
I'll Raise the Heroine's Child

Gerald found himself reincarnated as the eldest of the Victorious family and also the brother of the scumbag in the novel, Adrian Victorious. In the original timeline, Adrian was known as the ex lover of the heroine who forcefully slept with her and also left her with his child. Once the heroine can't take care of her child all by herself, she gathered up all of her courage to knock on the door of the Victorious mansion and hope that Adrian would accept their child but Adrian just criticize her and reported her to the police, telling them that the heroine was making a scene and was blackmailing him with a child that was never his. Because of that the heroine was given an restraining order from the court and she made a promise to get revenge on Adrian together with his family and in the end the Victorious family suffered a great loss. Gerald shivered as he remember the plot and made up his mind to never cross path with the heroine while thinking of a way to escape the ending of the novel but who would have thought that he would cross path with the heroine and her child.

Hess_Novel · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

▪︎Chapter 2 - 「Conversation & Marriage Agreement」▪︎

「It was Selena Burk, the old lover of Sir Adrian!」


All of us yelled in shock as that name was known to be a great mistake in our household especially for me since I know that name is none other than the heroine of the novel.

'Why is she here now?! Bu-but this scene will happen next year-..why does it happened now!?' I muttered while our whole face look like it can't be draw by an artist and feels like we have been struck by a huge lightning.

「Why is she here?!」

Adrian stood up from his chair as he shouted loudly while father looked at Adrian coldly as if he is saying something like 'It's all your fault bastard! If you haven't done that then our family reputation wouldn't be ruined!'.

Adrian notice father's gaze as he was frightened by father's cold look so he quickly sat down while also keeping his mouth shut.

「What does this woman want?」

Father slightly glared at Assistant Blaine as he became hesistant again upon seeing father looking at him with a cold together with a heavy pressure around him.

「She-she said that she wanted to speak to Sir Adrian.」

Father was starting to look very agry but his gaze was all towards Adrian so Adrian can only shrunk back in the corner and stay in silence.

'Heh...What a scaredy cat....What were you thinking when you done that?....Did you really think the heroine would all go like....Noooo! I'm pregnant with a child and he don't like it so I would just stand here and be like crying and being a depress emo....Hehehe now face the consequences you little bi-' Before I could finish the words in my mind, I was cut of by my father small cough so I had to look up and I saw my whole family staring at me with a weird expression on their face.

'Oh shoot! Did I made a weird face right now?!?! Did they say something?!?' Although I was a little panicked by their gaze, I manage to keep up my face calm the whole time while it was happening.

「Is there something you need, father?」

When they notice that I was looking towards them, everyone in our family avoided my gaze except father so I can only ask him politely before he could answer.


When father said that he had nothing to say, I was quite relieve but before I can relax myself for a bit, father added.

「Well since I'll be giving you the company in my retirement then I want you to take care of this matter yourself.」

「Wha-what?! Can-Can you say that again?」

Upon hearing father words I couldn't believe at first on what he just said and thought that maybe I was hearing things wrong so I need to double check again.

「Umm what? I'll be giving you the company?」

「And the other one.」

「The one where I said that you'll be taking care of this matter?」

Hearing this again after comfirming that I heard my father words right, I was quite in shock that I feel like I lost all the strength in my body.

「You can handle this, right?」

Seeing father looking at me with his eyes that seems to be expecting me to agree to his request no matter what it is.

'Haah...I really can't get out of this.' I breath a small and heavy sigh before I gave father my answer.

「I can handle this, Blaine. Lead me to her.」

Assistant Blaine nodded his head but I can see that my father's mood suddenly become much more better.

When I look at him I can see a proud look into his face but I can feel that he was trying to show something as if he was mocking Adrian for something like I can see throught his thought like he is saying something like 'Why can't you be like your brother? He is more responsible and reliable than you...you stupid son of mine!' towards Adrian.

'Weird....Didn't Dmitri favor Adrian more than him so why would he show this kind of attitude towards him....Haaah...Does this day go anymore weirder.' I kept my thought in my head as I insisted to go there with Assistant Blaine.

Assistant Blaine and I was walking in the hall but I can feel the uncomfortable atmosphere around us as I still feel awkward walking together with Assistant Blaine since we don't interact with each other much.

'Ahh that reminds me....Grampa Vinns is currently in the hospital...I wonder how his doing right not, ahh right!....Assistant Blaine is Grampa Vinns grandson so he might know.' I silently glance towards Assistant Blaine as I tried to get a chance to strike up a conversation with him without it making it awkward.


「Hmm? What is it, Sir Gerald?」

「How was the recovery of Grampa Vinns?」

「Ohh...My grandfather is doing a wonderful recovery in the hospital thanks to your father, Sir Gerald.」

「Ahh that's good to hear, but I'm very sorry for what happened to him...if only we have known sooner about the attack then he might not be in this state right now.」

Base on my own memory of this novel, Grampa Vinns whose real name is Vinns Roan Loumberg is a great Major General, considered to be as a two star rank military officer, who work together with grandfather, Charles Victorious, General of the Army that is considered as a five star rank military officer.

It is said that Grampa Vinns and my grandfather treated each other as sworn brothers but Grampa Vinns son who is Assistant Blaine father made a huge debt to my father before his death.

After his death, Grampa Vinns learn about this and was very angry at his son since he never want to ruin his relationship with grandfather so because of this he made a suggestion to my father that Blaine will work in our family as a payment however grandfather refuse since it is just a small debt but Grampa Vinns insist and he never change his decision.

'Ahh this family drama is so damn confusing!!' I tried to keep my worried face as I grumbled those words in my head.

「Well it was really not your family's fault for that accident, Sir Gerald..So please don't worry about it and my grandfather never really blame anyone in your family.」

「Ahhh....that's good to hear....I really thought that both of you and Grampa Vinns already have a grudge in our family so I was very worried about it...Haha.」

While we were talking, I noticed that Assistant Blaine kept on looking at me as if he was observing everything that I do.

「Umm is there something in my face?」

Upon hearing this Assistant Blaine become frightened when he found out that I notice that his gaze was towards me the whole time so he quickly wave his hand as his whole body was cover with sweet.

「No-...Nothing at all Sir Gerald....It just....You seems to be a lot more calmer and different from what I heard from the rumors.」

'There are rumors about me?' I thought as I was quickly became dumbfounded when I heard this straight from Assistant Blaine's mouth.

Dumbfounded from hearing this, I stop on walking and Assistant Blaine notice this so he had no choice but to stop his track...Little do I know, Assistant Blaine saw the funny face that I was making and he quickly couldn't hold on into his laughter.


「Wait....There are rumors spreading about me?」

Assistant Blaine didn't answer my question as he continued from walking while I follow behind him thus I never get the answer that I was looking for...well maybe.

We kept on walking as get into the whereabouts of the heroine though I had a calm face on the outside...well I was really nervous inside of my head.

「Who are you!...Your not Adrian.」

When I got there, I saw beatiful woman sitting in a wide and long sofa who rudely welcomed me when I got inside the living room.

'Well duh women...I'm much better than him.' I remained my calm appearance as I thought of it.

「Well ofcourse....It would be our first time meeting each other so it is reasonable for you to not know me...Hahaha I apologies for my lack of manner but I am Gerald Victorious, It's a very pleasure to meet you.」

「Well I'm Selena Burk, pleasure to meet you too but....why do you have the same last name as Adrian and what is your connection with him?」

「Well we do have the same last name though we don't have the same personality however we do share the same genes since I am his brother.」

The women had a surprise look on her face as she was not expecting for me to show up rather than that scumbag brother of mine so I would not blame her for having this reaction.

「You are Adrian's brother?」

「Hahaha...You heard that right.」

Selena didn't respond for a while as I saw her thinking about something so I use this chance to sit on the seat facing the sofa where the heroine is currently sitting right now.

Selena kept on glancing towards me so I kept on sitting there awkwardly while she does that....A moment later I heard her silently grumbled something like this following sentence 「Well...I guess he is much more hotter than his brother in real person.」

which upon hearing this caught me a bit surprise.

I made a loud 「Ehemm.」 where she heard this and saw me looking towards her so quickly fix her posture the heroine full attention turn towards me all over again.

「So why are you here instead of your brother?」

「Ahh...my brother is currently not here right now so I would be the one to assist you if you have any business to make towards my brother.」

「Is that so.」

Selena looked a bit disappointed at first but I saw her having a small thought again but after this I suddenly felt that something is wrong and that suddenly felt chills in all part of my body.

「Well...What is Lady Selena business with my brother that you came here all by yourself?」

「I do have something in my hand and it is a document that really need his signature.」

'Ehh...Did something like this happened in the original timeline?' I thought about it as I saw the heroine face that look like she was about to tear in both sadness and a bit of disappointment in her heart.

「Umm...I can sign it for you if it is really that important.」

I blured out this sentence as my mind was in a mess since I never thought of it deeply on what is written inside the document but as soon as I said this, the heroine had a huge smile in her face as I think I saw her smirking.


「Well ofcourse if it is the only thing that you came here for.」

When I was signing the document, I never read the text printed in the document since I didn't thought of it deeply before I signed this papersheet.

「Annnd...I'm done.」

As soon as I finished signing the document, I quickly handed the document to Selena and I was relieve when I saw her being happy and joyful.

「Ahh thank you for signing this, Gerald.」

「Ummm....Sooo....What is that document for?」

Selena smiled grew wider as I notice that the smile turn into a wide smirk as I see that her eyes seems to be mocking me. When I saw here making the look, I soon felt the same feeling that I felt earlier so I quickly became nervous all of the sudden.

「Ohh you didn't read the document?」

「Umm no?」

Selena stand up from the sofa and walk towards me as she remained that sly look from her face.

「Hehe...I never thought that I could trick you that easily.」

「What do you mean?」

Selena move much more closer to me as when she was already infront of me, she touch both my cheek and lean into my face a much more closer.

「Well the document you had just sign.」

「What about it?」

Selena seductively smiled towards me as I was a bit mesmerize by her beauty but I held myself from falling for her.

「It is actually a marriage agreement.」



Marriage Agreement?!?!

[Author's Words]


Gerald: Well I am the brother of my scumbag brother but I am much more better.

Adrian: I have a name you know?!!?!


Selena: I want you to sign this.

Gerald: This is just a document, right?

Selena: .... ( ^ _ ^ )

Gerald: Right?! ( °□° u)


•Please notify me if there are any spelling or grammar error in this chapter.

•Thank you all for checking out and reading this novel.