
I'm a Cultivator

A dead man's soul from Earth inherited Minato's body. He came from the Ear of Immortal Cultivation. Armed with Powerful Godly scroll and powerful Cultivation Technique, He might just go back to earth and get his revenge. of course, he would never leave his wife and children behind.

Burn_To_Ash · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
22 Chs

Chakra is Weak!

Minato was completely blown away. The scroll actually gave him a cultivation technique. As a man from the Ear of immortality, he knew the value of such a thing.

It is true that Deities descended on earth and showed humans the way of immortality. Still, not even they willing to give humans their precious Cultivation Arts. A high-level Cultivation Art could gather [Qi] from Heaven and Earth faster. Giving rise to prodigy and powerful cultivator.

Only ancient martial art clans could enjoy such a prestigious.

The Cultivation Art firmly carved into his mind. Minato could recite it from start to end. He carefully reminisced the content of the manual. Strangely it had no name or grade, and it was simple.

According to Cultivation Art, first, he must open the 361 Meridians. Hence, when he circulates [Qi] through those 361 meridians, [Qi] in his body will be purer and powerful.

Soon, Minato's expression underwent a huge change. The more he read the cultivation art the more his expression changed.

The 361 Meridians The Unnamed Cultivation Art mentioned was extremely identical to Tenketsu. Even the positions were spot on. Minato couldn't help but laugh. He really hit a jackpot.

"Why are you laughing?" Not know when but beautiful Kushina is woken up and staring at him.

Minato's obscenely laugh turned into a gentle and caring smile. He caressed her hair and said "Nothing I'm just thinking about our future"

Kushina seems to enjoy his care, her eyes half close "What about our future? Won't you be super buys when you become Hokage"

Although Kushina said those words jokingly Minato could sense hidden bitterness inside her voice. He was startled. He thought she supported him being the Hokage unconditionally. But things appeared to be not that simple.

Minato wasn't like the old self, he is different now.

"I think so too," he said "That's why I'm going to refuse it"

"Hahaha, who you kidding" Kushina laughed loudly. She never believed Minato would say something like that. Becoming Hokage was his dream.

However, her laughter soon halted. She saw Minato's face full of determination. His eyes weren't clouded, they were bright as ever.

"W-wait! Are you serious?" She looked into his eyes and asked. Her voice trembled a bit. She was a woman. She didn't want her husband to spend all the time buried in paper works.

Still, what could she do?

Minato nodded "Yes, I am, but we will talk about this later, how about you go and make us something to eat"

Kushina stared at him for some time yet couldn't see the tiniest fraction of regret. His deep blue eyes clear as ever. Although she felt like something wrong could put her finger on it.

On the other hand, Minato was a sweating bucket. His wife's questioning gazes hard to endure.

I should have waited before say that out of nowhere. Minato thought but nothing he could do now. Suddenly he felt something warm and juicy on his lips.

Before he knew, Kushina was kissing him. Not one to back down, Minato responded with the same passion.

A few moments later they separated.

"I will make something to eat" Before Minato could say anything Kushina dressed up and left the room.

What are you embarrassed about? Haven't we already done it? Minato chuckled.

He didn't get off the bed. Sitting cross-legged he made preparations to Cultivate Unnamed Cultivation Art. Since all his 361 Meridians are already unlocked Minato attempting to convert his [Chakra] into [Qi].

Entering a mediation state wasn't a problem. He had countless experiences. But the [Chakra] is inferior to [Qi]. He must refine [Chakra] into [Qi] using Unnamed Cultivation Art and with the aid of the Essence of Heaven and Earth.

Minato silently recited the mantra and focus on attracting the Essences of Heaven and Earth. The Basic [Qi] structure formulated combining Essence of Heaven and Earth, Purest Energy, and Natural Elements. [Chakra] on the other hand, composed of Purest Energy and Nature Elements, it lacks the most important component.

Once Minato repeated mantra a few times his body slightly jolted. His [Tenketsu], or Meridians acted as if they became alive. All 361 meridians vigorously started absorbing Heavenly Essences.

In fact, the Essence of Heaven and Earth cannot be attracted Independently. Minato also doesn't have the ability to do so either. It is all thanks to the Unnamed Cultivation Technique. Until he mixes all the components together and transforms [Chakra] into [Qi] the Technique working as a filter.

Once he completed the transformation he will be able to cultivate [Qi] normally. The process was fast, however, Minato possesses a substantial amount of [Chakra]. After all, if he doesn't how could he resist Raikage and 8 tail Jinchuriki.

As time passed, his [Chakra] slowly underwent an immense change. Originally, the color of his [Chakra] was Blue. But after fusing with Heavenly Essence it took a golden glow.

"Minato-Kun, dinner is ready" Minato transformed little under 1/10th of his [Chakra] into [Qi] when he heard his wife's voice.

He opened his eyes and let out a foul breath. Although he looked the same there was something different about him. His Aura seems to change. When he completely convert [Chakra] his mortal aura will be altered.

At this rate, it will take me about two weeks to complete transformation. I should stay at home. Minato thought as he walked downstairs. Kushina already sitting on her seat, waiting impatiently. When she saw him coming down her beautiful eyes narrowed.

Minato smiled scratching back of his head. "Don't be angry Dear, let's eat, I will feed you"

He hurriedly sat down and grabbed food from each plate before trying to feed his wife.

Red Hot-Blooded Habanero scoffed coldly "Who wants you to feed me?"

However, she never resisted.

2nd Chapter

Burn_To_Ashcreators' thoughts