
New Grade

It was the beginning of a new grade for Liana Zhou. She was so nervous on her first day that she nearly fainted, but the most terrible thing was that most of her classmates were boys. This year she planned to stay away from the specific gender "boys ".There are a total of 8 girls(including her) and 17 boys in her class. The very first time she stepped in the class they were staring at her as if it was there first time seeing a girl. Sure enough this was there first time in their 3years of high school seeing girls. The previous grades only had all girls classes and all boys classes. Every movement she made the boys watched her. For the whole day she wondered why they only paid attention to her when there were 7 more girls in the class. After registration classes started each class she had they were told to introduce themselves to the class. When it was her turn her breath got uneven, her friend Lia Yu who sat beside her had to motivate her in order for her to continue. At lunch time a group of boys approached her and asked for her number. Her group of friends who were sitting at the same table tried to warn the boys to go away before she answers them, but they were so stubborn. "Do I look like a senseless person to you" she said to the group of boys. "Oh come on stop trying to play hard to get your no different from from the girls I have dated"said one of the boys in the group. "I see your look for a girl to play with, well sorry am not that like type of girl I would rather date my grandfather than dating someone has low standard as you" Liana said. "Did you look in the mirror this morning, I'm sure you didn't because it would have told you that your not handsome at all"she said, the boys were so embarrassed because all the junior students started to laugh at them because their big bad senior was shamed by a girl. "How dare you " said the leader of their group."What are gonna do hit me, let me tell you something I will be your worst nightmare for the next 3years of highschool"Lianna said. After that incident that day none of those senior boys dared to asked for her number again.