
I'm A Boy Though? [Haikyuu!! X OC! Fanfic]

Haikyuu!! X Oc! Fanfic This is an various x oc fanfic ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "You're a really fun team,yah know that." Lei said while chuckling lightly. "But you got it all wrong, I'm not applying to be a manager....I'm applying as a player." "Heh?!" "Oi oi chibi-chan! are you joking? Cause if you haven't notice, this is a boys team." Tsukkishima stated while smirking at the end. Lei frown at the teasing remark of the pale blonde teen. Not really understanding what he's pointing out but after registering his words the boy immediately became angry. "Yahh! Did you just said that I'm dumd?! A-and wait! Chibi-chan?! For your information I'm taller than Shoyo!" Lei yelled at the pale blonde haired teen. While pointing an accusing finger at him. "Y-Yah why is my height included their?!" Hinata shouted. Embarassed when they point out his height. "HAHHAHAHAHAHH!" the two second year laugh at the three fighting individual. Obviously enjoying the show way to much. "You're laughing way to much Nishinoya-san, when you're obviously shorter than Hinata." Enoshita taunted at the still laughing second year. "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY, ENOSHITA?!" "Nothing~" "That's the only things you've notice? You really are dumb, Oujo-san~ (lady)." Tsukkishima smirk at the fuming teen. Amused with how easy it is to irritated him. "O-Oujo-san?! I am not a lady! I'm a man!" Lei stated while fuming at the accusation of being called a female and the worst thing is that, it happens two times already. . . . ~~~

Alein_Rix · กีฬา
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20 Chs

Chapter 7 - Training Camp

"All here?" Coach Ukai asked while glancing at each one of us.

"Yeah" the team chorus.

"The practice match against Nekoma is in four days. Inter-high preliminaries will be soon thereafter. We've got no time, but you guys are full of holes. Since that's the case, there's only one way for you to win.

Practice. Practice. And practice. Save the ball even if you have to barf." The coach stated while looking at us seriously.

"Yeah!" Shouted Hinata with determine look on his face.

"B-Barf?! W-We're not really going to barf, right?!"  I thought disgusted while looking  incredulously at Suga-senpai for a reassurance.

"A-ah He's just joking hehe.... 'probably'." Suga responded while wryly whispering the last words.

"Hey! Lei!"

"Yes coach?" I asked as I focuse my attention to Coach Ukai, waiting for him to talk.

"I know that you're still new and out of everyone here you're the only one who's skills I haven't assess yet. So for practice I want you to give your all and try to coordinate with your teammates." The coach said while looking at me seriously in the eyes.

"YES! Coach! I'll give my best! Thank you for your guidance!"

"Ok let's start receiving practice! Form a line!" Coach Ukai yelled at us. He climb on the elevated ground near the other side of the side as he prepare to serve the ball.

After some time and seeing that its amost my turn, I immediately got ready to receive the ball. Which turn into a disaster.

"Ufff! HAHAHHAHAHA the heck is that form?!"

"It's the first time that I've ever seen someone received so horribly. Its probably worse that Hinata." Kageyama stated seriously while looking at me with a complicated expression on his face.

"Y-Yahhh! It's my first time receiving ok!" I yelled embarassed with being laugh at and not being able to do it properly.

"Lei! You're to stiff! Crouch properly and face your elbows upwards! Receive the ball with your arms not your fist! And try to atleast make the ball go up! Even if it's short!"

"YES! Coach!" I aswered while I position myself to receive properly. After 10 failed and 5 (a bit) successful receive. Its finally the other member's turn.

"Its okay Lei-chan! You'll get the hang of it eventually!" Shoyo said while patting me in the shoulders comfortingly.

"T-Thanks Shoyo." I smiled at his comforting words. Glad that there's someone who's willing to raise my spirit up.

"No prob!" Hinata answered. Glad to be of help to the boy.

"Ok! Spiking next! Get ready! Suga and Kageyama! Set for them!" Thr coach instructed.

"Yes coach!" The two setter responded while walking near the neat to set properly.

As I wait for my turn to spike. I decided to observe how each player spike and how the setter set the ball to the player. To gain a more thorough understanding on what I should do. "I don't want a repeat on what happen in the receiving practice." I dejectedly thought while pouting.

"Next!" Kageyama called out while looking at my direction.

"What toss should I do? Do I have to set it a bit low? I mean his small and almost impossible to reach the net but Hinata can. Aisshh this is so hard! It would have been better if I have seen him play atleast once! " Kageyama thought. Stressed on what he should do with the newbie kid but his train of thought got interrupted when a stray volleyball hit him on his back and accidentally setting the ball a bit to high. "S-Shit its too high! He cant reach it!"

"Sorry! I'll just toss you a new-" kageyama's apologizing came to an abrupt halt after he realize that the boy is already running towards the ball and jumping high up to spike it perfectly.


A loud sound reverated all over the gym. Making all those who are watching them stood in shocked from what just happened.




"W-What just happen?"

"Oi! Oi! The heck is that?!"

All of the players and the people inside the court have the same reaction from what just happen.


Shock with the force of the ball. Shock with how high he can jump. And lastly, shock that Lei manage to spike the toss perfectly.

Not to be rude or anything but the team doesn't have that much impression towards Lei as a player.

He's short, only a few centimeters taller than Hinata. He looks weak and  added to the fact that he looks like a girl, just made him look the more  delicate and unsporty to them. And he also looks like he doesn't have that much muscles to begin with, so it's almost impossible for the team to think that he can spike that high with so much force.

"What?!" I asked while looking at each one of them. Frowning at the thought that I'm being stared at. He really don't like it.

'This feels like deja vu all over again.'

Seemingly snapping out of his shocked state Coach Ukai immediately commanded the two.

"W-Wait! Kageyama do that toss again! And you Lei! Try to spike that toss again!"

"H-Hai!" Kageyama and Lei answerd at the same time. Both looking at each other with a determined look on their face. After nodding at each other as a sign for them start. Kageyama immediately toss the ball high up in the air while Lei back up a few step to build momentum for his jump.

Just a few seconds later. A loud sound reverated all over the court while the two, Kageyama and Lei, are panting from the stunt they just did.

"T-the fuck is that!"

"Hey! Language!"

"W-Woah! That's amazing Lei-chan!! You like Whoooshhh!! And then like BAAAAMMM!! Like that!" Hinata said while jumping up and down in front of his friend due to his amazement on what he just did.

Lei scratch the back of his head, embarass with his friend's compliment towards what he just did.

"Hehehehe Thank you Shoyo! But I think your freak quick with Kageyama is still the best! "

"Hehehhehehe.... you think so?"

"Mmmmm" Lei said while nodding his head up and down.

The coach look at the strawberry blonde haired teen with amazement in his eyes. He thought that what the teen did was a fluke, but after repeating it and still coming up with the same result. He knows that he have another monster in his team.

Although now the teen still have a lot of flaws and his techniques is still of a beginners level but his skill can make it up for him to even compete with some veterans. Just thinking of nourishing the teen properly makes his blood boil with adrenaline. That he can't help but to smile evilly with the thought.

"Prepare yourself Nekoma, you dont know what kind of storm you would be facing."
