonin of Land of Water.

When Minato heard Tsunade's words, his brain finally clicked. He totally forgot about Shizune. Wasn't this girl suppose to always stay with Tsunade? Why is she only appears now?

"Lady Tsunade I found you," said Shizune stopping in front of the duo. Her expression said how happy she was to meet up with Tsunade. And although she noticed Minato, most of her focus was on the Tsunade.

Tsunade smiled. "Shizune, you made it!"

"En! Lady Tsunade who is this?" Shizune nodded and looked at Minato. She felt a little flustered around this strange man. He looked like, someone she knew. Yet, different at the same time.

"Haha, Shizune you don't recognize your big brother Minato? I'm sad" Minato pretend to be sad "You even promised to marry me when we grow up"

Before Tsunade take away Shizune, little Minato, and little Shizune were playmates. Not to mention it been a long time, Minato's appearance greatly changed as well. It's not surprising Shizune failed to recognize him.

Shizune was startled, Her little mouth opened wide.

"Big Brother Minato?! What happened to you? You looked so different" said Shizune looking incredulously at Minato.

Minato laughed. Even though he wasn't original Minato, this was his life now. It's good to meet someone close.

sorry about the delay, maybe two chaps tomorrow will make you happy

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