
I'll gonna be rich

UnluckyFisher · สมัยใหม่
2 Chs

Chapter 1: Activation

Chapter 1 

" Hundred and fifty"

Johnathan recounted his money for the third time now ,but no matter how he do it it still the same same ' a hundred and fifty dollars'. This money was now what he has left after he fired again in his job in the convenience store.


" Just how miserable my life can be"

He sigh as he look down the bridge.

Jonathan life is what you really say to be alofe of down and down. He was a grandson of a millionaire who owned apartment complex and he should be living a good life but out of reason he don't know , his father was kicked out of their family,and they were force to lived in poverty. 

At first it was bearable as his father was able to find a job. He was able to go to school and even though they are always in red , he was able to finish highschool, but the their first misfortune came. His father was injured while at work and was then loss his job. 

He chose to abondon his dream of going to the university and taking a degree , circumstances force him to take the robe of a bread winner and tackle the work force .

Due to their situation, the renumeration they have received was all been used for his father medical bills and but this atleast prevent them from falling into debt.

Jonathan then decided to start looking for a job.

At first he was ambitious and applied for positions that have good salary but after continuously being turned down he realized that his eduactinal background was insufficient.

So he chose the next best options and took physical jobs on construction sites and super markets.

He was able to stabilized their life for a little time but then his series misfortune came. At first it was the construction sites having an accidents which led to its closure. He didn't think of it much and continued to work to his other job but then they each fall into misfortune and either closed due to bankruptcy, accidents, and crime or they clear out employees which led to his jobless life.

 Jonathan did not believe in god or anything about supperstitous but this made him but after this series of misfortunes he was convinced that he carry a curse.

Everything happens in a quick succession that it was unnatural and biszzare and in a quick year , they back to where they started. They then started being behind their rent and bills and his father run out of his maintenance medicine after sometime ,he can only patch it up by taking loans and doing parttimes and odds jobs all-day long to pay for it.

But he was still followed by his misfortune.

Just like today , he was fired from the store not because he was bad at his job but because his manager was going to let his nephew work for the summer and he needed to open up a position. Jonathan was angry but he cannot do anything about it.


He blew the last smoke from his cigarette and took out it's butt. He then walk home with a forlorn face. 

" Atleast I still alived and we'll "

He conforted himself.

He can only moved forward, it was not obvious but he was a stubborn lad. He doesn't want his life to go as the fate want it too, he wants to go against it and stand stop of it as he raised his hand and declare that he truimp against fate.


" Huh!? Oh for f* CK sake!"

Jonathan can only curse as look down at his shoe that is now covered with dog s*it.

Compared to his missirable life this occurrence was can be said to a small benign misfortune but for it to happen right after he loss his job was too much.

A series of vulgar curses flew out of his mouth as he seem to now vent his pent up anger on the pile shit he have step into.

[ Minimum points aquired]

[Deducting 1000 pnts ]

[System starting up]


Jonathan was stunned mute by the blue screen that have suddenly appeared on his face . On its screen a bunch of letters and numbers was written that have corresponds to the function of the blue system.

[Store. ]


Transfer gate

[Pnts: 10. ]

As if possessed,he raised his hand to touch the screen.His finger landed in the transfer gate icon .

The text disappears and was change into different strings.

[ ]

Start transfer : 10 pnts

[ ]


A swirling portal appeared on the screen which then expand into a human sized, before Jonathan can even reacts it then move forward eating him whole in a quick split seconds.

His vision then clouded as his body cruise to the portal he can't help but to closed his eyes.

After a second he opened his eyes and what he saw was a dark enclosed corridor. its in a form of a cavern and was made of dirt and stones. In it's side, a row of torches was shining which give the sole light inside the cavern.

Jonathanind can't comprehend what's happening around him and he in unconsciously walk forward ,his eyes wander around. 

His focus was then point into something as he saw an object shining on one of the walls. It glows and twinkle as it reflects the light from the torches around.He walk to it and touch it with his tight hand. He then forcefully yank it out the wall, it gave out quickly and it fell on his hand.

He look down on it and he saw that it was a rock. 

Before he have time to observe it closely , the portal reappear behind him and then eat up him again. 

When his vision came back he was back to the street he was before. On his shoe , dog sh*t still stained the sole, above him the moon still shine down the land.

" What the f-"