
I'm a Cultivator

A dead man's soul from Earth inherited Minato's body. He came from the Ear of Immortal Cultivation. Armed with Powerful Godly scroll and powerful Cultivation Technique, He might just go back to earth and get his revenge. of course, he would never leave his wife and children behind.

Burn_To_Ash · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
22 Chs

It's Good To Be Alive

Note- I do not own Naruto

A young man twenty-three or twenty-four years old suddenly gasped intense breath in. He was lying on a green grass field with a pale face. Little blood trail could be seen on the corner of his mouth.

The young man had sun-kissed blonde hair and deep blue eyes. He was slender yet looked health, in words, he was handsome.

However, the young man carried troubled expression. Disbelief was written all over his face. He didn't even attempt to stand up. It was as if he was recalling something.

A few moments later his cloudly eyes gradually turn normal. His complexion brightened as the day.

I can't t believe I actually reborn as Minato Namikaze.

The Young man thought as he smiled somewhat helplessly. He was from the 24th century. An Earthling that enjoyed centuries-old animes.

On Earth, he was deemed as a useless person. After Deities descended they showed humans the path of immortality. He was from a large clan but without talent. He even met the Great Sage Equal to Heavens, Sun Wu Kong, but Great Deity refused to give him Rebirth Pill. Which could have helped him.

In order to endure criticism and disdain of the world, he found the centuries-old masterpieces known as anime. He was exceptionally familiar with anime call Naruto.

And now he was reborn as Naruto's father…well not yet at least.

While he continues to ponder, someone abruptly appeared before him.

"Minato! What happened? Are you all alright?" A worry-filled voice came into his ears.

It was a young woman in her early to mid-twenties. She had fierce red hair and bright purple eyes. She was extremely beautiful.

He already knew who this is and smiled gently. Since he already came here and assumed Minato's roll, new he is Minato and Minato is him. As for the old world! Just Forget it.

"Hehe, don't worry Kushina-chan, I guess lightning can not add to the [Rasengan]" said Minato scratching back of his head while smiling sheepishly.

He saw Red hair beautiful trying hard to endure anger and nervousness. Her concern moved him.

How long has it been someone cared about me?

Suddenly Red Hot-Blooded Habanero scoffed "Humph! Do you think you can actually create Tail Beast Bomb? Don't make me laugh, let's go, you will receive your punishment"

Minato shuddered hearing punishment. He knew exactly what her punishment means. His face twitched.

"N-no Kushina it's still day time, someone might hear us" Although the new Minato is somewhat excited, he felt partly conflicted. Maybe in a few hours, he could sort out tangled feelings, that why he refused.

However, Kushina didn't think so. She smiled gently and cracked her knuckles "Hehe! Don't worry Honey no one will hear us"

Minato still wanted to back away but unfortunately, red blur flashed, and next moment he felt heart-rendering pain coming from the stomach. His eyes widened and almost threw up. Before he realized Kushina carried him back to their apartment.

No need to hit so hard right?! It's not like I'm unwilling. Minato thought before they connect their bodies together.


When the 'punishment' concluded the sun already on the horizon. He was exhausted and fulfilled.

The day almost ending, Birds going back to their nests, hoping for a new day.

Happiness swelled up in Minato's heart. He could finally have a family. He won't be celebrating his own birthday along anymore. Looking at naked Red-haired beauty beside him, Minato smiled lovingly.

However, Minato recalled he and Kushina suppose to die. Their destiny seems to pre-organized. He clenched his fist. Strong desire to protect his love once build up inside his heart.

Minato was already powerful. He could outrun Raikage and exchange blows with [Eight Tail Jinchuriki]. And yet he died under the [Tobi]'s assault. Received no help village he sworn to protect.

I need power, the power to crush everything in my path. Minato tried holding back his agitation.

Suddenly, his mind jerked. His vision blanked for instant and next moment he stood middle of pure white space.

Eh?! Is this my mind palace? Why am I here? What's going on?

Minato alarmed but quickly calmed down. From his previous self's memory, he knew this was his mind space. Just like the one [Jinchuriki]'s has.

It didn't take long for him to figure out what's going on. Middle of his mind-space there was a floating scroll. It had an ancient and mythical feeling, yet, gave him a strong sense of familiarity.

What the hell? Isn't that the scroll I found in that tomb?

Minato dumbfounded. No wonder he felt familiar. Before he reborn as Minato, he was a useless person unable to cultivate. This has been his greatest regret.

So, except watching anime he also spent time searching a way to cure his body. That's when he received news regarding the tomb of a supreme cultivator. He didn't think twice, organized a team, and raid the called tomb.

After a tremendous amount of effort, he and his team found the treasure room. He didn't want anything, he just wanted a treasure that could help him cultivate. While his team searching for miracle pills and weapons, he accidentally stumbled upon this ancient scroll.

He was happy, thinking maybe this could help him. But never thought one of his team members would kill him out of greed. He thought he died yet he came to this world and assumed Minato's identity. One of his favorite characters.

However, looking at it now, not only him but it looks like the scroll also followed him here.

Minato didn't know about this item. He didn't care. Since it capable of bringing him here it must be an extraordinary item. Without hesitation, Minato walked toward the scroll and touched it.

Soon as he made the contact, he woke up in the real world, besides the sleeping red hair beauty. However, his expression wasn't that of disappointment, on the contrary, his handsome face reddened from excitement.

The scroll has given him a way to become stronger.

Decide to Write This. So please Don't discourage me ok! if you don't like it don't read and don't comment. Doing this for fun, not for money.

Burn_To_Ashcreators' thoughts