
I'm a Cultivator

A dead man's soul from Earth inherited Minato's body. He came from the Ear of Immortal Cultivation. Armed with Powerful Godly scroll and powerful Cultivation Technique, He might just go back to earth and get his revenge. of course, he would never leave his wife and children behind.

Burn_To_Ash · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
22 Chs

A World Without Heaven and Hell!

Minato continued martial arts training for almost a week. Not only his techniques improved tremendously his cultivation also further consolidated at the Immortal Realm 1st level. Now, feeling enough confidence Minato decided to release Nine Tails.

The old woman, Mito suggested a perfect location for Minato's plan. What surprise Minato was that Mito hasn't tipped Hokage about his plans. It made his works much easier.

Another thing,

Despite 'I'm not talking with you' attitudes, Tsunade also tagged along with Minato and Kushina.

An afternoon of a clear and sunny day, Minato, Kushina, and Tsunade appeared a few miles away from the Leaf Village.

"This place looks a lot darker than before," mumbled Minato as he surveyed the surrounding with Divine Sense.

"It is because of the trees," Kushina responded, "I heard Lord Hashirama used to train here, Is that true Sister Tsunade?" she looked at the blonde woman.

Minato's eyes boggled. He couldn't help but gawk astonishingly at the two women.

They are that friendly?

Then why I am not included?

"Yeah! My grandfather made this cave. It was his Jutsu that gave life to those trees" Tsunade showed proud expression when she talked about Hashirama.

However, Minato could see some hidden melancholy in her eyes.

I guess she must be missing him.

Minato smiled. "It's alright! How about we get started?"

He didn't wish to make Tsunade depressed. A quick change of atmosphere greatly appreciated.

Both women nodded.

Once they went inside, their vision was obstructed. Although Minato was fine, girls felt uncomfortable. Tsunade took out a few candles from a sealed scroll and immediately lit them up.

The cave was much bigger than its outer view. This place was perfectly capable of containing massive fellow like Nine Tails.

Minato nodded his head with satisfaction. He made quick preparations and even covered the place with Divine Sense. He could pick up any sign of movement within a few meters radius.

After making sure everything was ready he put one hand on Kushina's belly. A wisp of Immortal Qi gushed out from his palm and wrapped around still maturing baby in her belly.

Once Nine Tails starts seeping out of the seal, the process will certainly harm Kushina's vitality. It wasn't a big deal, Minato's Immortal Qi could restore her lost vitals. However, he was afraid things might cause damage to the baby. Protecting little thing was his top priority.

"Alright Kushina, start releasing the seal," Minato said with a serious face.

This time he didn't enter inside the seal. He already talked with Nine Tails and reached a conclusion.

Kushina nodded and close her eyes. At the same time, Tsunade also quietly arrived beside Kushina and held her hand showing her support.

After a brief moment of silence, orange color Chakra slowly began to seep out of Kushina's body.

It has begun.

Seeing that Nine Tails start leaving Kushina, Minato hurriedly checked her vital signs.

"Thankfully her vitalities are stable," he said to Tsunade and grinned. "Looks like Nine Tails putting some thoughts into it"

Tsunade also let out a sigh of relief. Past few days their bond became much stronger. Although two women separated by a generation, once they got to know each other, they were as if two blood sisters. It was obvious, Tsunade cared for Kushina.

Minato saw Tsunade's reaction smiled without words. He was happy.

Time passed slowly. Soon, more and more orange color Chakra escaped from Kushina. At the same time, Chakra slowly began to take shape.

Minato and Tsunade waited quietly. Time to time he would monitor Kushina's vital signs, not allowing any mishaps to occur.

At this point, they had nothing do other than waiting patiently. Minato decided to strike a conversation with Tsunade, however, suddenly his Divine Sense pick up unusual movement within its range.

When Minato 'saw' intruders with his divine sense, he was dumbfounded. A few hundred meters away from his location, two Leaf Village Ninjas…actually flying toward. Two of them had identical facial features. They should be an older brother and younger brother.

'Hmm, there is something wrong with those two.' As he observed further Minato noticed something weird.

As two of them fly toward him, Minato's eyes lit up.

'Ah, so that's how it is! Two primordial spirits have taken over living bodies' He couldn't help but marvel at this world's strange powers and occurrences.

If it was his former world, those two might already be dead even before they could steal someone else's body. The Heavenly law would never permit something wicked like this to happen. Although there are some old monsters who could resist heavenly punishment, they are only a few in numbers.

Though, those two are powerful, obvious they aren't in the league of Immortal Kings. They are much, much weaker. Minato could confidently say that those two are no match for him.

"Tsunade stay here with Kushina. I will be back in a flash" Minato said slowly walking toward the cave entrance.

Tsunade surprised. She couldn't understand why would this guy trying to leave Kushina at this critical moment.

"Where are you going? What if something goes wrong?" Said Tsunade through clenched teeth.

Minato smiled at her "Don't worry. Nothing will happen. Just protect her if someone comes"

Then his figure suddenly flickered and disappeared.

"Wait…!" Tsunade wanted to chase after him, but she couldn't leave Kushina. She wasn't an idiot, she could tell there was something wrong.

Humph! Who cares about that fool. I will just stay with Kushina.

Since Minato unwilling to involve her, Tsunade unable to do anything. She could only listen to him, for now.


Minato, on the other hand, didn't think much, directly arrived in front of two Ninjas. His sudden appearance alarmed two of them. Minato chuckled at their shocked expression.

He stood in the air just like two Ninjas and said "It's very wrong to steal someone else body. You guys should be punished"

Two of them exchange a look. The older one glance calmly at Minato and said "You must be the Immortal that ascend a few days ago. It's nice to meet you"

Minato wasn't surprised. Given their power, it's totally possible that they could feel his Immortal Aura.

"Since you guys know that I'm an Immortal it can only mean that you came from me?" As Minato said he began to release his Immortal Aura. The fight was inevitable.

When the duo felt Minato's aura their face changed drastically. Looks like they made a grave mistake, this one even more powerful than their mother.

The older one spoke urgently "Please clam your anger. We came here to take some matters with you"

He decided to delay some time until their spirits fully adopted to the bodies. If they fight one before them in these conditions they could only perish.

Minato amused by duo's schemes. They obviously came with malicious intentions, he wanted to see what they have in their sleeves. Besides, he should also find out their identities.

sorry for the long silence, Brain needed some time to think

Burn_To_Ashcreators' thoughts