
Your Future In The Military

Daisy and Ira both kept busy during the planting season. He wasn't quite as effective an intimidator to the miller as Leo had been but he did know his numbers and used logic against him the way Leo used to use his aura alone. What truly mattered was that she got a fair price for her grain.

Because of the distance, she only got one more letter from her friend before summer hit. It was full of such good news that she shrieked and jumped up and down when she read it.

'Dear Daisy,

'The war is over. Our side lost quite a few people but no one from my squadron after I became captain. We're heading back to the capital now so send your next letter there. And thank you for the quilt. It made my cot much more comfortable though it also made me miss you ten times more.

'Things might be chaotic for a while dealing with the aftermath but I'm not too concerned. Being back in some sort of familiar routine will be nice for everyone. Supposedly, there's going to be a parade of some sort welcoming us back but I'm not looking forward to it the same way the others are.

'It seems like a tremendous waste to me but I suppose everyone has their own preferences. I'm honestly more excited about being able to have more consistent letters. But who am I to dampen their enthusiasm?

'Anyway, I hope to hear from you soon. Based on your last letter, it seems like you've been busy with the grain harvest. Hopefully the miller didn't give you too much grief this year.

'Love, Leo'

Ira noticed her excitement and smiled. "Is he coming back?"

"Yes! Well, not here, but back to the capital where it's safer. I'm going to cry," Daisy warned as the tears began to flow despite her happy little laugh.

"Aw, don't do that, Miss Veronica! There's nothing to be sad about!"

"I'm not crying because I'm sad. I'm crying because I'm so relieved. Come on, let's get home and make a cake. This is definitely something worth celebrating! What kind should I make this time?"

Ira thought it over a moment. "What about a blueberry lemon cake?"

"Blueberry lemon cake it is!" Daisy said cheerfully as she practically began skipping home.

Leo had kept his promise. He was still alive and had even gotten closer to reaching his goal, whatever it was. Nothing could dampen her spirits right now. Nothing at all!


Rukelion had managed to accomplish half of his revenge and earned the permanent respect and unwavering loyalty of about half of his squad by the time the war was over. He would say that was a good thing.

What wasn't was the ridiculous victory parade they were subjected to on their way back into town. If they did one this time, there was a very good chance they did this on the way back from the slaughter in Katalya as well. The very thought made his blood boil.

Ordinary citizens who knew absolutely nothing of the situation—probably people he knew—would have celebrated the downfall of everything he loved. It made him sick.

When the whole mess was over, he returned to the barracks wanting to exhaustedly flop onto his bunk but he couldn't because some of the higher-ranking officers wanted to speak to him. Fantastic. Just what he needed right now.

Having accomplished his goal of killing all of the officers from the capital up in Aveleen, new leadership had taken over all of the squads. Brant from Black Dragon was their new captain and Randall was his lieutenant. For Golden Eagle it was Cartwright and Hillis.

Rukelion was willing to bet they were all being summoned to give their reports on what happened up there since communication had been sporadic. Conrad, who could somehow tell how tired he was, nodded encouragingly at him as they headed out of the barracks. Everyone else had already exhaustedly flopped onto their bunks like he wanted to.

Why did he have to be an officer? It was so much more tiring than being a regular soldier had been.

Unfortunately, it was the only way he would ever have access to the palace. He was simply going to have to deal with the fact that he was dead on his feet and strung out from the horrifying thoughts the victory parade had brought on.

Major Armistead was there but so were some other higher-ups whose names Rukelion didn't know since they were so important they never deigned to speak with anyone under the rank of major. He should have expected this. He had to be on his best behavior in front of them even though he wanted to burn them all right here.

He was certain all of the major players in the military were here in a room in the main building he had never been in before. The only person missing was the king. Their bloodthirsty leader.

"Thank you all for coming," a man in his forties that he recognized as a general from his uniform said to start the meeting. "I'm General Pace and I've been tasked with putting together a report for the king about exactly what happened up there. I understand we lost all of the officers we sent and about a third of the soldiers. Is that correct?"

"Yes, sir!" they all chorused.

General Pace sighed and turned to Major Armistead. "Who here has the most seniority?"

"Technically speaking, sir, Captain May was promoted first."

He rounded on Rukelion and barked, "Captain May! What exactly happened up there? How were so many officers lost?"

"...permission to speak freely, sir?"


"I can't speak for the others but Captain Bridger died due to his own negligence. His lieutenant and close friend, Veese, died a day earlier and he was sleep deprived from holding a vigil for him and attacked wildly in his grief. I had never seen him like that before," Rukelion told him in as respectful a tone as he could muster.

This was where he covered his tracks and made himself look good all at once. He couldn't mess up at this critical juncture.

"Is this true?" General Pace asked Brant.

"...yes, sir. All of the Silver Wolf soldiers who joined that vigil died as well, likely for the reason Captain May stated."

"I see. And your former captain?"

"Died fighting a water mage. Their powers were more formidable than we were led to believe. Almost all of the soldiers and officers we lost died while fighting water mages opposed to regular Aveleenian soldiers."

General Pace's eyes narrowed. "If they were that formidable, how did you manage to beat them?"

"That was mostly Captain May's doing, sir. I'd say he took out a fourth of the Aveleenians all by himself," Brant told him.

The general turned back toward Rukelion and eyed him appraisingly. "Can anyone back up this claim?"

"Permission to speak, sir?" Conrad asked bravely.

"Granted. You are?"

"Lieutenant Conrad of the Silver Wolf Squadron, sir. Captain May was amazing; he was like a whole army on his own. I was nearly killed by a water mage as well but he came out of nowhere, saved my life, and defeated him before going off to help others battling against them. I'd say he is the main reason our squadron was able to make it back here without any further casualties."

Rukelion nearly smiled despite his rage. He had chosen his lieutenant well. Praising him so highly in front of the higher-ups was more than he expected.

This battle-hardened general's eyes widened fractionally with surprise. "Is this true, Captain May?"

"Lieutenant Conrad gives me too much credit but yes. All of the members of my squad that died were under Captain Bridger's leadership. I did my best to swiftly end the conflict and bring what remained of my men home, that was all."

Remaining falsely humble was key here. He couldn't seem like he had a big head or they would never want to promote him further. He had to play all of his cards absolutely right in this dangerous situation. Even back in the heat of battle, he hadn't been surrounded by this many enemies at once and he couldn't do a thing about it at the moment.

"If I may speak, sir," Cartwright added. "Captain May was all over the battlefield protecting his men and taking down water mages. I've never seen anything like it. Lieutenant Conrad isn't exaggerating."

Rukelion hadn't expected that sort of praise from Cartwright but he supposed everyone here who made it back in one piece would be grateful to him. He had taken down 80% of the water mages alone, after all. He hadn't done it for them though; he had done it for himself.

"Does everyone here share the same opinion that Captain May was instrumental in ending the war without further casualties?" General Pace asked.

"Yes, sir!" all of the other captains and lieutenants shouted in agreement.

"I see. Very well then. You are all dismissed. Captain May, come with me. I think we ought to have a conversation about your future in the military." His tone left no arguments and it was hard to tell if he meant it in a good way or a bad way but Rukelion had no choice but to follow.