

Afterward, Yuga and Cynthia returned to the YoYo Day Care to discuss the Pokémon they were about to face.

It was only then that Yuga learned Cynthia's request was to help her deal with their temple's guardian Pokémon, and she aimed to capture the offspring of this guardian.

Once they had finished discussing all of this, Yuga asked Cynthia, "Miss Cynthia, do you have any specific requirements for the blue potential Pokémon you want to exchange from me?"

"Please, just call me Cynthia, not Miss Cynthia!"

After their battle and lengthy conversation, the two had become quite familiar with each other, and Cynthia found it awkward when Yuga addressed her formally.

"Well then, Cynthia, any specific requests besides your preference for attack-type Pokémon over support Pokémon?"

"None at all! I just prefer attack-type Pokémon over support ones."

Got it! That's very Cynthia! Yuga suddenly remembered that at the auction, Cynthia had join the bid over strong offensive Pokémon like Absol, Growlithe, and finally, Larvitar.

"I'll think about it."

Yuga lowered his head in contemplation, pondering which type of Pokémon to choose for Cynthia.

Cynthia wasn't specialized in any particular type; her team consisted of Pokémon with diverse types, making her a well-rounded trainer.

As far as Yuga could recall, the Pokémon Cynthia had used in the Sinnoh League Conference included Garchomp, Togekiss, Gastrodon, Roserade, Milotic, Glaceon, Spiritomb, and Lucario.

This list included Dragon, Ground, Flying, Fairy, Water, Grass, Poison, Ice, Ghost, Dark, Steel, and Fighting types—twelve different types in total. She truly was a versatile trainer.

Such versatile trainers were a rare find, and achieving notable success with such a diverse team was even rarer. In some ways, Cynthia's talents surpassed even Steven and Wallace.

To be on par with Cynthia in this regard, perhaps only Kalos's Champion, Diantha, could compare, but Diantha was slightly older than Cynthia.

Multi-type trainers faced greater challenges in achieving success compared to those who specialized in a single type. This explained why there were many well-known trainers who specialized in one type.

Of course, among trainers of the same level, multi-type trainers were indeed more formidable.

Among the eighteen types of Pokémon attributes, Cynthia has not used Fire, Normal, Bug, Rock, Electric, or Psychic types.

Considering Cynthia's well-rounded team, Yuga wondered if he should choose a type that she currently doesn't have.

With this in mind, Yuga asked Cynthia about it. Although these Pokémon would be Cynthia's, and she didn't have strong preferences for types, Yuga still felt the need to discuss it with her.

After listening to Yuga's analysis, Cynthia agreed and appreciated his perspective.

Normal, Bug, and Electric types were excluded because Yuga had them, but not in blue potential. That left Fire and Psychic types.

Yuga had Fire-type Pokémon like Ponyta, Litwick, Vulpix, and Darumaka, all of which were available in blue potential.

Recently, some of the Pokémon eggs obtained from the bankrupt Lavaridge Town Pokémon Day Care Center also had hatched, ans he got several blue potential Pokémon, including Fire-type Vulpix.

Unfortunately, none of the hatched Pokémon were new Pokémon, they were still Pokémon like Trecko, Swablu, Medidite, and Mudkip. Even the much-anticipated Torchic was absent.

There are also other Fire-type Pokémon Yuga has, such as Cyndaquil, Darumaka, etc., but their numbers are relatively small, and Yuga is reluctant to take them out.

There is also Psychic-type Pokémon like Medidite and Natu. Among the recently hatched blue potential Pokémon, there was a Medidite that would be suitable for Cynthia.

As for Natu, it was the offspring of Natus, and there was currently only one with blue potential.

Not considering Yuga's attachment to the Pokémon, based on Cynthia's requirements, in terms of attack power, Medidite was superior to Natu.

Yuga also ruled out Rock-type Pokémon. His most numerous Rock-type Pokémon were Aron and Lairon. In terms of attack power, the final evolutions of Aron and Lairon, Aggron, matched Cynthia's requirements. Unfortunately, Yuga didn't have blue potential Aron or Lairon.

Yuga found it difficult to decide which Pokémon to give Cynthia, so he presented her with options and allowed her to choose.

After considering her options, Cynthia ultimately chose Litwick from the Ghost and Fire types.

Among the Pokémon Yuga presented to Cynthia, regardless of other factors, Litwick's final evolution Chandelure and Houndour final evolution Houndoom, had the highest attack power. Yuga wasn't surprised that Cynthia chose Litwick.

Once Cynthia made her choice, Yuga said, "Please wait for a moment. I'll have Audino bring the Pokémon to you."

"Thank you!" Cynthia nodded.

In no time, Audino entered the meeting room holding a Litwick with confused eyes.


Audino gently placed the Litwick on the table.

The candlelight on it head was swaying gently as it looked at Yuga and Cynthia with curious eyes.

Especially when it came to the stranger, Cynthia!

Litwick had been born in the Ecopark and had seen Yuga only a few times, but at least it recognized him. Cynthia, on the other hand, was a complete stranger to Litwick.

"Litwick, this young lady will be your trainer from now on. Make sure to get along well with her, okay?"

Yuga pointed to Cynthia and said to Litwick.

Litwick obediently nodded and slowly moved toward Cynthia, showing no signs of resistance. Pokémon born in the Ecopark were instilled with the concept that they would have their own trainer someday, preparing them mentally from a young age.

So, Litwick easily accepted Cynthia as its trainer.

Yuga would never sell Pokémon that strongly resisted leaving the Ecopark and having a trainer. Pokémon available for trade were those open to having a trainer, and the majority of them had no problems about it.

After a brief interaction with Litwick, Cynthia captured it in a Poké Ball.

Cynthia then took out the ornate box containing the Source of Flight and pushed it toward Yuga, saying, "Now, this Source of Flight is yours."

Yuga was somewhat surprised and then chuckled, "Aren't you afraid I'll take it and run?"

After all, he hadn't fulfilled Cynthia's second request yet.

"With you giving me the Pokémon, what do I have to worry about? Besides, they say you can't escape from a temple, so worst case, I'll just stay here and pester you!" Cynthia joked with Yuga, surprising him with her lightheartedness now that they had become more familiar with each other.