
I'm a Cultivator

A dead man's soul from Earth inherited Minato's body. He came from the Ear of Immortal Cultivation. Armed with Powerful Godly scroll and powerful Cultivation Technique, He might just go back to earth and get his revenge. of course, he would never leave his wife and children behind.

Burn_To_Ash · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
22 Chs

Hey, You Called Us?

Leaf Village is a place filled with vitality and a joyful atmosphere. Since they came out as the strongest Ninja Village during the third ninja war, Leaf Village managed to preserve stability uninterrupted.

Minato couldn't help but feel warm and comfortable observing the village environment. It felt really wonderful, chirping birds, laugher of old and young, this felt really harmonious.

However, the undercurrent is dark and malicious.

He shook his head, I must get out here. Maybe I can rebuild Uzumaki village.

"What are you thinking?" Kushina asked softly noticing his shifting expressions.

Minato flashed a charming smile and squeezed her little hand bit tighter "Nothing. I was just thinking the names for our child"

Kushina also smiled saying "There is a long time for that, we will think about it later"

Minato nodded, but he already thought names for his child. He even had back up planned if the child is a girl. According to the original, his child supposed to be a boy but since he wasn't the original Minato things might just change.

Who knows!

"Minato did you notice? People staring at us weirdly?" Suddenly Kushina whispered.

He too spotted few curious glances but ignored it until Kushina pointed out. Now that Kushina implied Minato glimpsed quite a few citizens looking g at them.

"Hehe, maybe I'm just too handsome" Minato smiled narcissistically. His mood was great and cracked a joke without thinking.

"Yes, that might be true" Kushina smiled gloomily emitting a dark aura. She clearly saw quite a few young girls blushing and whispering amongst them pointing Minato.

Minato flabbergasted. He was just casually making a joke. Although noticed villagers starring at them it wasn't that extravagant, right?

"Seriously? Kushina-chan, you even know how to play along with my jokes"

"Hmm, I not playing, look at those girls. They even blushing" a thoughtful expression appeared on Kushina's beautiful face.

Minato turned around and saw a bunch of young girls looking at him with infatuated eyes. It was as if they wanted to devour him. His body suddenly felt cold and powerless, he held tighter into Kushina's hand.

"Hehe, Minato looks like you are really popular now, should I invite them?" Kushina laughed evilly narrowing her eyes. She looked at Minato's pale face amusingly.

Minato felt even more powerless.

Wifey! Don't scare me like that! You ought to help me.

"N-no need! I-we should hurry" He didn't like the feeling those girls gave him. Although he felt a little proud, as a family guy he felt uncomfortable. Besides, he couldn't take Kushina's teasing.

Looking at his anxious face Kushina giggled "Minato you are so cute"

Minato didn't respond, he strode faster dragging Kushina with him.


The couple quickly reached Hokage Tower. The old man already waiting for them.

Minato didn't find any difference between anime's third Hokage and the old man currently sitting leisurely behind the small desk.

Except, this one is alive. Unlike the Anime version.

"Lord Hokage you summoned us?" Immediately Kushina spoke with a bow. On the other hand, Minato just stood there indifferently. His temperament is completely different from when he was with Kushina.

Third smiled "Kushina, I heard you are pregnant, congratulations"

A shade of pink crept into her cheeks, she smiled brightly. However, The Third Hokage didn't keep his eyes on her, he turned to Minato.

"Minato, I haven't seen you for a few days but you changed so much," said Hokage, frowned. Not only Minato's appearance changed, but he also could feel the difference in Minato's personality. However, he still smiled righteously.

Normally, Minato was extremely respectful toward him and other seniors. Yet, today he just stood there expressionlessly. The boy didn't even greet him, the Hokage. Sarutobi felt puzzled.

Minato chuckled unnaturally "heh! It's nothing Lo…Hokage"

He was going to call Hokage as Lord, but he wasn't previous Minato. He didn't feel like calling old man such as.

Sarutobi surprised, his eyebrows shoot up. The little boy indeed changed. Did something happen?

Not only Hokage, but Kushina also took a surprised glance at Minato. Since they came here she felt a subtle change within Minato. Nonetheless, she was unable to find what was it, only now did she see it.

Minato on the other hand look clam. Truthfully, he wasn't angry or anything with the old man. However, he didn't like the old guy. Matter fact this village filled with hypocrites.

"Hokage, why have you summoned us?" Minato asked looking directly at the old man. He couldn't wait to go home and cuddle with Kushina.

Sarutobi sighed "Minato, next month you will be receiving Hokage mantle, are you ready?"

No matter what, council members already agreed upon Minato's position. As the current Hokage, it was his responsibility to check on the boy. If it wasn't for the contributions Minato did for the village, they wouldn't choose an orphan like Minato over the Orochimaru.

"Tomorrow Inoichi and his team will come to your house, don't worry it's only sake of formalities. Nothing too serious" initially this procedure was unnecessary. However, Sarutobi wanted to find the reasons behind Minato's changes. This was the best way to deal with this.

'Good thing I decide to refuse this position' Minato's heart went cold. If he was to let Inoichi read his mind wouldn't that mean he was exposing himself? Leaf Village indeed dangerous.

Minato saw Hokage closely observing him. He looked at Kushina and said "About that Hokage, I'm going to decline Hokage mantle. I want to spend my time with my family, not stuck in here"

When he said that, Kushina almost surprised and reviled, she cried. Her beautiful eyes filled with tears. Minato smiled gently and wipe her tears away. He truly loved her, more than anything.

However, Sarutobi wasn't happy as Kushina. Inconceivable expression appeared on his face. His suspicion grew once more, there is something wrong with Minato.

Could it be, he planing something? I must find it before something happens.

Sarutobi decided to take action. If it requires he would capture Minato by himself.

There were some comments about Shadow Clone and Flying Thunder God Techniques, I'm decided not to use those techniques. Naruto world is just temporally, he will go back to his original world, It was somewhat my Original Creation. That world is much powerful than Naruto world, besides, Traveling Through Space-Time comes naturally with cultivation. he doesn't need to train low-quality techniques.

Burn_To_Ashcreators' thoughts