
I'm a Cultivator

A dead man's soul from Earth inherited Minato's body. He came from the Ear of Immortal Cultivation. Armed with Powerful Godly scroll and powerful Cultivation Technique, He might just go back to earth and get his revenge. of course, he would never leave his wife and children behind.

Burn_To_Ash · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
22 Chs

Big Sister, You Hurt My Feeling!

Later that night Minato didn't cultivate. He and Kushina 'battled' for hours and tired themselves out.

Uzumaki stamina no joke, I should improve myself. Minato thought inwardly before passing out. He 'battled' twice in a single day. Although it was his first time he enjoyed nonetheless.


Following day Minato woke up rather early. Despite sleeping late he was vigorous as ever. Kushina was still slumbering peacefully. He didn't want to wake her and silent withdraw from the bed.

Kushina is the princess of the Uzumaki Clan. Though Uzamaki(s)' no more, except a few scattered survivors, they held great wealth. Especially inside the [Hidden Leaf Village].

The house Minato and Kushina currently living in also belong to Uzumaki Clan. Minato slowly made his way toward the courtyard. There were quite a few hours before the sun comes up. He was going to take advantage of this time and Cultivate.

Minato found a suitable spot and began to cultivate peacefully. The unnamed cultivation technique had ten layers. Each layer grants him a special ability that could overpower any enemy or animosity. However, breaking through each layer becomes harder and harder.

The first layer of unnamed cultivation technique provides Minato ability to wield all the elements, except [Time and Space], which deemed as Laws. Although he felt unfortunate about Time and Space, he believed once he becomes strong enough, wielding such a [Laws] won't be any problem.

Time passed, Minato almost cultivated three hours. Another small portion of his [Chakra] become golden [Qi]. Catching the glimpse of the bright sun slowly rising in the horizon, He decided to make breakfast. He had great skills, since he lived alone in his previous life, making delicious food was one of his hobbies.

Now it's time to impress his wife.


Sometime later Kushina is awoken by a delightful smell of food. She noticed Minato was missing and immediately dressed up. Walking toward the kitchen she heard various sounds. The smell also became stronger.

"Minato? What are you doing?" Kushina saw Minato was actually cooking, surprised, she couldn't resist asking.

What the hell happened. I didn't know Minato could cook and it's smell nice. Kushina thought secretly.

"Oh! Good morning Kushina-chan" Minato flashed a smiled. "Come come, I made breakfast"

"You can cook?" Kushina asked in disbelief. If Nine Tail Fox didn't confirm, she might think all this was a work of [Genjutsu].

(They talk but Kushina cannot control the fox)

Minato suddenly didn't know what to say. He scratched his cheek embarrassed manner saying "I-I learn secretly so I could impress you"

Kushina stared at him inquiringly. Minato felt a little uncomfortable. He couldn't help but get nervous. However, his worry went naught.

A moment after Kushina sat down "Alright then, let's see how good is your cooking?"

Minato cheered "Alright ma' ma, give me five minutes" then busied himself.


Minato's plan was a great success. Kushina praised his foods none stop. She even demanded he should be the one cooking from today on.

"Kushina-Chan, could you do something from me?" Minato spoke softly while doing dishes. He did all this cook work with a hidden purpose.

"What is it?" Kushina didn't find anything unusual. She was still immense in the taste of food.

Minato smiled wryly and shook his head.

Big sister arent you bit too easy.

"Ahem, I wish to stay home for a few days, can you cover form me?"

"Why? What's up with you? Did you hurt yesterday?" Kushina immediately sobered and looked him with concern.

Minato felt sweet, he shook his head and smiled "No no, nothing like that, actually yesterday's failure brought me a new epiphany. I just wanted to investigate it a bit."

Kushina looked at him suspiciously but seeing his sincere eyes and cute expression her heart warmed.

"Alright, you can stay at home. But don't do something reckless like yesterday"

"Sure, rest assure I, your husband isn't someone court death" Minato patted his chest and said heroically. For a moment he really looked like a brave warrior.

"Hahaha, Minato, You look really cute when you do that" Kushina laughed loudly while pinching his face.

Hearing his wife's words Minato redden from embarrassment. Big Sister why are you laughing, wasn't I looked cool? Humph! You just don't get, besides can't you think little about my feelings? How heartless.

No matter what Minato thought, Kushina laughed until she vomits. Minato felt helpless, she is just too lively.


Kushina decided to meet Hokage and inform him that she and Minato won't be taking any missions for some time. Minato and Kushina completed quite a few A-rank missions. They could choose not to accept any missions for the time being.

After sending Kushina out, Minato started cultivation. Based on his current speed, he believed it wouldn't take him ten days but only six days.

'Once I fully covert my Chakra into Qi I should practice Martial Arts. Tai Jutsu can be used but I need to do something about Nin-Jutsu'

Minato began to think about his martial arts. Without proper techniques Qi inside his body useless. While Tai Jutsu is pretty powerful, using Qi he could achieve something more. However, he should also find a way to perform Nin-Jutsu or something similar using Qi.

'Hmmm, I will think something once I'm done with this' thought Minato, focused more on cultivation. At this point, he was closed to converting half of his Chakra into Qi.

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