
I'm A Boy Though? [Haikyuu!! X OC! Fanfic]

Haikyuu!! X Oc! Fanfic This is an various x oc fanfic ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "You're a really fun team,yah know that." Lei said while chuckling lightly. "But you got it all wrong, I'm not applying to be a manager....I'm applying as a player." "Heh?!" "Oi oi chibi-chan! are you joking? Cause if you haven't notice, this is a boys team." Tsukkishima stated while smirking at the end. Lei frown at the teasing remark of the pale blonde teen. Not really understanding what he's pointing out but after registering his words the boy immediately became angry. "Yahh! Did you just said that I'm dumd?! A-and wait! Chibi-chan?! For your information I'm taller than Shoyo!" Lei yelled at the pale blonde haired teen. While pointing an accusing finger at him. "Y-Yah why is my height included their?!" Hinata shouted. Embarassed when they point out his height. "HAHHAHAHAHAHH!" the two second year laugh at the three fighting individual. Obviously enjoying the show way to much. "You're laughing way to much Nishinoya-san, when you're obviously shorter than Hinata." Enoshita taunted at the still laughing second year. "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY, ENOSHITA?!" "Nothing~" "That's the only things you've notice? You really are dumb, Oujo-san~ (lady)." Tsukkishima smirk at the fuming teen. Amused with how easy it is to irritated him. "O-Oujo-san?! I am not a lady! I'm a man!" Lei stated while fuming at the accusation of being called a female and the worst thing is that, it happens two times already. . . . ~~~

Alein_Rix · กีฬา
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20 Chs

Chapter 9 - Night with Kuroo

"Where are you staying at?" Lei asked kuroo while they walked out of the convenience store.

The taller male holding the paper bags containing his snacks because he insist on holding it. Saying that Lei might back off the deal if he already have what he need and 'poor' kuroo would be left behind wandering in the streets on the middle of the night but Lei thought otherwise. He thinks that maybe kuroo did it so that when they reach male's hotel the male will take off running with his snacks. That's why his being vigilant with the taller male.

"If I'm not mistaken then I think its Meya Hotel (random hotel name)."

"Ohh that, I know where it is. I pass through it when I go to school. It's just a few minutes walking distance from here. So don't wonder off again or I'll smack you."

"Well~ aren't you concern about me?" Kuroo said teasingly. Still wearing that shit eating grin on his face.

"I'm not! I'm concern for my snack! And definitely not for you!" This guy can seriously piss him off with just a few spiteful words coming from him.

"Heh~ So what's a chibi-chan like you doing, going out when it's obviously past your bed time?" kuroo ask the teen. Looking at him with his dark eyes like his trying to read him and Lei felt a bit intimidated by it but just brush it off.

"Yahh! I'm not a kid, okay! And stop with the chibi-chan, it's annoying!" Lei replied while pouting at the taller male on his side. The male just laugh at him and suddenly pitches his cheeks, not to tight but not to loose either.

"Aren't you just a cutie?" Kuroo ask still pitching his cheeks. Kuroo's enjoying himself way too much for his liking, that he can't help but to messed up with the girl in front of him a bit more before he reach his hotel.

Kuroo knows where his hotel is located even if they if it's there first time being here. His not irresponsible to not know such minor detail before going out for a walk until he stumble upon a convenience store with an intent of buying himself a drink for his parched throat but his thirst is forgotten when he sees a girl climbing on the shelf seemingly getting herself the snack place on the most upper part of the shelf. He can't help himself but to laugh lightly and tease her about it and unluckily for the girl, she almost fall off and luckily for him, he gain a chance to hold and talk to her. Although its more of him teasing her to get a reaction out of her.

Kuroo find the girl jnteresting. That's why he didn't let go of the chance to be able to spend more time with her by asking her to help him find his hotel.

"Stapfh itt!!" Lei said while slapping the male's hand off his face.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA! you really are interesting, ChibiLei-chan~" laughing loudly while teasing the teen in front of him and it seems to pissed her more. The 'girl' in front of him started walking faster intending to left the male alone. But the male only sped walk and easily caughting up to him with his long legs.

"Your the one who told me to not wonder off but your the one who's walking to fast. What would happen to your poor snack if I can't suddenly found you?...hmmm.. Maybe I'll just eat it?" Kuroo taunted the teen in front of him which seems to work because his pouting face only intensified while his cheeks coloring red from anger.

"You dare?!" The teen shouted while pointing an accusing finger towards Kuroo's direction who's smirk seems to widen even more.

"Maybe~... oh why don't you put your number here so that when I get lost I could easily contact you. What yah say?" Kuroo said while waving his phone in the face of smaller boy.

"Then just give me back my snack so I don't have to contact you when you get lost." Lei said while trying and unsuccessfully getting the bag.

"Ehh? Don't want too. This bag stays with me until we reach my hotel. So your number please?" Kuroo said while handing his phone to the girl he just met a couple of minutes ago.

Lei, left with no choice but to input his number on Kuroo's phone because even if he don't want to, there will be no end to it. Especially since it's Kuroo that we're talking about, the guy who he just met but have been pestering him since the start.

"Here, and don't call me when it's not necessary, K?" Lei said while handing him back his phone.

"Can't promise~" Kuroo answered teasing the girl again. Well now that he have her number bothering her will now be a necessary task for him. He can't help but to laugh at that thought. Then suddenly he remembered something.

"Oh! Wait a minute! Don't move." Kuroo said while focusing his phone's  camera to the confused teen. Snapping some awkward but cute nonetheless pic of the clueless teen in front of him.

"Oi! Oi! What are you doing?!"

"Snapping some pictures of you so that I'll save it as a photo of your contact and maybe as a remembrance  too~" Kuroo said while grinning at the cute teen in front of him. How he wish he could just kidnap her.

"Oh.. Yah! Then if your going to snap some pic then make it good! I don't want to look bad in it!" Lei said while frowing at the black haired male who seems shock at first but then suddenly laugh at his response.

"HAHAHAHHA! You never fail to amuse me. You always look cute so don't worry~ but if you insist then pose for me!" Kuroo said. Focusing his camera again at the now smiling teen. Lei pose and sometimes doing absolutely weird things in front of the camera while Kuroo just expertly took a shot of it. Not missing any single pose that the teen do, well atleast he's having fun.

"Done? Can I see it?" Lei ask while already leaning and trying to took a peak at the taller male's phone.


"Ohh! I look cool in there~ Pass it to me!"

"I'll just send it to you later. It's a hustle to pass it right now and besides it's already late, you should already send me to my hotel."

"Oh.. Ok! Just make sure to pass it to me! Dont forget!"

"Sure~" "hehehe She took the bait."

"C'mmon let's hurry up! It's just around the corner!" Lei said while lightly holding Kuroo's wrist to pull for a run.

Kuroo look at the hand that's holding his wrist on trance. He felt warm and giddy all of a sudden. It felt like somethings tickling his stomach that he cant help but to lightly scrath it.

After a few minutes Lei finally let go of the taller male wrist when they finally reach the hotel Kuroo's staying at. And Kuroo can't help but to feel empty all of a sudden.

"We're here! Give me back my snacks!" After letting go of Kuroo's wrist. Lei immediately tried to get the bag out of the taller male's hold and successfully getting it which seems to snap the black haired male out of his trance.

"Oh... Yeah, I'll go now! Take care while going home." Kuroo ruffled the teens hair, messing it up just to annoy him. Which seems to immediately work as a pout can be clearly seen on his face.

"Don't do that!"

"Hehehe Sure~ I'll try to remember it."

"Then goodnight. And don't forget send it!" Lei said. Waving at the male while turning around to walk to the facility they're currently staying at.

After seeing that Lei's already a distance away. Kuroo decided to finally walk towards the hotel they're currently staying at. He needs to rest to have energy for tomorrow's practice.

Kuroo was about to open the door to their combine room with a smile on his face. But it was immediately wipe off when he heard Yamamoto, one of his teammates shouting at the top of his lungs, effectively damaging his mood.

"SHUT UP! Yamamoto!" Yelled Kuroo while opening door to shut the annoying boy up..

"Oh its you Kuroo, where'd you gone? You lost or something?" Ask Yamamoto while looking at their team Captain.

"Just somewhere and don't categorized me with you, I'm not stupid to get lost."

"Then why are you gone for so long then?" Kenma ask. Glancing at the male quickly but quickly focuses his attention to the game his playing at.

"How nice of you to be worried about me, Kenma."


"I just found something interesting that's all."


