

The start was a desperate game, but in the end, he counterattacked and became the actor of hundreds of billions! He is “Tang Detective” Qin Feng, “Mermaid” Liu Xuan, “Wolf Warrior 2” Zhuo Yifan, “Wandering Earth” Liu Qi… In addition to hundreds of billions of celebrities, he has a more prominent and mysterious identity! This is not my novel. I'm just putting it here. This is a machine-translated novel. I'll try to edit it from time to time.

TheOrdinaryMan · สมัยใหม่
15 Chs

Chapter 1: Legendary superstar training system!

"Savadika, bank card, phone card, credit card…what do you mean…"

"Ka Ka Ka… How come that guy is stunned! Fuck!"

When Wang Hao come to himself, he found himself in a foreign country, everything in front of him was both familiar and unfamiliar!

A group of Chinese dressed in Thai clothes are looking at him worriedly!

He recognized that Wang Baoli, the one with golden teeth, Liu Haoran was the young man with small eyes, and Chen Chichi was the one with a mean smile.

At this moment, a man with a greasy breath came over.

The greasy man looked down on Wang Hao with a vicious face and yelled: "Who the fuck is this guy! Who found it! It's not hot this day! This fucker has heatstroke! Hurry up! Pack your things and get the fuck out!"

Next to the greasy man, a beautiful woman with delicate looks, small white teeth with an S-shaped body with beautiful makeup said softly and comforted: "Sicheng, the weather is really hot outside, and it's normal for people to get heatstroke. If you get rid of him, other people will have opinions…"

The greasy man pointed to Wang Hao's face and said, "I'll spare you this time because of Yaya. Count yourself lucky this time. Next time you trouble Laozi and delay Laozi's filming process, I'll fucking kick you out myself!"

Wang Hao recognized that the beautiful woman with little white teeth was Tong Yaya, whose original name was Li Ya.

That greasy man should be Tong Yaya's husband Chen Sicheng because his looks are too greasy, he is called Chen greasy!

Wang Hao has finally determined where he is now.

Four years ago, it was the shooting scene of the first part of "Detective Chinatown" in 2015!

It turned out that in that lifetime, Wang Hao was inspired by Wang Baoli's inspirational career. From the age of 16 to 26, he worked as an actor in various major crews.

In the past ten years, he has been with many crews, and he is used to seeing many celebrities' slanderous faces in private!

Those female stars are all okay. Wang Hao looks good, at least speak softly when he scolds!

Those male stars are much worse. Anyway, Wang Hao is at the bottom of the crew.

Some male stars have hot tempers and often insults him: "Fuck! What did you do on horseback, misunderstood you? Misunderstand you are paralyzed…"

Some guys are even more exaggerated: "fuck! Laozi wants oily noodles, you fucking cut the noodles for Laozi, you fucking look for it!"

In 2019, an explosion occurred in an accident, Wang Hao suddenly returned to the parallel time and space 4 years ago!

Looking back over the years, Wang Hao has been humiliated by 80 or 90 male stars!

Those male stars are not deliberately targeting Wang Hao alone!

They just don't treat all the field workers as human beings, without the slightest respect, and brazenly humiliating behind the camera.

Because of the huge difference in status, the male celebrities who humiliated Wang Hao like an elephant who trampled on ants have forgotten what ants they trampled to death!

The other actors swallowed their anger and settled as they met.

But Wang Hao has a sensitive and delicate personality and strong self-esteem. He remembers every humiliation that those male stars gave him.

Now that I think about it, the worst impression that has impressed him during the ten years of acting is Chen Greasy!

Wang Hao still clearly remembers that one day he gave Chen Greasy fried rice because it didn't meet Chen Greasy's taste, Chen Greasy smashed the hot rice on Wang Hao's face on the spot!

On another occasion, Chen Greasy felt that Wang Hao was slow to do things, so he took a cigarette butt and burned Wang Hao's arm!

Because Chen Greasy is the director and the person with the most power in the crew, and Wang Hao is just a small meat if he fights against Chen Greasy, he will probably be blocked by all other directors. He still had the dream of becoming a star at the time. So He can only swallow the anger and humiliation!

Now that Wang Hao is back to life, he is absolutely unwilling to swallow it again like 4 years ago, he wants to retaliate on the spot!

At this time, a voice rang in his mind: "Host, calm down! If you beat Chen greasy, you will be arrested and blocked by other crew directors. This is the worst method of revenge!

Host, this system can provide the best means of revenge! "

Wang Hao was taken aback for a moment: "What system are you?"

The system said: "Host, this system is a legendary superstar training system!

This system focuses on cultivating the host's abilities, and cultivating the host into a legendary superstar that the world will admire in all aspects!

These abilities include performance, singing, dancing, musical instrument performance and other aspects, the core is performance, and ultimately cultivate the host to become the greatest actor on the planet, the actor with the highest box office value, and the actor with the highest acting skills!

Whenever the host completes a role in a film and television drama, you will be able to get rewards!

In order to facilitate the improvement of the host's acting skills, the system opens the god-level performance space!

When the host falls asleep, you can enter the god-level performance space in your consciousness. The time of the performance space is 100 times longer than reality, and the host can be practiced repeatedly in it.

There are many souls of performing masters in the god-level performance space. They are good at various roles and can give host the most accurate guidance. "

Why was Wang Hao's life as an actor is a failure for ten years?

The reason is very clear. Like some small fresh meats, he is also weak in performance and has never been able to open his mind.

Now that there is a system and a god-level performance space, acting can no longer be a shackle that hinders his ascent!

Wang Hao asked again: "is there really the best means of revenge?"