
I'm a Cultivator

A dead man's soul from Earth inherited Minato's body. He came from the Ear of Immortal Cultivation. Armed with Powerful Godly scroll and powerful Cultivation Technique, He might just go back to earth and get his revenge. of course, he would never leave his wife and children behind.

Burn_To_Ash · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
22 Chs

Funeral Of Three Souls

Earth Strike

Minato sent another sword beam. He didn't give two brothers time to breathe. He wanted to go back as quickly as possible, Kushina and Tsunade alone in that cave.

Almighty Push

Sage of Six Path discharged a large amount of Chakra and used Dava Path to defend against Minato's Earth Strike.


Gravity and pure destruction of the sword path clashed one another sending out wave after wave of unique energy blasts. The surrounding became a barren land, the trees no more.

Gravity Prison

Hamura didn't stay ideal either. He brought his palm together and used his own technique as well.

Minato sensed gravity taking a cylinder shape around him. Not wanting to test Hamura's skills he flickered away.

Appearing right behind surprised Hamura, Minato clenched his fist and lashed out a powerful blow.

"Time to die" Minato grinned as his fist perfectly landed on Hamura's back.


The Otsutsuki was sent flying. Upon crashing on the ground he spat mouth full blood. Not only his outer body even his organs smashed onto pieces. He was good as dead.

"Brother!" The Sage of Six Path cried out seeing Hamura conditions. Although he managed to resist Earth Strike it wasn't without a price.

Minato spare no glance at Sage of Six Path. His target was Hamura. Fight with two adversaries was a bit tricky.

I must kill one of them. Minato determinedly flew toward the human-size crater. The younger Otsutsuki wasn't dead, Minato could sense it.

Earth Strike

Once Minato saw bloody Hamura he delivered another sword strike enough to reduce Hamura into dust.

Just as Minato thought Otsutsuki was no more, suddenly, the bloody figure vanished and Sage of Six Path appeared instead.

"Two Thousand Hell's Gate" Sage of Six Path cried in a hurry. Before Earth Strike reached him, thousands of meters tall enormous gate sprout out from the ground.


Earth Strike landed on the Sage's hell's gate with a loud boom. Despite great power behind the sword strike, it failed to breakthrough Hell's gate.

Minato narrowed his eyes. The Earth Strike barely scratched the Hell's Gate. Moreover looking around he was unable to find Hamura.

'I guess both of them behind that gate huh!' Minato let out a small smile. 'Interesting! looks like I have to use the second strike as well'

"Hiding behind the Hell's Gate? Rather, why don't both of you go to hell?" Minato mocked.

Although Sage of Six Path heard Minato's words he didn't react. He began to aid Hamura to heal his injuries. Sage was confident about the hell's gate, it was a perfect defense technique. Even if enemy circles around, they could see nothing but Hell's Gate.

Minato understood Otsutsuki's intentions. They were trying to recuperate. Although he could wait until they recover, he could sense Nine Tail's presence getting stronger. If the Nine-Tails knew his father has come here who knows what will happen.

Minato reluctant to take chances. A cold light flashed in his eyes.

Lifting his finger sword Minato channeled Immortal Qi. This time he wasn't just casing Sword move,

he also began to recite the incantation.

Normally every sword move has its own incantation. However, once you comprehend the technique, incantation wasn't necessary. Nevertheless, if someone uses the technique alone with the incantation its power could elevate even further.

However, in battle, every second could determine the outcome. Reciting technique incantation hardly possible when cultivators battle.

Minato began,

Immortal God who walks the path of Sword, Slay the Evil, Save the Innocent, Strike within Good and Bad, Yin and Yang,

Celestial Strike!

As Minato's words fell, a wind blew, suddenly the entire world seemed lost its color. Merely words influenced natural order. His whole arm enveloped by Sword Intend.

Unlike other sword intends, this wasn't overbearing. It gave a surreal feeling as if a benevolent celestial about to vanquished evil from the world.

Strike left his hand, Sky divided, the ground trembled.

Minato's fingers explored. Power was too much for his body to handle. It was only thanks to his strong body he could discharge Celestial Strike without treasure sword.

Sage of Six Path and Hamura Otsutsuki felt the changing atmosphere. They looked at each other and their complexions cramped.

With a celestial light, Hell's Gate left nothing. Two brothers who came to sealed away Immortal disappeared without a trace, Asura's fate soul also perished along with them.

From now on, Many things bound to change with that sword strike, however, Minato unconcerned.

He looked around and scanned the surrounding with Divine Sense. Thankfully they are quite far from Leaf Village, the noise of battle didn't attract anyone.

Minato did not stay, sped toward the cave. Although Leaf village was unaware of the battle, Kushina and Tsunade too close to this location, they must be worried.

When Minato reached the cave entrance he could feel a strong and unique presence from inside. Kushina and Tsunade also within the cave and seems fine. He let out a sigh of relief before entering the cave.

Tsunade immediately showed a reaction taking a battle stance.

"Don't be nervous, It's me" Minato smiled gently after seeing Tsunade relaxed her body. His gaze wandered around Tsunade and Kushina before landing on the towering orange monster.

Nine Tails was almost out, for now, Kushina's vitality seems stable, he just has to wait for some time.

I am trying

Burn_To_Ashcreators' thoughts