
I'm a Cultivator

A dead man's soul from Earth inherited Minato's body. He came from the Ear of Immortal Cultivation. Armed with Powerful Godly scroll and powerful Cultivation Technique, He might just go back to earth and get his revenge. of course, he would never leave his wife and children behind.

Burn_To_Ash · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
22 Chs

First Time!

Sun gradually turned red adding fierce blush into the blue sky. Dusk slowly crept into the Element Nation. While some ended their day, some just starting up.

However, no one knew three giants that could change the whole world's destiny, about to make their move.

A few miles away from Hidden Leaf Village, on the sky above the forest of death.

"Alright, Lets talk! Starting with your names" Minato commanded two Shinobis in front him.

Two Brothers felt some dissatisfaction regarding Minato's tone but didn't show it openly.

The older one decided to speak, "My name is Hagoromo Otsutsuki and this is my younger brother Hamura Otsutsuki."

Hearing this for some reason, Minato wasn't very surprised. He stayed silent allowing Sage of Six Path to speak.

Hagoromo continued "A few days ago I felt your Immortal aura. Since only my mother had this kind aura, so I thought you somehow related to her. I decide to stop you before you could do any harm to this world. After all, my mother wasn't exactly a good person."

He gave a sincere look.

Minato chuckled "Is that so? Did you kill two innocent people just to confirm my identity?"

Although he couldn't tell Hagoromo's words are true or not, he sensed there was something more into it.

Hagoromo didn't know what to say. It was true that he occupied a living person's body. However, this man speaks as if it was an unforgivable crime.

"As you can see, I'm not related to your mother in any way," Minato said "Also, don't worry about this world I won't be staying here for long"

Hagoromo nodded. "Yes, I can see that"

"And then?" Minato said staring directly at Hagoromo.

Feeling Minato stare, Hagoromo decided to speak his other purpose "Actually, there is something other than that, You see, I had two sons, they had some kind of a feud and killed each other.

At that time I was saddened and decided to send them into the cycle of reincarnation. In that way, they can solve their differences in the next life. However, I was wrong. Generation after generation they battled each other and killed each other.

Yet, I didn't lose hope. Years ago I was able to glimpse into the future and saw they finally found their bond. And It supposed to be in this generation.

According to my prophecy, My elder son, Indra's soul already found his host, but my younger son asura couldn't, and that's why I'm here"

Sage of Six Paths narrated a long story in short. His face looked hopeful. However, on the contrary, Minato's face didn't look good. He immediately realized two of them here to force Asura's soul into his child.

Thinking this His complexion turned worst. Minato released Cultivation based without reservation. He was ready to annihilate two brothers.

The air trembled, trees bent down, yet, the wind ceased. The peaceful atmosphere instantly changed.

However, at this moment despite their surprise, two brothers react quickly.

Before Minato make any movement, suddenly enormous gravitational force materialized above him. It was so sudden, he was caught off guard, directly shoved into the ground.


The ground shook upon impact, the landscape changed as well.

"Brother! Do it" Hamura Otsutsuki who stayed silent this whole time clamored urgently. His eyes different from before, there was a golden light shining brightly.

Sage of Six Paths hesitated but eventually opened his own Do-Jutsu. He knew how frightening this Immortal was. If his brother didn't attack first both of them might already be dead by now.

He looked at the pit on the ground and muttered softly and released a huge wave of Chakra.

Planetary Devastation

Minato was dazed. Although the previous attack didn't hurt him, it made him somewhat unable to react.

Does it have a stunning effect?

His mouth twitched.

Just when he was about to settle the score, the earth around him started to congregate. Even before the dust resolves, an earthly sphere sealed him shut.

Minato knew this move. It was one of the most awesome Jutsu in Naruto series. He smiled like crazy.

See how I break your move.

Minato thought silently and waited until Planetary Devastation complete. He could already imagine two brothers' shocked faces when he comes out.

On the other side, Sage of Six Path and his brother prepared for their final move. Despite things became much easier than they thought, both of them didn't act carelessly.

"Seal of Samsara" Sage of Six Path again circulated an enormous amount of Chakra. He used the ultimate technique in his arsenal.

It was the same technique he used to seal his mother.

Soon black chains wrapped around the earth sphere. There were many magical words engraved on it creating a beautiful yet mystifying object.

"It's done," Said Sage of Six Path letting out a huge sigh of relief.

Hamura nodded "But isn't it too easy?"

He grimaced. His eyes never left Planetary Devastation.

"Haha! You right, let me make it a bit harder for you" Suddenly a reply came from planetary devastation. Two brothers bewildered, they didn't know how Minato speaks while he was sealed.

"Earth Strike" Minato used the first move of the Six Strikes of Immortal God.

A white sword light appeared.

Each move in this sword technique capable of delivering massive distractive force. Nonetheless, Minato doesn't have a treasure sword that could bring out the full potential of this technique. He used his middle and index finger as a sword.

Despite its might lessening, Earth Strike tore through Planetary Devastation like a melon. The white sword beam didn't slow down the slightest. It headed toward the two brothers.

Hagoromo and Hamura shooked. They were unable to process how this man broke the Seal of Samsara. To this day, not even their mother was able to broke the said seal. But Just one strike from this man shattered their powerful Jutsu.

"What great power!" Sage of Six Path commented as he dodged Earth Strike. Although he was initially alarmed, calm down quickly thanks to battle experience.

On the side, Hamura squint and said "Brother, he is out"

They saw Minato standing middle of the huge pit, looking at them with a bright smile.

No time, doing the job is killing me

Burn_To_Ashcreators' thoughts