
I'm a Cultivator

A dead man's soul from Earth inherited Minato's body. He came from the Ear of Immortal Cultivation. Armed with Powerful Godly scroll and powerful Cultivation Technique, He might just go back to earth and get his revenge. of course, he would never leave his wife and children behind.

Burn_To_Ash · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
22 Chs

I'm Less Confident Without You!

Mito quickly steadied her jumping emotions. She needed further investigation before working on her plan. Furthermore, Mito could tell Kushina and Minato didn't visit her just to examine her health, there must be something else.

Kushina is straight forward and honest, however, Minato is a bit different. Mito summed the couple's personality. She could tell Minato was also not a person with schemes. However, there was something off about him, he was frighteningly confident.

Mito was unable to read Minato entirely, except a few things she picked up through observing the boy.

"Alright, Minato I'm sure you didn't come here just to check on this old woman. What is your purpose?"

Hehe, this old woman sure catches on fast. Minato laughed inwardly but on the outside his face all seriousness. He secretly stimulated Divine Sense, wrapping three of them inside an invisible dome. No one could hear them from outside.

Furthermore, no one sensed the Divine Sense too.

"Since Granny found out I won't hide it anymore. I want Nine Tali's seal key" Minato said without hesitation. He saw Kushina was a little anxious and held her hand assuringly.

Minato's words made Mito frowned. She could already guess what they up to. The boy undoubtedly loves Kushina more than the world. He could do anything for her. It's not unexpected if he decides to take out the Nine-Tails burden from Kushina.

"You intend to release Nine Tails?" Asked Mito without showing any emotions. Her voice felt neutral, Minato was unable to read the old woman.

Minato nodded "Yes, I see no reason to sacrifice my wife for the village sake"



Suddenly, the bright living room became silent. The atmosphere was oppressive and gloomy. Mito stared at Minato coldly.

Silent prevailed

"Minato, do you know what are you talking about?" Mito solicited emotionlessly.

"This could endanger the whole village. If….. No…The Nine Tails will surely go on a rampage soon as you release him. He hates humans, mostly leaf village. If that happens casualties will be unimaginable."

Minato's face changed, abruptly he looked angry. This...This doesn't concern him. His voice took a cold tone "Why would I care about the village? I don't care what Nine Tails do to this village."

Then he paused, giving Mito a hard look he continued,

"You know what, you shouldn't care about this village either. Where were they when Iwa attacked Uzumaki Clan? I even suspect Leaf Village arranged that attack so that they could get Kushina without cost. Their own, controllable, perfect Jinchuriki. Fucking hypocrites" Minato said with disdain.

Mito opened eyes wide. On the side, Kushina was shocked too. Not because Minato care so much about her, she already knew that one. She was shocked because a possible reason Minato mentioned behind the destruction of her home village.

Mito was shocked as well. Despite knowing the reason behind Uzumaki Clan's destruction and the events that transpired, she felt disturbed. However, she lived long enough, soon calmed down.

Minato wasn't really angry. But he couldn't stand how everyone so devoted to their village and didn't even think twice before sacrificing innocent lives.

"Minato, stop this nonsense," Mito said solemnly "How about this, if you do something for me I will teach Kushina how to unlock the seal." she changed the subject not wanting to continue Uzumaki Clan matters.

Hearing Mito's words Minato felt it was a fair deal. He wouldn't mind doing something for Mito unless it involves a leaf village.

He nodded. However, he sneered inside the heart 'tch! There must be something fishy with the Uzumaki massacre. I will find out sooner or later.'

"Good! You should know my granddaughter, Tsunade right?! I missed her so much, so I want you to escort her back to the village" Mito said. Sadness could feel in her voice.

Minato thought it was something more subtle. I can't leave Kushina alone. I can do this, If she doesn't give me the key I will find some other way.

Just as Minato about to refuse, Mito spoke hastily.

"If you worried about Kushina, she can stay with me and study the key" As if she read Minato's mind the old woman offered.

Despite that, Minato didn't feel assured at all. He felt there was something out of the place. Yet, unable to put thoughts into it.

He frowned deeply.

"Minato you can relax. I can watch myself, besides I trust Lady Mito. You can go at ease" the silent Kushina held his hand and said confidently.

Minato looked at Kushina but didn't comment. He knew Kushina was powerful. Even if she meets an opponent she couldn't defeat, the girl is perfectly capable of running away.

But ever since he transmigrated here, he never separated from Kushina. He felt less confident and unwilling.

Taking a deep breath Minato made up his mind. "Do you have any information about her whereabouts?"

Mito's eyes shone. She immediately disclosed the data she had regarding Tsunade.

Apparently, until last week Tsunade was staying at the Tea Village. She has a friend there. However, Mito lost contact a few days ago, therefor Minato's start was Tea Village.

'I hope she won't leave before I go there' Minato silently prayed unknown gods in this world. It takes Normal Ninja three days to reach the said village. But Minato could do it in one day. That means one day to go and one day to come back.

He could accomplish the mission Nearly in three days, considering everything goes normally.

"Minato take this seal with you" Mito withdraw a scroll and offered it Minato. She said "This is Bloodline Searching Seal. When Tsunade within 5 miles radius this will react. Even if Tsunade uses transformation, the scroll could sense her. It will fly toward her."

"You can figure out what to after that, right?!"

Minato shocked. He never knew there was something like this in this world. Indeed, this old woman is a Master of Seals.

"Alright, Granny, however, you can't tell about this to anyone, I mean anyone. Don't worry, those Anbu heard nothing. Also If anything happens to Kushina while I'm out, it is your fault. No matter how small it is I will kill every single person in this damn village" Minato said coldly. He intentionally released a bit of killing intent just enough to scare Mito.

However, Mito was tougher than he thought. She endured killing intent and looked his face angrily.

"You're threatening me?" She asked.

Minato chuckled "of course, make sure nothing happens to her"

Then he went out with Kushin. He needs to prepare small things before going out.

Yess! Tsunade, I'm super excited

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