
I'm a Cultivator

A dead man's soul from Earth inherited Minato's body. He came from the Ear of Immortal Cultivation. Armed with Powerful Godly scroll and powerful Cultivation Technique, He might just go back to earth and get his revenge. of course, he would never leave his wife and children behind.

Burn_To_Ash · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
22 Chs

Hehe! I'm Really Proud of Myself

Minato never stopped smiling ever since Kushina came back. His eyes filled with happiness and face glowing with pride. Even while cooking his mind wondering through a pool of joy.

"Stop smiling like a fool and make me some ramen" Kushina, who was waiting for her ramen felt speechless. She wasn't angry, although she liked Minato's cute and funny expressions she was rather hungry.

"Hehe, Kushina-chan, don't be angry, just give me a few minutes and it will be done" Minato giggled foolishly looking tenderly at his wife.

"Humph!" Kushina scoffed and looked away. His gaze gentle and filled with love, she felt blessed. However, she also felt a little shy.

"Kushina-chan let me know if you have any foods you like to eat, I can cook almost anything," Minato said turning back to his cooking.

Since Kushina became pregnant she must have some desires, Mostly regarding foods. Minato felt really fortunate. Although, a disaster also getting near he couldn't care less. This is his family, he must protect them. With the Nascent Soul Mid Stage cultivation he was confident facing [Tobi] or even the Nine Tail.

'I should have conversations with Nine Tails. If he is incorporative I will just refine him into Qi'

He had long since planned to take action regarding Nine Tail Fox. He didn't wish for his wife to become its vessel. Besides, once Kushina starts cultivation, Fox will be automatically refined and become nothing but a mass of Qi.

Minato didn't want that to happen. No matter what, the Fox is a living being. If Kushina were to refine Fox, since it's soul strong it might cause Kushina a Qi devastation. Taking it out forcefully also effects Kushina's vitality.

Thinking all this Minato felt raging anger. No matter which world, there are ruthless pricks.

"Hey, why are you suddenly became so angry?" Behind him, Kushina frowned sensing bottomless fury from her husband.

What's wrong with him? He never gets angry like this. Kushina thought inwardly. But it wasn't directed at her, she felt puzzled.

Minato startled "Eh! Ahaha, nothing, I just, you know, hehe, its nothing"

Looking at his pathetic act, Kushina felt amused and curious. However, Minato never hid anything from her, if he wanted to tell, he will tell, she didn't push any further.

A few minutes later Ramen was Ready.




After lunch, Minato and Kushina decide to watch TV. Though the TV show and technology wasn't developed as Earth, Minato enjoyed the quality time with his wife.

At first, Kushina proposed going out but Minato's hight and body changed slightly. His old clothes did not fit him anymore. Kushina had a tailer come over and make a new wardrobe from him. It would take a few hours, so they settled with Tv.

Minato was originally 170 cm or so tall. After He elevated the mortality into Immortality, his body reached perfection. His height reached almost 183 cm. His build also became a bit muscular yet slender at the same time. Now, he looks more handsome and cool. His previous sisy looks nowhere to find.

Kushina was curious, Minato promised to tell her after the childbirth. Only after that Red Haired Beauty relaxed her frown.

While Husband and Wife relaxing, suddenly an Anbu interrupted. Wearing a rabbit mask, the Anbu kneel before them.

"What is it?" Minato felt irritated. His Divine Sense already discovered Anbu before he appeared in front of them. He involuntarily released a bit of cultivation base. The Anbu shuddered, the face behind the mask paled.

'What the hell? Not even Lord Hokage has this kind of frightening presence.' Anbu gulped.

"I'm very sorry...Lord Minato, but Lord Hokage summoned you" Anbu explained hiding his shaky voice.

"What does he want?" Minato exact some more pressure on poor Anbu. He didn't really like the Third Hokage. The guy is really schemey. Third wouldn't lose to Danzo in this aspect.

Suddenly, Kushina pinch his arm "Minato, what are you doing?"

She sent a deadly glare.

Minato hissed "aw! What do you mean? What did I do?"

His earlier imposing aura disappeared. The Anbu finally could breathe. After relaying the message Anbu wanted to escape. Earlier, He was deeply terrified by Minato, but suddenly, pressure doubled. He almost pissed his pants.

'Thank Gods Lady Kushina is here' The Anbu sighed helplessly. If the pressure lasted a few more seconds his Anbu dignity would have shattered.

"You are scaring this little brother," Kushina said and ignored Minato "Little Bro, go on, report Lord Third, Minato will be there in few minutes"

Anbu nodded and flashed away.

Minato didn't care for Hokage or the village. However, Kushina insisted on responding to the old man.

Kushina hurriedly went to the tailor and brought back his new clothes. Minato didn't ware Leaf Village soft armor. He just wore black pants and a black t-shirt, that brought him limitless charm. He long since removed Leaf Village Headband, now his forehead unrestricted.

The Hokage Tower situated a few blocks away from their home. Minato made Kushina accompany him, two of them slowly walked toward the old man's place. This was his first time going out of the house since his transmigration.

Minato didn't know the reason old fool wanted to seem him, but he predicted it should be related to his ascension as the Hokage.

'Humph! Let's see how old fool going to make me Hokage' Minato snorted inwardly, while slowly stroll through the streets. His mood exceptionally good since his wife was pregnant.

I will add cultivation realms as an auxiliary chapter?

Burn_To_Ashcreators' thoughts