
I'll gonna be rich

UnluckyFisher · สมัยใหม่
2 Chs

Chapter 2

" I'm home "

" Oh , theres food in the fridge,just eat when you want"

His father answered without removing his eyes form the television.

Jonathan then washed up and entered his room, there he stared at the void in daze.

He put his hand onto the pocket of his pants and pulled out a rock and his dazed focus on it.

He felt that it has a considerable weight and texture.

" It's real..."

Jonathan was still unable to accept the reality of what happened but the rock on his hand was enough to show him that it was all real.

He stood up form his bed and walk up to the table at the other side of it, there is a simple set up of lamp and books are arrange, which showed the his scholastic demeanor on the past.

He pulled closed the lamp and switch it on , it bulb then shed light to the rock on his hand revealing its features clearly.

It a irregulary shaped rock with a bunch of dents and remnants of soil around it whichade it look like a normal road side rock but when he look it closely he was able to discern that its has a glass like appearance.

He pulled the drawer underneath his table and pulled out a brush that he used for cleaning, he then started brushing off the remnants soils and rock around it which revealed it's appearance.

It's blue and white stone which reflects the light from the lamp. It has has a glass like surface but it was not s fragile as a glass, infact it was hard. It has a irregular dents which made it look unsightly but Jonathan knows what it is.

It was a gemstone.

In unprocessed gemstone to be exact. It a unrefined stone that when handled by a professional may show it's beuty.

He triwl it around trying to know what kind of gemstone it was but he have no real understanding of gemstones to recognized one in it's unprocessed state.

It could be a stone that could get him large amount of money or it was just a simple beautiful stone which could earn him a couple of bucks.

" I could bring it to opf jack from the market district to check tomorrow"

He then pocketed the stone caused now he have more serious issued to face.

" How should I open it?"

Jonathan ponder a little

" Uh , appear! Open ! System open!"


A blue screen appear on face revealing the same set of text again.

[ Store

| Marks

| Transfer gate

Pnts: 0]

Now that he confirmed that the stone was real he now know that this thing is real too.

" I have no points left. I have spent it on the transfer gate"

He touch on the transfer gate and it change into the next text. But he was unable to activate it having no points to spend.

He then touch the arrow at the top of the screen bringing him back to the initial set of text again.

" How about this other functions "

He touched the store at the very top.

The screen change again now revealing a scroll lost of text with a small picture on the side of each of them.

It was simple item like flints,gas and tents but as he scroll down on the list ,it revealed more and more items such as computers and generators , it even have guns and vehicles on it but as he continued to scroll , he found that the item gets more ad more ridiculous.

Stone of transcendent

Potion of vitality

Awakening elexir

And then

Book of arts

Book of swordarts

Book of magicarts

And so on.

Jonathan scroll nonstop but the lsit seem to be endless so he stop and observe it instead.

Beside the items are the prices and he was shock to see the prices of those items, but as he remembers that he have scrolled far down he realized that it was natural for it to be expensive.

He scroll back up until he reach the top again revealing that sets of mundane items with more reasonable prices on it side.

" So a bread is worth ten points each which make it about a dollar, but I still don't know how I can earn this points"


[ The system can earn point by absorbing the misfortune around the host body.]

A robotic voice suddenly answered his question.

Jonathan was able to recognized that it was the same voice that appeared when the system first appeared.

Jonathan found it convenient that the system can answer his questions.

" Misfortune?"

' it absorbs the misfortune around me? '

" System , does the it got abosrbs before it happen or after happens?"

Jonathan can not help but asked , hearing the word absorb he can't help but imagined that the system can actually merit in him having a life riddled with badluck which gave him a bitter ideas and suspicion.

[ The system absorb the strand of misfortune around the host quantifying it by the level of magnitude, which made it not happen anymore]

" What!?"

" Then how am I still suffering from this bad lucks !"

[ As the system was in it's inactivated state , it cam only aborbs a the misfortune on the set maximum of 100 points and can only allow the rest to land on the host body]


" Then wha-"

A sudden realization came to him which made him mutted in shock.

His mind is in turmoil as he look back on his experience , and a horrible ideas came to him, it could have been worse.

Just like on his job on the construction site , the beams fell down preaty closed to him. If the system said was true , then it may have drop on to his head and squashing him. But he just loss his job.

Or when he have work on the pizza parlor which turned out to be a front for the mobs shady business, it may have got to an ugly situation if the mobs fought back , they as an employees may have been got caught in a middle of a crossfire. But he just loss his job.

Looking back , he may haved died long ago or atleast was injured cripple by those misfortune but in the end he came out unscathed.
